Giveaway: Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal – A Tool to Calm Your Mind

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This post contains a giveaway. If you’re reading this in your inbox, click here to enter on the site!

Though life has become a lot less busy for many these days, I suspect a lot of us have incredibly busy minds given all the uncertainty we’re facing.

It’s easy to get caught up in worst-case and what-if scenarios, trying to create some sense of control in a world where we have very little.

I know, because I’ve done this many times. I’ve locked myself in a corner in my mind, filled my internal whiteboard with every possible combination of outcomes, and obsessed over how I could avoid potential pain—ironically, causing myself immense pain in the process.

To some extent advance planning can be helpful. It gives us a chance to prepare for the worst and ascertain how we can do our best to get through it. But beyond a certain point it becomes maddening.

It’s natural to have worrisome thoughts—they arise without our conscious choice. But we can consciously choose how we engage with them instead of spinning them into a tornado of anxiety that will surely destroy our peace, and possibly our health.

This is why I created Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal a couple years back: to help us all work through the fearful thoughts that would otherwise consume and control us.

With writing prompts, quotes, questions for contemplation, and coloring and doodle pages, the Worry Journal can help you feel calmer, less anxious, and more present in your life.

It’s a tool to help you reflect and then release, while broadening your perspective and helping you develop trust in your own ability to handle whatever’s coming.

I think we all need that right now—a reminder that we’re stronger than we think and more resourceful than we realize. And that is why I’m giving away three free copies of Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal.

The Giveaway

There are two things you need to do enter the giveaway:

1. Subscribe to Tiny Buddha if you’re not already a subscriber. (You’ll receive instant access to Tiny Buddha’s 30-Day Health Challenge and three cool desktop wallpapers!)

2. Leave a comment below completing one of these prompts from Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal:

  • Today, I choose to let go of things I can’t control, including…
  • I recognize that I don’t need to have all the answers right now. Today, I give myself permission not to know…
  • Dear inner critic: You always focus on everything I’m doing wrong, but I know I’m doing a lot right, including…
  • I know I’m strong enough to handle whatever comes at me, because I’ve survived a lot, including…

Your comment can be as short or long as you’d like, and you can enter until midnight PST on Sunday, May 31st.  I will list the winners at the top of this post some time on Monday, June 1st.

Please note you’ll need to check back then to see if you’ve won so you can email me your address.

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She’s also the author of Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal and other books and co-founder of Recreate Your Life Story, an online course that helps you let go of the past and live a life you love. For daily wisdom, join the Tiny Buddha list here. You can also follow Tiny Buddha on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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The post Giveaway: Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal – A Tool to Calm Your Mind appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

from Tiny Buddha

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