Dad Creates The Most Adorable Dog And Baby Comics That Only Parents Will Truly Understand (21+ Pics)

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Being a new parent can be extremely tiring, but new father, Nate Anderson found his baby boy to be the endless source of creative inspiration. His webcomic series is called ‘Boy & Dog’ and chronicles the hilarious adventures of his son and their family’s dog.

The illustrations include conversations, hijinks and even some crude jokes between dog and baby and we can’t stop laughing. Anderson wrote that his goal is to, “share my experiences and daydreams to entertain anyone who will read it.”

New comic strips are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on his website. Scroll down below to see some samples from this adorable series and don’t forget to upvote your favs!

I went to the hospital with my wife and all I got was this wiggley burrito

Image credits: Nate Anderson

By this definition, I am also a dog

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself

Image credits: Nate Anderson

I told him he was a baby. Babies will believe anything you tell them

Image credits: Nate Anderson

This boy is always eating. I am living my dreams vicariously through him

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Murphy doesn’t care about his food. I don’t understand how he is a dog. He eventually eats his food… when he gets around to it

Image credits: Nate Anderson

This hasn’t happened… yet. I’m not removing it from the realm of possibility though

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Snot. Snot everywhere. Where does it all come from?

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Snot removal is best accomplished with 3000 pounds of sucking force

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Rowan doesn’t move too great at this point. He really tries though

Image credits: Nate Anderson

The cat has been bringing all the bugs (still alive) into the house. He’s quite proud

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Milo weighs in at 20 lbs. of cat muscle. Outweighs the baby by 8 lbs

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Always with the licking. Every surface of my home have been touched by this dogs slobber dispenser

Image credits: Nate Anderson

He’s having a hard time drinking because he can’t breathe through his nose. Much screaming ensues

Image credits: Nate Anderson

How else are you supposed to learn about new stuff?

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Lick all the things. Result: All the things now belong to you

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Scooches are the new hot item

Image credits: Nate Anderson

How am I supposed to watch this baby if he keeps moving around? Solution: Duct Tape

Image credits: Nate Anderson

If only there was a market for baby drool, I’d be above the poverty line

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Like bringing a squirt gun to a fire hose fight

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Murphy is a 90 pound lap dog. At least he thinks he is

Image credits: Nate Anderson

A good set of chompers make chomping things much more fun

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Chewing is so much more work than just drinking everything

Image credits: Nate Anderson

To say that murphy loves walks would be an understatement. It’s more of an obsession

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Why don’t they make adult sized jumpers like that? I need one to replace my computer chair

Image credits: Nate Anderson

Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy BUM!

Image credits: Nate Anderson

This. All day. Every day

Image credits: Nate Anderson

The next few comics will contain one of the stories that I have made up and told to Rowan. Proof that I should never be allowed to influence children in any way

Image credits: Nate Anderson

from Bored Panda


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