Here’s What Would Happen If Board Games Had Honest Names (By Smosh)

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Some of our fondest childhood memories surround playing games with our friends and family, so the website Smosh wanted to help you take a trip down memory lane with an image list of your favorite games and toys – but they might be different than you remember.

Who doesn’t remember classics like “The Game Of Yelling And Bookkeeping” or “Homicide For Ages 8 And Up”? With their new title make-overs, you might not be able to look at these games the same ever again. Scroll down below to see all the classic games from your youth with their new, hilariously accurate, names. And don’t forget to upvote your favorites!

barbie’s severed head for would – be serial killers

Image credits: smosh

this game could be played with two sheets of paper and a pen

Image credits: smosh

no idea actually, this game kinda scares us

Image credits: smosh

homicide for ages 8 and up

Image credits: smosh

straight line straight line straight line square

Image credits: smosh

in a month you’ll only have three marbles

Image credits: smosh


Image credits: smosh

a fun -filled afternoon of raising kids and buying insurance

Image credits: smosh

if it comes in a bag then it’s not the real thing

Image credits: smosh

family fight night

Image credits: smosh

this will never work

Image credits: smosh

claim the corners or lose

Image credits: smosh

risk. the game of hiding out in australia until the very end

Image credits: smosh

it has robots! it has punching!

Image credits: smosh

how to find out that everybody went to a better school than you

Image credits: smosh

it’s a coil. enjoy that

Image credits: smosh

Hand – cranked frozen margarita machine

Image credits: smosh

you’ll say “sorry” but what you’ll really mean is “#%@$ you!”

Image credits: smosh

you think this game will end in sex but it won’t

Image credits: smosh

this game of yelling and bookkeeping

Image credits: smosh

from Bored Panda


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