Five Ways to Make Learning at Home More Fun

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You’re reading Five Ways to Make Learning at Home More Fun, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Whether you’re homeschooling or simply encouraging your child to learn over the holidays, it can be difficult to move away from the idea that homework is stuffy, boring and a chore. Encouraging your child, no matter their age, to get deeply involved with learning at home will help to improve their education outcome – so what are some ways to get them excited?

1. Learn Together

Learning with your child shouldn’t be just pointing them at a page of maths questions or an English piece and letting them get on with it. Show them that learning is a process that even adults need to do – let them teach you how to solve their maths problem, do some research together or even let them read to you. Whatever the learning objective, being involved and learning together will make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your child.

2. Make it a Game

Everyone loves a bit of gentle competition, and while it might be difficult to find specific games relating to a subject, many of the traditional board games can relate to education. If you don’t want to play a board game, why not allocate points for facts, and see how many your child can accumulate during a study session? Adapting a behaviour chart to show points earned during some learning activities is a good visual way of measuring achievements.

3. Relate it to a Passion

Ask any child what their favourite thing is, and we can guarantee that they are a knowledge sponge for that subject. Whether it is dinosaurs or pirates, they will want to learn about things relating to that passion – so make use of that.

Whether the passion is something that is obviously educational, like butterflies or lemurs, or something that is more niche, like Fortnite, with a little bit of thought you can make it relate to something that they are interested in.

4. Use Different Mediums

Learning isn’t just about copying from a blackboard or learning from rote anymore. There are so many places you can find learning activities, so make the most of the resources you have.

The Internet isn’t just for Google research. Online you can find age-appropriate resources for any subject, and that might include step-by-step ways to solve a maths problem, a video on Shakespeare, music and poetry with learning messages…

Using multiple learning mediums keeps lessons interesting – some schools have adopted online portals that pose homework questions and save the answers – no paper or pencils required!

5. Make it Hands-On

As an extension to the learning online and making use of knowledge from video, music and other resources, taking that information and creating something physical can really help to make learning fun.

Whether you use magnetic letters from the fridge to practice sight words or build pyramids out of Lego, learning is more fun and involved when you can be hands-on.

Creating a volcano to find out the properties of vinegar and baking soda is so much more interesting and involved than looking at the chemical equations behind each compound – yes, it is messy, but your child will remember it!

Using some of these ideas will help you to make learning at home more fun and instil a life-long love of learning into your child – and who knows, you might learn something new along the way!

You’ve read Five Ways to Make Learning at Home More Fun, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

from Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement

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