Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Are Living In A Dystopian Nightmare Without Telling Me You Are Living In A Dystopian Nightmare

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What is fundamentally wrong with society and restricts your human rights?


Most people do not earn a living wage.


The country are run by people who are millionaires, telling everyone else that these are “tough times” and they must “cut back” to ensure their continued survival while they live in excess.


Inability to access affordable healthcare and medication


George Orwell’s fabulous book ‘1984’ is no longer fiction but a commentary.


I live in a country where two out of the last four presidents got into office by losing the popular vote.


If he’s rich, does he have to pay tax? No, of course not


Pro-lifers marching outside abortion clinics. Then running across town to join in the “right to arm yourself to the teeth” march.
Make up your f*****g minds!


Still having to go to work when you’re really sick if you want to get paid to have a roof over your head and cope with the high costs of living


The American dream is a lie the rich say to convince people to work till they die and never actually reach their goals. The moment an accident happens you lose everything and your told you didn’t try hard enough.


Organisations created specifically to fuel group delusion, horde wealth, take away decision making power from others, abuse children and then cover up that abuse – have access to all levels of government decision makers, pay no tax and consider themselves to be morally superior.


I remember fun fire drills during school. My brain was relaxed and ready to learn! My kids? Shooter drills and brains wired for terror. No wonder many home school.


I spent two years of my life watching people suffocate to death in a worldwide pandemic while my neighbors told me nobody was really dying, our leaders supported ineffective treatments, and nobody thought my efforts were worth the most basic items to protect me from some of the risk. Many of the people I tried to help were likely bankrupted from the care, or their families were. When it wasn’t so bad I was sent home without pay because they didn’t need me, but when it was at its worst I was told overtime was mandatory. I worked every day about infecting my family, but they weren’t allowed the vaccine for months while our leaders had it before I did.


The loss of argument based discussions – be it online, in public forums or in politics. Having a different opinion or point of view more often leads to ad hominem argumentation or physical attacks nowadays rather than sharing of thoughts backed by facts.

Especially when it comes to politics it makes the whole situation worse, as ideology based ruling never turned out good and with extremes getting stronger again it looks quite dark in the future.
(Not taking any side here – all of them are guilty of that)


In America, 13 YO girls can’t adopt a child but, if pregnant, WILL MAKE THEM F@#K!NG HAVE THE KID.
now tell me. What makes more sense
Letting people have a choice on abortion or only have one option and hate the rest who have an opinion?


I’m loving this whole working several jobs just to barley be able to afford rent./s ?


Housing prices have gotten so bad here, my family and I are about to live in campground while we continue searching for something else. The last two places we rented were sold by the owners while they could still get high prices for it.


I live in oklahoma. We have bad mental health treatment. Our jails and prisons are garbage. The Governor is constantly fighting with native tribes. No one cares about women’s right. Christians will get in your face and judge you openly. Lot of homophobics, lot of racists. A lot of animal abuse and neglect. But hey, it’s really cheap to live here. And our grocery prices are pretty fair.


Apartied is acceptable, depending on who it is happening to.
The same way that some invasions are acceptable and done for “liberation”, and others are unacceptable and everything must be done to stop them.


My country loves taking the tax out of me, it’s as if everything I own is theirs….probably how it is.


This society for whatever reason sees nothing wrong with lying while advertising. I think it contributes greatly to the overdeveloped egos that rip everybody off.


I no longer have bodily autonomy.


Having to choose between feeding your family or putting gas in your car.


it’s all f**ked and so are we!


Having to have multiple roommates as an adult because we can’t afford our own places (and we all have at least one full time job!) I love it here


In the US — Gun worship and the ease of accessibility.


I don’t go to the ER because the last time was 8k. People divorce to receive care facilities since it is 20-40k a month


The year is 2020…..still


Living in the U.S. need I say more?


I just want to get thru life & die in peace.


There is a literal war going on in a civilized world, literally one country away from where I live. If the media doesn’t cover it, nobody cares.


Having to pay for water.


democracy is dying across the world. the environment is dying. It wouldn’t surprise me if there is a second civil war in my country (USA) within my lifetime.


My country’s “Supreme Court,” stacked with extreme reactionaries selected by men who lost the popular vote, recently ruled that: 1) The environment is not worth protecting, 2) Women are brood cows, 3) Guns are more important than human life, 4) The 1st Amendment to the Constitution is null and void so government monies must go to religious schools.


the government controls everything, including opinions, decisions, and bodies (“u can own anything, alleyways, people, their souls”) and will make it life hell if u don’t confirm, and will make it hell anyway


Everything. I live in the US and Im gay,trans,mentally unstable, biologically female, and black. I AM A WALKING MINORITY!


I’ve been disabled my entire life, but apparently not disabled enough to make adult child money so all I get is an extra $500 on Dad’s social security to help with taking care of me. So much for taking care of our mentally ill.


I work to try and ensure residents can live without choosing between eating food and heating their homes. I live in a rich country.


In the last year we’ve gone from under -50°C to over 50°C. We’ve had a drought so bad the province caught fire and stayed that way for 2 months, a flood so bad we were under water for over a month. We have highest death rate from a Pandemic in our country, the lowest minimum wage, and hospitals are being shut down due to lack of funding and nursing shortages!


The USA claims to be a dream land of the free but in reality it only benifits people who are rich, cis, straight, white, men. Also robots (while some serve very good purposes) are becoming more reliable.


When watching a show/movie when one is getting shot at I yell in my head “Don’t run in a straight line Zig- Zag!!” I realized that’s what I was taught in school to do if we were getting shot at. 🙁


WW3, that’s pretty dystopian.


No real freedom of speech.


That there is still cruelty towards animals.


I have a full-time job ($50K/year) and make extra money with online sales and also freelancing; and I’m still living out of my car.


Losing approximately 1/3 of my income to taxes that pay for government programs I have no say in nor benefit from, only to have a further tenth of my income to be stolen by sales tax to pay local politician’s bribes, and then having to pay EVEN MORE taxes on gasoline, then have to pay a mortgage, utilities bills, food, and medical expenses with what’s left.


This is the thread I just looked at: 86 Posts Critiquing Capitalism And Calling For Less Consumption, As Shared In This Online Community (New Pics)


The majority of the world are at the mercy of four world leaders who are certifiably mad or who head up autocratic or oligarchic states with nuclear weapons, and we could all be annihilated in a minute if one of them gets sick of playing “Risk” with the others. Wish the entire world would just stand up to these bullies and ostracise them into oblivion.


My last hospital visit was 104k , thankfully I had insurance.


I’m scared to enter the local public highschool because there have been rape cases there. RAPE CASES. IN HIGHSCOOL.


Can’t get disability funding without trying all treatments first. Can’t get treatments first without funding.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/lPT3pYK
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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