Part of growing up often means learning that the world isn’t everything that it seems, but often enough, this “false understanding” is a result of the “real” world we have all seen on TV. Sometimes this is called disenchantment, but the truth is that so many parts of life are just made up for convenience on screen.
Someone asked “What happens on TV all the time, but never happens in real life?” and netizens shared their best examples. From way too nice houses to magic bullets, get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below.
In the movies and on TV, it’s precisely when everything is perfect and everybody is happy that you know something disastrous is about to happen.
Seeing everything go well is what makes you suspicious.
We are learning to be afraid of good fortune – as if joy was something to be wary of.
An assured, impending catastrophe is a sound reason to make sure we never get too happy.
And sure enough, that’s when the car skids. The child wanders off into the woods. Smoke billows.
Well, life is not like TV.
Wonderful things can keep happening to me, one after the other.
The other shoe is not going to drop.
There is no logical reason why there should be a limit to how happy I can be, and the same holds true for you.
Image credits: Dushka Zapata
Gun shot victims dying slow and peaceful deaths. On the screen the victims are usually saying their goodbyes, asking for forgiveness, or seeking revenge.
Reality is very different. As a trauma nurse, I have witnessed many gun shot wound deaths and none were peaceful. The scene is violent and horrific. The victim is generally pleading to be saved if they’re conscious.
It is nothing like most movies depict. There are some movies that depict accurate deaths by gunshot, but most do not because the violence would deter audiences from watching.
Image credits: Keith Albert
One’s outfit, makeup, and hair style always match.
Fat people are rare.
Houses are either big, beautiful, and perfectly decorated, or small, ugly, and messy.
Funerals seem like fancy occasions.
People go through glass – easily – suffering only minor scrapes.
Money is seldom a reason to worry.
People are in the mood for sex soon after being involved in traumatic situations.
All lawyers go to court.
All crimes are solvable.
People brush their teeth without slobbering.
Image credits: Lilly Black
Girl gets injured — maybe knocked unconscious. Guy picks her up and carries her, princess style, miles and miles to safety. Maybe up a mountain, maybe through the woods, maybe just a few blocks down the road.
Anyone who’s ever carried anyone knows it’s super hard. The strongest man I know can’t carry me more than, perhaps, a block. And that’s being generous. And I’m really good at being carried — I don’t lie there limply. I use my arms and core to take some weight off the guy’s biceps and put it onto his shoulders.
In real rescue situations, you’d typically have say, six people carrying one victim — with other rescuers to sub in when they got tired.
Image credits: Eva Glasrud
Locker Conversations.
In between classes, in TV shows, characters stop by their lockers for a chat with their friends. This is seemingly where A LOT of drama happens. But in real life? No.
Most high school students rarely use their lockers; they just carry their things around in their backpacks. Lockers are often assigned to students in hopes that they will be used daily, but in reality they supply a storage unit for rarely used textbooks and school supplies. Also, students usually have around five minutes between their classes, so there isn’t enough time to casually chat with their friends outside of their lockers!
Another thing, ALL CHARACTERS HAVE TOP LOCKERS. Wow! By chance, all the main characters were all lucky enough to be assigned top row lockers? Never irl lol.
Image credits: Bee Halence
People running out of a restaurant without paying the bill. You see this a lot on cop shows when they get a call, or when someone has to leave quickly-they just run out. I can recall only a few instances where you actually see people paying for a bill at the end of a meal.
Image credits: C. Lang
Women waking up and the hair is perfect, the face looking perfect and glowing even if they’ve been up all night. Yeah, right. Even young women will look rough in the morning
Image credits: C. Lang
Cops and lawyers and doctors are all hot and camera ready. I can count the number of times I’ve seen a fat cop or a balding overweight lawyer or a doctor who looks like the doctors on TV. You’d think that these people are only marking time being doctors or lawyers until they get the call from their agent so they can start their entertainment or modeling careers.
The arrest rate would be a lot higher if all the cops looked like this
Hell, criminals would VOLUNTEER to be locked up just to get a car ride to the station with this guy. Bonus points if they get cuffed by him, too.
I’m thinking of the TV show Bones in particular where everyone is a genius level Ph.D in some hard science and they all look hot, even the most geeky of them. I liked the show, but if my engineering school had been full of guys that looked this hot….
There is a reason women engineers have a saying, “The odds are good, but the goods are odd” and it ain’t because their colleagues look like this:
Image credits: C. Lang
Let’s talk about movie gun fights.
Because they are ridiculous.
In a real gunfight a guy never walks down the middle of an open street. Standing up tall just shooting and not reloading.
Meanwhile, his enemies have him surrounded, are behind cover, shooting at him and missing over and over again.
Somehow Denzel just strolls down the street returning fire, landing head-shot after headshot with every round he fires.
It’s beyond science fiction. He would have been dead and the movie would have ended after 5 minutes.
Don’t believe me? Ask any military vet.
Image credits: Sean Kernan
Things that bother me the most
Step-parenting issues are resolved in a week or less. Sorry folks, being a step-dad myself I just get angry at how fast step-parent bonding is resolved in “one-episode” or less. Doesn’t happen that way.
Single criminal makes 5 or 6 law enforcement professionals lay down their weapons so he can flee with a gun to the head of the hostage. Never happened. Ever.
Phone calls that finish without any salutations (“Goodbye”)
Phone user hears a “dial-tone” after someone hard-hangs up on them. What is this, the 1980s?? Cellphones have never had dial-tones. Ever. Also cellphones making “dialing” noises when a user hits a speed-dial or callback number. Folks, this is an artifact of the analog phone system.
Every criminal mastermind has 3-D blueprints of every office building ever built.
Fetal ultrasounds are the most exciting thing ever and cause an instant change of heart for the boyfriend/fiance/father who could not have cared less 2 minutes ago, and their life is never the same. Maybe if we all hadn’t seen this same scene 1000 times already, it would have some impact.
Don’t get me started with “hacking” scenarios
Image credits: Victor Volkman
Ultra, ultra white teeth. I’m talking new toilet bowl porcelain white.
On Breaking Bad Jesse smoked meth and cigarettes regularly, but somehow miraculously was able to maintain a dazzling white smile.
Image credits: Guy D. McCardle
An Indian boy likes a girl, the girl doesn’t know it. He wants to express his feelings.
What he will do?
He will stalk her in the college or school. He will stalk her in the mall while is shopping. He will stalk her while she is eating food. He will stalk her in the library. He will stalk her in the other country too. (Where the female lead is spending her honeymoon with her fiance, he still doesn’t stop.) He will stalk her to the bathroom, yeah we are Indians we don’t spare any space. And then what happens?
*Drum roll please.*
The girl falls in love.
This is the concept of 99% of Indian movies.
Image credits: Radhika Pulel
People spending all of their time hanging out at the coffee shop (practically living there) ordering food and laughing day and night without having to worry about work or any other normal daily activities whatsoever.
Image credits: Abdullah Shiryar
Empty coffee cups.
Seriously, whenever you see a character holding a disposable coffee cup like this one on TV, it’s always empty. Really, obviously empty. I find it very distracting.
I believe it’s because most actors can’t be trusted not to spill the contents of their cup all over the expensive filming equipment or the set or whatever. But is it really too difficult to make a prop cup the same weight as a full coffee cup? Or maybe have a lesson in pretending your cup is full at acting school?
Sorry to ruin every show ever for you…
Image credits: Darren Morrissey
Someone pointed this out to me once, and now I can’t not see it: people hang up on telephone calls without saying “Good bye” or otherwise conversationally signaling that the conversation is concluded. The phone call will come in, and then the moment that the plot-advancing information has been exchanged, the call is abruptly ended.
At least in the United States, if you had a phone call like that with someone in real life, you’d probably find it exceptionally rude.
Image credits: Ian McCullough
Everyone you know just being in the same room. (I'm looking at you, sit-coms)
Now if you arrange a get together, I can see most of your friends being there. Probably not all, a few people have work or need to pick up someone from the airport. I can also see maybe three or four people who all know each other just happening to be in the same place at the same time with no particular arrangement, it happens, particularly if you live close together.
On a regular basis? With no apparent three-day notice, prior planning, or reason? I mean, not one of these people has anything else to attend to, has a cold, a date, or just doesn't feel like it?
I can't speak for anyone else, but to get my entire group of friends to turn up to a coffee house takes more than just casually showing up there and hoping for the best. Hell, give me a week to notify everyone, some a**hat will cancel at the last minute.
Image credits: Jake Williams
Ring doorbell and someone will open the door within 2 seconds. Do people always stand in front of their doors waiting for someone to ring the bell?
Call on someone’s phone and they will pick up the call within a second. How come I have to wait so long for people to pick up their phone?
Background music/score. It would really help me figure out what’s happening in my life just by paying attention to background music.
Speed dating in almost every show. Guy meets girl, flirts a bit, sparks fly and the next thing you know that they are seeing each other. Doesn’t happen that often in real life.
How come they don’t watch tv like we do? Only The Big Bang Theory used to discuss about tv shows and movies. But even that stopped after a few seasons.
Laugh tracks in comedy shows. It would really help me if laugh tracks actually worked in real life. Some people don’t understand that I made a joke.
Why everybody looks so perfect in TV shows? Girls know how to apply perfect makeup. Guys have gelled hair and abs. Everyone has perfect skin.
Image credits: Ruchi Rashinkar
The campfire.
One of the characters goes off to collect wood. They return after a while with a small bundle of sticks. Then the characters put about six of them together and set them alight. And they all sit around for the rest of the scene, talking. Nobody adds more wood. Everyone is completely warm. They may even boil water in a small billy can over the flames. And then in the morning, the scene begins with the smouldering remnants of the fire, which has burned almost all night, and pans slowly to the well-rested characters stirring from slumber.
Where can I find this incredible, slow-burning, long-lasting wood? That initial bundle of sticks is enough for maybe half an hour of decent fire, and that fire is going to need serious tending or it’s just going to go out.
But no: in TV (and movies!), campfires last as long as the plot demands.
First, yes I know that (for the most part) collecting firewood, struggling to light a fire, or tend a fire to keep it going, is boring and contributes nothing to the plot. I know that showing that activity would be a waste of time and shoe leather.
But, there are many TV conventions which are also fake, such as actors sipping from cups that are clearly empty, or struggling to lift suitcases which are also clearly empty, or having sex with their bras still on, or there being enough light in even the darkest of caves and tombs to illuminate the scene. The perpetual campfire is just one more to add to the list.
Second, the way they do it in Hollywood is to have a small gas line, and “twigs” which are made of something incombustible. That solves several problems at once: it means that there is always a bright yellow flame of the desired size, with no smoke to get in the way of the camera, or to get in the actors’ eyes. It also means that, on repeated takes, the appearance of the fire is exactly the same: sticks, etc, have not burned away and had to be replaced.
Overall, it’s mostly something we just accept on the screen, and never pay attention to, and I admit I had never really noticed, until I had a wood-burning stove of my own and realised how difficult it is to get it burning warmly, and then how much wood you need to keep shoving into it to keep it going!
Image credits: Vivienne Marcus
Everyone is always invincible.
Fall off a roof? You’re fine.
Got shot ten times? Just brush it off.
Tom Cruise doesn’t die after crashing this car off a 30 foot drop.
Unless specifically asked for in the script, everyone can take a beating with little to no damage. Someone gets shot? Ah no problem, they can take it and continue fighting and eventually beating the villain.
Now, excuse me while I go beat up 20 guys on my own. I have anger issues. Don’t ask.
Image credits: Daniel Bauwens
Ok, this isn’t a deep, philosophical answer, but whenever I see someone brushing their teeth on TV it always looks neat. No toothpaste dripping down the chin or getting flicked into the eyes. I know that for practical purposes the actors don’t use toothpaste because it would ruin the shot, but I really wish just once it would look more realistic.
Image credits: Shannon Gilles
I won’t go so far as to say that this never happens, but…
In television and movie “passion” scenes, the guy always grabs his partner—clothes ripping, buttons popping and flying across the room, and shoes hanging from lamps.
The guy then proceeds to enter his partner with zero preparation—no tender touches, no foreplay, no condoms… no anything.
And despite all of these factors, both parties dissolve into screaming mutual satisfaction within two minutes.
This has never happened to me. Nor has it happened to anyone that I know.
No concern about contraception? Diseases? Caring about your partner’s needs?
I want to know where the notion came from that this is realistic for most people… but then again, we’re talking about entertainment—not real life.
I guess that’s the point.
Image credits: Holly
1. Actor staggers through desert, finally makes it and finds water. Takes tiny sip of water. Well, you aren’t supposed to drink too much at once if you are dehydrated (you’ll throw up) but really? I think it’s because they like to do multiple (11 or so takes), and you can’t chug a whole bottle of water every time.
2. Actor staggers through desert, finds case of water, drinks some and the pours rest over head. Who would be so stupid?
3. Actor is wounded and they do one of the following: a) Pour alcohol on it. Dumb idea. No doctor would tell you to do that. Water only (and no hydrogen peroxide, either. These are for disinfecting scars (H2O2) or for disinfecting healthy skin beforehand or for something like a shots and have no purpose for open wounds except damaging surrounding tissue and killing white blood cells). b) Cauterize the wound. Terrible idea. It kills surrounding tissue and creates problems later, like gangrene. c) Pour alcohol on it, then cauterize it. You might as well just stab them again. It’s only there for drama.
4. Jumping cars. If you jump a car without a carefully-planned down ramp, you can expect so much damage you will not be able to continue. It works for monster trucks, not Camaros.
5. Punching people straight in the face full-force without breaking their hand. Then they do the same thing 20 more times in the fight that lasts 5 minutes.
6. Beat up the criminal, then run away without taking the gun. I think anyone would have enough presence of mind to take the gun even in a panic situation. After all, they just beat up the criminal, so they can’t be in full flight mode.
7. Alcoholics either a) have lots of alcohol in the cabinet or b) leave the table without finishing their drink.
8. Soldiers give long machine-gun blasts. That’s called “spray and pray,” and you’ll be out of ammo in no time. Trained soldiers use short bursts.
9. Characters go to someone’s house to talk to the rather than just call the on the cell, e.g. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
10. Actors, while driving, continuously move the steering wheel left and right.
Image credits: Andrew Kirk
1. Not every ending is Happy ending – I think in the back of in our head we all have that stupid movie fantasy of bumping into your ex years later and have the most romantic reunion. And suddenly you feel the sparkles and realise how you two are meant to be together all this time after all. Yeahh no. SNAP OUT OF IT YOU DUMB…. Your life is not like kuch kuch hota hai that you will meet your ex after 8 years in summer camp and just by playing basketball you will fall in love. When life gives you Aman, accept it,because then you will be going to die single for life. Don't keep going for that rahul.The only happy ending in real life is eating last part of cone and having sukhi papdi after pani it is my type of happy endings…
2. No one is going to fix you – we don't admit that but in the back of our head we all are waiting for that one person just because of bollywood make us thinking that one day we'de meet someone who will finally fix us and complete in ways that we didn't even know that was possible. No friend, no Tara is coming to fix you or save you. It's not anyone responsibility to fix you ,you yourself can fix your ownself. Everyine is dealing with their own s**t so no one is going to come to fix you. You have to be your own tara.
3. Expressing yourself – Unlike Bollywood characters, people can't actually read your mind they are not astrologers or psychologists. Just because they know you more than other people doesn't mean they'll magically know you're going through some s**t because ain't no diya gonna go off, or aarti ki thaali gonnna fall down to show them you're upset. You have to just share, tell them how you're feeling. I know it sounds too simple and basic, but I also know how DIFFICULT it can be for people to express sometimes. But you gotta do it. Just tell them what's actually up with you. That will solve so many unnecessary problems in your life I promise. Emotions are meant to be shown there so why to hide things which have to be expreseed…?
4. Meeting “The one” – Ahhhhh, the most popular one. You'll randomly meet the love of your life on a rainy day at a railway station like Ted Mosby and instantly feel the sparks right there at the moment… and you'll just know. OR You're not gonna meet a stranger on your solo trip and instantly fall in love. That's – too much – side effects of watching these movies. Life chal rahi hai, koi Tamasha nahi. Besides, You're too awkward to start a conversation with people you already know, strangers se ghanta baat karoge. First of all, here nobody's gonna send you on a solo trip.You going on a solo trip and finding someone whom you can relate and then completing each other's lives is next step bro…
5. Closure from your ex – Life is not like 500 Days of Summer where'd you sit down on a bench with your ex months from now and have a post breakup heart to heart conversation which will answer all your questions and you'll know exactly what happened and in that moment you'll find closure. Mmmhmm noooo. More often than not, you don't get a "closure." Because they can't offer you any. It comes from within. By forgiving them & yourself. Don't wait for it 🙂
6. Friends – also you won't be part of a friend circle that stands with you All the time. This is life ain't friends apartment.
Image credits: Muskan Maheshwari
You know how on TV or in the movies, the audience can tell a pregnant lady is going into labor because her water breaks in dramatic fashion?
I guess you should stop reading here if you’re grossed out by bodies.
But most women start having contractions well before their water breaks. For women whose water breaks first, it’s more often a constant trickle than a big gush. Many women can’t tell if their water has broken or if they’ve peed their pants.
This one just slays me: two people lustfully tear each other’s clothes off and make breathless, passionate love, coming to magical, mutual orgasm after a whopping five seconds. I’d like to visit THAT world.
Forensics. Attending a crime scene or post mortem while not wearing a hair net, safety goggles, face mask etc. Because if you’re a hot young pathologist, you’re more concerned with looking good than contaminating evidence or having corpse fluids on you
Image credits: Grace Webster
When a couple kisses for the first time, everybody around them applauds.
Women wear bras to bed, under their night gowns, and full make-up.
High schools are full of 25 year old students.
When people brush their teeth, they never rinse their mouths. They just spit and go.
Business people and professionals drink whisky, neat, constantly, regardless of sex, age or culture. Often they toss back 4 to 6 ounces without having any apparent effects.
People never say please or thank you – especially thank you.
Nobody ever finishes a meal – especially breakfast. They get loaded up with pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast, and then they leave it untouched. They also never take more than a sip of their giant glass of orange juice.
People are really nasty to each other – yell, say hurtful things – and yet there are seldom repercussions either personally or professionally.
Characters live in apartments or houses that would cost much more than they could afford.
Medical shows are meticulously researched (to the point that medical students study shows like House), but in crime shows, m*rder and s****de methods are frequently all wrong. Ditto bomb building. (I’m not complaining.)
Image credits: Ruth Ellis Haworth
If I can safely call Indian serials as legitimate TV shows, almost everything that happens there, happens there. Infact things overhappen.
The biggest thing being…
Every woman wears Saree, and about 2kgs of makeup. Every guy wears a suit. And no, they’re not Barney Stinson. They’re not even half as legendary.
They don’t live in a flat. They live in a friggin palace, which btw is in the middle of a city, and that too, a city as congested as Mumbai.
The characters do not age.
Image credits: Sarhad Choudhary
The bad guys are always shooting at the good guys with multiple machine guns, hitting everything in sight, but somehow missing them completely.
Sly is the bad guy here.
And the good guys are shooting with hand guns, but always drop the bad guys with a single shot.
And often from on the run.
Makes me crazy.
1. Typing
The protagonist never makes a mistake while typing.
2. Memory
Walking into a room and never forgetting why.
3. Parking
Finding a convenient spot everyday outside your apartment.
4. Cleaning
The deed you do after the deed of doing.
5. Fights
When girls fight, there is a lot of hair pulling in real life.
6. Plans
Making dinner/movie plans without discussing time & day.
7. Reception
All phones work perfectly, no need to request repetition.
8. Sneezing
Unless winter or a virus is part of the plot, no one sneezes.
9. News
Turning on the TV just in time for the news relevant to your life.
10. Clothes
Walks into a room/house, clothes/bag never get stuck in the handle.
People have conversations in nightclubs.
I still like pub life, but I haven’t been to a club in years and never did like them much—you cannot talk to people without being on the verge of screaming in their ears because of the music blasting PUN-CHIZ PUN-CHIZ PUN-CHIZ loud enough to melt the paint off the walls. But on TV and in movies people have extended heart-to-heart talks. How can they hear each other?
Waiting for a taxi isn’t a thing in movies. Just wave your hand and a taxi will appear out of nowhere.
Phones in movies are so advanced that you don’t even dial the whole number and you’re already talking with your correspondent.
Shooting 952 bullets towards somebody and not even one of them hits him.
Although the house is obviously haunted with evil souls and ghosts and death is the most probable thing to happen, staying for 9 more weeks is apparently a good idea.
I look through the window and see someone creeping in the back of the house with a machete in his hand and his face covered with blood. I go straight towards him in case he is lost or something.
Science says humans can’t survive without oxygen for more than 3 minutes. Movies say that humans can spend 10 minutes under the water while fighting a shark with their bare hands.
Every time you turn on the TV, “lucky you” finds the news just starting to talk about something that relates to you. Perfect timing as always.
Running from a killer who is slowly walking towards you without falling every single 10 seconds is impossible, even if you dodged 952 bullets at once.
And finally, you can predict the future by the weather. If you see lightning, you better run because s**t is about to get real.
Here are a few things I have seen repeatedly.
Someone bursts into a room, and makes a melodramatic announcement with no preface, interrupting any other conversation that is going on. (Such as, “My life is over!”) This seems to happen pretty regularly in American sitcoms.
Related to that: People leave their apartment doors unlocked. And other people simply enter without knocking. Sometimes to deliver melodramatic lines with no preface.
People hang up the phone without first signaling the end of the conversation with “Thanks, ‘bye” or something similar. In real life, the other person would immediately call back and say something like, “Hi, we got cut off. Did you hear me when I told you that…”
Two people are having a conversation. One of them turns their back to the other, and continues the conversation that way. My mother taught me that that would be a very rude thing to do.
People leave restaurants and bars without paying the bill. Did anyone ever pay for their drink on “Cheers”?
FIGHT SCENES do not last five minutes. Real life fights on average will take all of one minute. And usually ends with one blow.
You will never be able to just punch your opponent in the face multiple times. It just doesn’t go that way. Not too many of us are karate experts.
The fight will start out with both parties posturing in your typical boxing stance. After about thirty seconds it becomes a wrestling match, or a hug fest.
YOU CANNOT OUTRUN THE POLICE. You can watch all the NASCAR you want, buy the fastest mustang. And you will never be able to outrun the police.
TV Soaps:
Whenever heroine was about to fall down her husband or boyfriend will hold her like this for 5 to 10 mins with romantic look
In background some romantic songs will come
This scene will come atleast twice or thrice in a week
In Reality :
Whenever wife or girlfriend fell down :
Their partner sometimes may lift them with OMG look and will think in their mind chhhaaaa this girl is soooo silly
They will not notice at all
They will sometime shout with concern or may be anger also : are u a small girl you don’t know how to walk also ??
So out of my personal experience
My advice to those girls who are still single . Please don’t imagine this scene like this will happen in your life after you find your partner . You will be disappointed mostly .
People turn up at the right place at the right time. Believe me, in real life, this is not the case.
Conversations seem to follow a script. No kidding.
People dress in a way that perfectly suits them.
Smokers are immediately seen as evil. Unfortunately, many perfectly nice people smoke in real life.
Catchphrases. No one actually has them. Seriously.
Perfectly clean rooms. SO far from the truth.
(On American Shows) Everyone drives an American car.
Every male character looks like they work out every day.
Every female character looks like they’re ready for a photoshoot.
Jokes are laughed at every time. I wish this was the case in reality.
Let me show you a teenage edition of TV disappoiments.(well not all of them are teenage-related, but most teens will relate)
1. You know those cool a*s proms where there is a live band and everyone is having fun in an age-appropriate way and people are making memories and everything looks terrific? Yeah, never happens. My prom was basic, with a live band that performed for a total amount of 1.5 hours, with people who sneaked in and got away with it and where the coolest songs were Sex on fire by Kings of Leon and Beat it by Michael Jackson. The rest was bulls**t. The funniest part was taking pics with a drunk mate as if we were at the zoo.
2. Everyone you meet in your high school years is insanely attractive. I’m looking at you, Disney. You think the guys from my town are what dreams are made of, and even if they don’t look like supermodels, they are still okay and nerdy with a very cute personality? Pfffft. Yeah, sure.
3. The prince falls in love with the lonely girl. And he secretly has insecurities and is looking for someone who can love him for his personality. Yeah. Tell me more ’bout it. ’Cause all I’ve seen in my life are fkbois.
4. Teachers are attractive ….. uh-huh? Not mine tho.
5. Doctors are attractive. Each and every one. And they would love to listen to your life story and make it their priority and let you change them emotionally and be 100% there for you. Also, hospitals are cool as hell and clean and you get your own room. Y’all know what specific TV show I’m talking about. Y’ALL. What, you still want a hint? Ya sure? Well keep McDreaming…. (*cries in medicine because I’m gonna be a doctor in like…12 years*) Also I couldn’t include House because who has seen such a guy in real life? Like the person and the job too. We definitely should include him in Fiction.
6. Don’t worry, your skin will be just fine while you’re a teen. Tell that to my scrub, my cleanser, my toner and my face masks.
7. Also you will all be just fit. Only the sidekick nerds (who happen to be either Asian or black) are going to be very fat. Shame on you, TV. Shame on you.
8. Your love/social life starts at 12. Yeah. Mine lost the bus here.
After six seconds of CPR, victim spurts forth from the jaws of death. Generally, victim then coughs politely, and starts making conversation.
In real life? CPR won’t restart a heart that isn’t beating. It won’t bring a person back from the dead. It’s just the enabler: it forces blood and oxygen to keep circulating around the body, and minimizes cell death until a defibrillator or medicine can restart the heart. (Or get it back into a normal rhythm.)
Also… in real life, CPR is ugly. You hear and feel ribs crunching. (It’s worth it – keep going!) It’s also exhausting. So much so that, per research, after 2 minutes, even experienced rescuers need to switch out, because the quality of CPR declines so much from fatigue.
You shoot the gas tank of the car that is driving away and it blows up. Almost never actually happens in real life.
My wife works in cardiac medicine and HATES how dead people are bought back to life with an electric shock on TV. If a heart stops beating, that person is dead and an electric shock does nothing. A defibrillator does just that, it defibrillates. A heart in fibrillation is beating erratically preventing blood flow. A shock kind of resets it. If someone’s heart has stopped, applying CPR will help, zapping them will not.
Firing accurately: In Movies we usually watch that when someone fires the bullet goes straight and it hits the person at exactly the same place where the other person was thinking but in reality it is not as easy.
Getting Girls Easily: In Movies they show that it is very easy to get a girl.They usually show that every girl standing next to the person is dying to talk with him but that’s totally wrong.
Jumping from a long distance: They show that when someone jump from a tall building on a car or truck nothing happens to him just because he jumped accurately and also he jumped on a car but no it does not happen in real life.I can guarantee you if you would be alive after jumping from a building on a car at least your bones will be broken.
Hacking is an easy thing: We have saw that in movies when they want the access of some banking system or any other such thing they just show a green screen and say that they have hacked the system. In reality it is a very complex thing.
KIDS… Kids aren't like that. Especially as shown in the Indian TV serials.
1. Don't even get me started on this. To begin with, Diya (Tejaswi Prakash), an 18-year-old princess, is given the sole responsibility of Ratan Banna (Afaan Khan), the 9-year-old heir to a supposedly enviable Rajput empire, one that he stands the risk of losing his life over. Of course the only way for her to be able to protect him is to be his wife. I’ll give you a moment alone with that logic. All they are depicting is a 10 year old stalking and romancing an adult girl.
2. They are always super excited and talk in annoyingly high pitched voice. Always.
3. Serials with a child protagonist always have him get bullied in the school because he/she is poor. He/she then vows to turn them into a good person and ends up making them their best friend. I would kick them right in the nuts.
4. Their problems? No, not homework or school projects. That's for like…babies. There everyday headache is how to get their fighting parents to reconcile and patch up. My problems were calculus, trigonometry and Archimedes principle.
5. Somehow they notice some sinister plot by the villain, investigate it better than the FBI would, get kidnapped, and yes..escape as easily as Jerry would from Tom's grasp. They would then reveal everything and save the day. I still watch Tom and Jerry.
6. Did I tell you they also specialize in dating advises. They would make their elder brothers or sisters realise their feelings and convince them to go and propose. My brother would whoop my a*s if i even ask about his girlfriend.
7. And those evil children who conspire like evil geniuses that even Joker would come to shame. Then there is their smirking. I've never in my life seen a kid smirk and say huh with air of disgust. I still get fooled by my friends every April fool's day.
8. Fear. What's that. They would go to inspect where's the sound coming from dead in the middle of night. I still don't go to the bathroom alone if i can control it till morning.
9. They know how to use the smartphones and the laptops. I would play gilli danda at their age.
10. Bhagwan ji. Special connection between them and god and whatever they wish comes true. I'm still wishing for a girlfriend. Where are you god?
11. Girls with specks larger than their face and pony tail till waist. Boys with the typical spiky hair and broken incisors. My Dean still frowns if she sees me with a good haircut.
12. McDonald's, burger king, Domino's. Everyday.
13. Then there was this bulls**t.
14. Those kids don't have to attend schools. They are most of the times seen playing around the house and jumping and dancing for no reason. I had 100% attendance till 10th . Make no mistake , I'm not questioning the effort and hard work from these kids. They really are talented. There are some real good serials as well like Udaan( initially it was good,now it's like typical tv crap). But what the directors make them do just doesn't happen in real life.
Image credits: Tapesh Jain
Coming out of a coma after many years. In TV, the patient looks quite well, like he is sleeping, wakes up, asks what the matter is. The family cries happy tears, the patient gets up to look at his own image in the mirror and and realizes he is ten years older. Then he returns home to deal with the psychological issues.
In real life, a comatose patient comes out of it usually very slowly, has lost all muscle tone, usually has a feeding tube or a tracheostomy tube in place and has very limited abilities. He can not walk, barely talk and most often comunicates by blinking or moving his eyes up and down. Progress is painstakinly slow. and very rarely does a person fully recover. Brain injury is unforgiving and I have never heard from a patient that has a full physical and intellectual recovery after more than a year in a coma or persistent vegetative state. Of course there can be a lot of love in the family and wonderful new memories in some cases, learning to live a new meaningful life with some mental or physical handicaps. But things will not be the same. It will be hard on everybody. There is always hope, just different expectations.
TV shows like to “mimic” real life and show that bad guys “sometimes win”. That it is “realistic” but then a lot of episodes or several seasons down the line. Suddenly the hero can “get revenge” and make sure the bad guy gets their “just desserts”.
Real life isn’t like that at all.
I mean sometimes yes but its not like how shows want to portray it or try to give the impression off. Like there’s some sort of in the TV show universe, “mysterious power” that orchestrated the events that lead up to the “bad guy” being finally killed after years of escaping justice.
Sometimes “it just happens” and sometimes the bad guys get to grow old then die a peaceful death on their deathbed surrounded by family and friends.
People have sex, covered by the bedsheets or wearing their underwear, finish having sex, then roll over and go to sleep as if nothing has happened, and then wake up in the morning in the next shot with their hair and nightclothes in perfect order.
This makes me laugh every time I see an implied “love scene” on a TV show, how clinical and sanitised everything is. I can only assume that television characters don’t have any fluids in their bodies.
Image credits: Marc Lawrence
When the school bell rings.
One thing I always notice when watching TV shows/movies is how the students in a classroom pack up their things when the bell rings. A few moments before the bell their desks would look pretty neat, perhaps just a textbook and a pen or two. As soon as the students hear the bell they shut the book and place everything in the bag and head out of the classroom.
Throughout all the years I’ve been in school, it has never happened like this. I’ve always had a notebook, my pencil case and pretty much all of its contents out on the desk alongside a water bottle and the required textbook. Almost everyone’s desk is not nearly as tidy and simple as the ones we see on TV. It would take me a good minute or two to pack everything up nicely in my bag so that I could leave the classroom. Of course, I understand that they have reasons for doing this on TV (to save time etc.) but nevertheless I always notice it.
Also, I don’t think this applies to every school but in my school we were never just allowed to ‘pack up and leave’ when we heard the school bell. I vividly remember some of my teachers saying “The teacher, not the bell, dismisses you.”
All too often you come across sex scenes in American TV shows where the woman sitting on top of the guy still wears her bra.
Wearing her bra? While riding the guy? What is wrong with these people, don’t they want to get a good look at the twins gently bouncing up and down?
That goddamn bra is the first thing that I tear off a woman’s wardrobe, throwing it out of the window never to be seen again. Yet TV producers constantly show us women wearing that annoying piece of polyester during lovemaking. Please.
Finding the keys to the car under the sun visor.
There is actually an explanation for this one, though. On TV and movie sets, the keys to vehicles are often kept under the visor, because the drivers are constantly changing and it would be a pain to track down the last person who drove it or a lock box where the key is. So the crew just keeps the key with the car to make it easy for whomever needs to drive it. They apparently forget that normal people don’t do that.
Image credits: Jeremy Edberg
1. The amount of alcohol/booze that people pour and drink. Really? I’d walk into a wall.
2. NO ONE WORKS! Everybody is off work, permanently!
3. Getting ANYWHERE without traffic f**king up the commute. Seriously? I can’t get across town in the time that 3 sitcoms show.
4. Homes with no mess, looking like “model homes” for sale. Do people actually live there? 5. School. Who has EVER been to ANY school shown on TV? Those are totally hypothetical places.
6. Street racing/fist fights. Cars don’t behave that way in real life, folks. Guys getting into brutal fist fights, then walking away with minor scrapes. Yeah, RIGHT!
7. This one is almost endemic to “soap operas” but people can relate: Characters waking up with combed/styled hair and FULL make up on. Yeah, that’s exactly how I get out of bed. LOL!
8. PICKING A LOCK, ESPECIALLY A “DEADBOLT”. Pull some “things out of your pocket” and fiddle with a DEADBOLT and magically open it, EVERY F*****G TIME! Are deadbolts really THAT useless?
Image credits: Christopher Keller
Closure. Every movie or series has a beginning and an end. Events get neatly wrapped up regardless of the complicated script and intense drama… all in a few hours time.
In real life, we want and expect closure for the pain and suffering we experience. People may even spend their entire lives seeking closure, just like in the movies, but all to no avail. There is no true closure for as long as one lives. The script goes on, often handed down for generations- not for an ending, but for expanding…
Romantic moments where two people share a laugh, then an intimate silence during which they slowly lean towards each other, their lips only inches apart when they’re disturbed by a random person entering the room and quickly excusing themself and leaving.
For some reason, in every god damn movie and television series EVER, this is somehow an occasion not to giggle at the awkward stranger and then proceeding to kiss, but to act all flustered like you’re snapped out of a trance and then going separate ways.
I get it, this is an easy way for writers to introduce romantic tension, but this trope is waaay past its prime.
The doctors/nurses in TV shows or movies are all very attractive and good looking.
ACCESS GRANTED – That an Intel team can do miracles. They can permit, restrict, see and find anything in few clicks!
All the the FBI / CIA agents in the film universe have a giant screen where whole city map can be pulled up which just one click.
‘Q’ from Skyfall (2012 movie) connects to whatever server he wants, to stream live recording of the subject by typing a simple one liner code.
No wonder the geeky guy from the movie Ocean’s Eleven (2001 movie) connects all the traffic signals and breaks the security code for any bank.
My point is – who knows whether a Federal Bureau of Investigation can pull anyone’s records within a glimpse, but as an Analyst, I understand the pain behind dealing with big data and visualizing cool graphs from it.
In popular sitcoms like F.R.I.E.N.D.S and How I Met Your Mother: Common Hangout Spot.
In both the shows, the characters almost always hangout at the same hangout spot; MacLaren’s Pub in How I Met Your Mother, Central Perk in F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
In F.RI.E.N.D.S, the gang occupies the couch and in How I Met Your Mother, there is a favourite booth for the gang.
And they never have to fight for the seats as the seats are always unoccupied.
This is quite unrealistic as in reality there’s no Carl or Gunther to save our favourite spot for us.
Also, do you guys ever go to work?
Students spending waaaaaay more time in the hallway/corridor than in their classrooms.
It’s always the casual congregating point. Yet in real life, students have less than 5 minutes to migrate from one class to the next and there are often major consequences for tardiness.
from Bored Panda
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