‘Heck, I’m Old’: 112 Funny Posts People Think Younger Generations Might Never Understand (New Pics)

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As you’re growing up, politicians, teachers, and pretty much everyone around you keep repeating that you are the future of this world. The person who will shape the way it looks tomorrow. But before you can take it all in, it’s already the day after, the echo of those words has faded, and the only thing you’re left with is that annoying back pain that doesn’t go away no matter what mobility exercise you’re doing.

But don’t worry, this realization is part of maturity. To make it easier to accept, the subreddit ‘Heck I’m Old‘ shares posts from people who are in the same position and choose to reminisce with smiles and giggles. So let’s scroll through what they have to offer and maybe, just maybe, knowing that the past is still alive in our collective memory is exactly what we need to feel better about our wrinkles and graying hair.

#1 Nuff Said

Image credits: JimRussellMusic

#2 Haha

Image credits: TrustyMadman

#3 This Takes Me Waaay Back

Image credits: togugawa2

#4 It Really Wasn’t Difficult

Image credits: FriendlySquall

#5 Let’s Start Telling It Without Telling Your Age LOL Let’s Who Will Win

Image credits: BlondHorseman

#6 Are You Old Enough To Remember Getting “Rained On” At The Grocery Store?

Image credits: SheriffTaylorsBoy

#7 Truth

Image credits: Sir_John_Galt

#8 You May Be Old, But Are You This Old?

Image credits: onedavester

#9 Never Failed

Image credits: wrongsedself

#10 This Is What 30 Year Olds Looked Like In The 80s

Image credits: NoahTheAttacker

#11 The Kids Have No Idea

Image credits: The_299_Bin

#12 How Many Of You ‘70s Kids Can Feel This Picture?

Image credits: Quick_Presentation11

#13 I Bet Future Generations Won’t Understand This Immensely Frustrating Experience At All

Image credits: reddit.com

#14 Anyone Else?

Image credits: OnAmission_withURmom

#15 The Golden Age Of Education

Image credits: OriginalCopy505

#16 Some Of You Can “Feel” This Door In Your Mind

Image credits: MajesticGyal

#17 Did Anyone Else Sleep In One Of These? I Think I Would Have To Be Helped Out Of It Today

Image credits: 1illiteratefool

#18 Who Had One Of These?

Image credits: missbhaving77

#19 Did You Ever Win Anything Other Than A Free Pop?

Image credits: lopix

#20 Are You This Old?

Image credits: spycodernerd2048

#21 Anyone Else Grow Up With These?

Image credits: leglesslegolegolas

#22 The 80’s Really Were A Different World

Image credits: GramPam68

#23 If You Remember Seeing This Machine You’re Pretty Old

Image credits: joetrumps

#24 Really I’m Old Enough ,who’s With Me

Image credits: PoorlyLame2

#25 Who Remembers Changing A Channel By Turning The Knob

Image credits: Appropriate_North806

#26 You’re Old But Are You This Old?

Image credits: reddit.com

#27 You’re Old, But Are You This Old?

Image credits: wamimsauthor

#28 Geeeeeez

Image credits: itsoktobequiet

#29 Are You Old Enough To Remember When Wendys Had Cool Old Fashion Tables?

Image credits: Itchy-Progress-7309

#30 If You Had One You Are Old

Image credits: Itchy-Progress-7309

#31 The Older I Get, The More I Identify With These Men

Image credits: damagedgoodz99824

#32 If This Was Your First Live Action Joker, You’re Old

Image credits: singleguy79

#33 I’m Telling Them

Image credits: maria_tsoukalas60

#34 Who Remembers Him?

Image credits: R3b3lli0n

#35 This Always Seemed To Appear On My Parents Coffee Table Between Thanksgiving & Christmas

Image credits: Altruistic-Cut9795

#36 Crazy How They’ve All Aged So Well… Well Most Of Them

Image credits: Tha-KneeGrow

#37 Best Halloween Costumes Ever

Image credits: Separate-Material746

#38 If You Remember This Boat…

Image credits: CrankyOldBstrd

#39 Who Else Made Their Own Popsicles?

Image credits: plmbguy

#40 If You Get It, You Get It

Image credits: Motor-Cause7966

#41 Who Is Old Enough To Remember All Of These? ?

Image credits: HeO2Diver1101

#42 Remember What Show This Came From?

Image credits: skipperbob

#43 F**k, I’m Old…

Image credits: Bag-Rotten398

#44 I Loved These And Used To Read Them At The Dentist’s Office. It Was Standard Waiting Room Stuff For Kids

Image credits: Longjumping_Prune852

#45 Old Enough To Remember Smoking In Grocery Stores

Image credits: Meatcork1

#46 I Was 11 Years Old. A Much Simpler Time. I Really Miss The Hot Apple Pies

Image credits: reddit.com

#47 I Feel Personally Attacked

Image credits: alwaus

#48 Remember When You Opened A Band Aid By Pulling A String?

Image credits: SmellySweatsocks

#49 Old School Coffee Vending

Image credits: RancidCidran

#50 Wise Beyond His Years

Image credits: MissAsshole

#51 If You Grew Up Back In The Day You Have A Definite Opinion On This Gum

Image credits: joetrumps

#52 Who Was Around When These Two Became Famous And Then Infamous?

Image credits: MurseMan1964

#53 I See Your “Tales From The Crypt,” And Raise You Elvira

Image credits: Longjumping_Prune852

#54 The F**k Is This?

Image credits: EdwardsjWE8nl6fb2

#55 Dont Even Try To Tell Me You Dont Know These

Image credits: EventualOutcome

#56 If You Remember This Guy…

Image credits: Yeti_Urine

#57 You May Be Old, But Are You This Old?

Image credits: evanmars

#58 Anyone Ate At The Woolworths Counter?

Image credits: gerdzilla50

#59 Don’t Mind Me, I’m Just Checking Out The Back Of The Store

Image credits: bigrobdd

#60 When You Looked Forward To A Bath

Image credits: Altruistic-Cut9795

#61 When You Were Thirsty

Image credits: Manyworldsonceagain

#62 Remember When Air Was Free?

Image credits: L0st-137

#63 Critics Didn’t Like It. It Bombed At The Box Office, But I Liked It. Who Else?

Image credits: MurseMan1964

#64 Are You This Old?

Image credits: Capital_Wasabi_1149

#65 If You Remember This Guy Yelling At You…

Image credits: robbobster

#66 If You Can Tell What This Is, You Might Be Old

Image credits: BitterFuture

#67 Could This Movie Be Made Today?

Image credits: MovingTarget-

#68 These Were Fun

Image credits: 6millionwaystolive

#69 These Guys Were The Best –

Image credits: VintageCrosman

#70 If You Ever Operated One Of These You’re An Old Sob

Image credits: joetrumps

#71 Who Remembers?

Image credits: AffectionateRent5745

#72 Can You Hear It?

Image credits: Historical-Bug-4784

#73 Did You Know: These Spaceships Are Actually Guitars?

Image credits: FearlessTimbit3728

#74 Anyone Else Have To Sell World’s Finest Chocolate For School?

Image credits: Longjumping_Prune852

#75 If You Have Opinions On These Guys You’re Pretty Damn Old

Image credits: joetrumps

#76 Never Forget

Image credits: EventualOutcome

#77 I See Your Big Wheel, And Raise You A Tonka Dump Truck!

Image credits: ImpressiveSection236

#78 You Can’t Hear A Picture?

Image credits: epicenter69

#79 Who Remembers Being Fed This Delicious Pink Medicine With This Spoon As A Kid?

Image credits: MuffinLeah

#80 Yall Remember

Image credits: maria_tsoukalas60

#81 Does Anyone Remember This Movie?

Image credits: HereInThisRedEarth

#82 Definitely Mad Max

Image credits: R3b3lli0n

#83 If You Remember What Movie This Scene Is From, You Probably Cancelled Your Canoe Trip To Georgia, And…you’re Old

Image credits: MurseMan1964

#84 But Are You This F**kn Old?

Image credits: rbrt_brln

#85 Were You One Of These Kids?

Image credits: Tony-Sopranos-Prozac

#86 My 27 Year Old Son Didn’t Understand The Significance Of This Place

Image credits: roxskier4ever

#87 I’ll See Your Paddle Ball And Raise You A Cheap Airplane

Image credits: reddit.com

#88 Who Dares To Admit That They Liked These Guys?

Image credits: Ok_Neat5562

#89 You Are Definitely Fecking Old If You Remember This Guy

Image credits: OffMyRocker62

#90 You Old Enough To Know Who These Guys Are?

Image credits: dArcor

#91 Are You So Old That You Participated In Hands Across America?

Image credits: boredtodeath

#92 How Old Are You… This Old

Image credits: Motosurf77

#93 I See Your Cap Bomb & Raise You…

Image credits: Floridaguy555

#94 More And More With Each Passing Day!

Image credits: damagedgoodz99824

#95 Pew Pew! Pewpew

Image credits: Kevalemig

#96 Haven’t Thought About These Since The 80s

Image credits: joetrumps

#97 Anyone Else This Old?

Image credits: Wicked-Feleena

#98 If You Know What This Small Half Circle Ring Is For, You’re Old

Image credits: FADITY7559

#99 Who Remembers This Gem Of A TV Show?

Image credits: CrankyOldBstrd

#100 Remember These

Image credits: Conscious-Cable-2656

#101 Driving Stick

Image credits: DarleneSusan58

#102 This Stuff Smelled Like Heaven: Bike Chains, Skateboard Wheels, Baseball Gloves

Image credits: WangoTheWonderDonkey

#103 What Was That One Thing You Always Wanted And Never Got?

Image credits: sleeplesscitynights

#104 Who Remembers Bozo The Clown?!

Image credits: MillerHill

#105 I See Your Pop Snaps And Raise You This.. Are You This Old ?

Image credits: moldytacos99

#106 If You Know What This Is Or Browsed The Catalog, You Are Old Af

Image credits: Drinkythedrunkguy

#107 What Classic Shows Would Never Get Made Today?

Image credits: MovingTarget-

#108 If This Brings A Chuckle To You… Then Yeah, You’re Old

Image credits: skipperbob

#109 If You Get This You’re Pretty Old

Image credits: joetrumps

#110 If You Ever Got Bogged Down By One Of These, You’re Old

Image credits: toaph

#111 Who Remembers This Movie?

Image credits: R3b3lli0n

#112 Are You This Old?

Image credits: HeO2Diver1101

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/qENeCsn
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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