Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

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Not all parents are emotionally mature and ready to raise children. 36% of the current generation of adults say they experienced emotional abuse during childhood. Parents today are better educated about how certain behaviors can damage a child’s mental health in the long run. Yet, some parents still put their children through stressful situations.

Like the father in this story, who pressured his kid to go down a chute slide. One netizen recently shared a story where a dad pushed his son down a slide against his will. Unable to watch and do nothing, the author, who was an employee there, decided to give the dad a taste of his own medicine.

Going down a high slide can be scary when you’re six years old, and a parent pressuring you to do it only makes it worse

Image credits: ellinnur (not the actual image)

This employee decided to send a bully dad flying down the slide for forcing his kid to act brave

Image credits: Vika Glitter (not the actual image)

Image credits: CoolingRiver

People were appalled at the dad’s behavior and cheered for the way the employee got revenge

Many folks shared similar stories from their childhoods

The post Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda
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