Design Crowd Challenged Artists To Break The Boundaries Of Original Paintings, And Contestants Have Delivered (60 Pics)

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Often when viewing great classical paintings, we perceive that they have a certain quality in them where the objects seem to pop. Have you ever wondered what it would look like if they really popped out of their frames and “spilled out” into the real world? Wonder no more.

The competitors at Design Crowd’s open Photoshop contests took this idea and have stretched the bounds even further by popping the objects (subjects, to be precise) out of the frame altogether. Hence, this style of editing has a pretty self-explanatory name—”out of bounds.” When we get bounds out of the way, the limitations of the painting seem, quite literally, boundless.

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It gives the painting greater depth than the original bound-abiding one as it takes the original idea and adds a “breaking of the fourth wall” effect to it, among other things. These painting manipulations inadvertently create new meanings and perspectives for the old classical paintings and automatically refresh them. Suddenly, out of a static image, the subjects of the paintings start interacting with one another in unexpected ways, creating new paintings out of the new composition.


Image credits: worth1000-user


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Design Crowd frequently posts these open contests on their website, with the aforementioned “out of bounds” contests not strictly limited only to paintings, but also photos, seasonal themes, and other things, so check them out if you want to try your hand at it too! Anyone is free to participate, and it’s a good way to practice your Photoshop skills, too!


Image credits: gtanindahouse


Image credits: ratfield

What do you think of these works, fellow Pandas—would you still stick with the classical paintings, or would you claim that digital works are superior? Would you prefer the bound or the unbound ones? As always, share your thoughts in the comments below!


Image credits: aheadmon


Image credits: daniela-d


Image credits: underworth


Image credits: monuliena


Image credits: speedofdark


Image credits: dravreh


Image credits: arturojm


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Image credits: manolejr


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Image credits: ronald08


Image credits: dalec429


Image credits: jorgemarant


Image credits: aheadmon


Image credits: worth1000-user


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Image credits: claudia–


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Image credits: rasiresi

from Bored Panda
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