Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Funniest Thing To Ask A Stranger?

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I’ve been walking up and asking “what is your favorite flavor of hair” but it’s starting to get old…


Show a photo of yourself and ask “Excuse me, have you seen this person?”


I’ve always wanted to run up to a complete stranger in hysterics and yell, “Whatever you do, DO NOT look at their eyes!” and run away. I don’t know who the “their” is referring to, neither does the stranger. I just wanna cause unnecessary stress because I’m a menace.


“Excuse me, what year is this?” When the person tells you, respond “It works! My machine really works!!”


Have you seen my sanity? i LeFt It InSiDe An OrAnGe


Look at the person, gasp dramatically, run away.


on a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet(mines green)


Do you like pet chickens?

I normally ask this and they are confused then say they like to eat chicken, but I say back “Do you like living, walking, breathing chickens?” And then they get creeped out


Is there a phonebooth around here? SoMebODy’s In tRoUblE!


Hey there.. Hi there… I’m Lost. Have you seen me wandering around here before????
With a piece of tape or a name tag sticker on the front of my shirt that says
“If Found, PLEASE CALL (insert random friend/family member phone number) and report Missing IMMEDIATELY!!” ?


This happened to my friend when she told a girl she liked her shirt, the girl replied with “I like your face” Lol we never let my friend forget that day.


Are you a whale person or a chicken person?


Can I have a moment of your time to talk about our lord and savior etc (I’m atheist ?)


If soap smells good but taste bad, does that mean poop smells bad BUT TASTES GOOD?! Asking for a friend.


Run up to somebody, yell, “Do you see them?!? You don’t? oh… oh! that means they’re GONE! GONE, I TELL YOU!!!!” Then run away.

You can also yell, “Marco!” in a group of strangers at the store.


Apparently I once walked up to a total stranger at the mall and asked, ‘Are you Santa Clause?’ That’s a pretty weird one.


Sit on a park bench and wait for people to sit with you. “It’s done. Do you have the money?” – Not original from me; saw it either on YT, Pinterest or BP.


*Hug them* Whatever you do ,when i let go, RUN there here for you!


Did you remember to hide the body?


Once I asked a stranger what my own phone number was. No idea why.


Did you do it/did you hide it


“Do you think this book is hard enough to knock someone out with?” no matter what they say, hit yourself with the book and pretend to pass out


Do you want some Pringles? Their radioactive! ( assuming you already have them)


Sometimes I imagine myself asking a stranger, “Hey, whatever song you have in your head right now, sing it out loud!”
And then they break into the whole song and dance, musical style haha

Never actually dared to, though.


What’s the date? NO! WHAT YEAR IS IT????


Can I borrow some cash/your card? Not only is that weird, it’s f****d up


Find the most disturbing fact you know walk up to them tell them the creppy fact smile and walk away.


What are you doing here? Gasp and run away.


Wil’ya lemme go ahead jackass?


Assuming youre outside, ask if they know where the waiting room is. Or the front desk. ‘Do you work here?’ is a good one as well.


Do you have games on your phone?


“could you be a witness to my wedding”

-Max fosh


Pull this


Want to buy a furby?


Especially effective if you’re the hypermasculine type:
“Is this lipstick too pink for me?”


Nice post


Be sure that you knock on the fridge door before opening- the salad might be dressing! 🙂


When I see classmates from my old school I go up to them and say hello and then ask them if their name is whatever their name is. They all look at me like I’m crazy and after a few seconds of that they remember me. I think it’s pretty funny


When was the last time you pooped?


Giv them a hug and run


Just go up to them, point to the sky and ask them, “Did you know the sky is blue?”


Did you find the man I was talking about? I never received a call back, but maybe my umbrella is broken again.


I already know it’s hilarious. I just don’t know why I do it. I walk up to a handsome young man and say, “Hey you’re absolutely adorable. Would you like to come home with me and be my pool boy?” Best answer was, ‘Not this time; maybe next time!’


I would run up to someone and start quoting Hidan no Aria (an anime) and see how they react, then just fake die


Look at them with alarm and say, “Oh my god, you can see me?”


“Where’d you get that wig, Woolworths?”



Pardon me, I have nothing to say.
-George Carlin


On the sidewalk outside, I asked someone who works in a business I frequent if he ever thinks about killing someone. He tossed his head back and said “every day”. There was no context. I just laughed.




I know this is old, but I’ve always loved the idea of asking a stranger who says anything to me, “Can you see me?” In a panicky voice and run away.


Once had a homeless man ask me for my phone number, and then a quarter so he could “call me sometime”


My brother’s favorite thing was to walk up to a stranger and greet them as if they were a long-lost friend; leave them standing there very confused and wondering who that was and how did they know him.


Hey buddy, can ya pull my finger?


“Oh my god, it’s you! Do you remember me?”


Do you know who shot J.R.?

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/9XzZRW6
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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