While we all need things to be built, maintained and repaired, the truth is that construction work is always so annoyingly noisy. Fortunately, this is why most places put up limits for both volume and times where work can be done. Unfortunately, some entitled crews believe that they can do whatever they want and will just ignore the rules.
A netizen shared their bit of revenge on a construction crew that was constantly loud, rude and would use their outlets to run extension cords. We reached out to the homeowner in the story via private message and will update the article when they get back to us.
Loud construction can be a nightmare for one’s sleep schedule and comfort
Image credits: Anamul Rezwan / pexels (not the actual photo)
But one homeowner decided to get some revenge when workers started using their outlets to run extension cords
Image credits: Brett Jordan / unsplash (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Rasbak / wikipedia (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Puzzleheaded-Art3325
People love revenge stories
While it might seem a tad dark, researchers believe that most people tend to enjoy stories of revenge more than stories about folks seeing the error of their ways. Between the Count of Monte Cristo and the more contemporary John Wick, humans have had a thing for “justice” for quite some time.
This isn’t to say that humans are all bloodthirsty monsters, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Rather, we seem to have a preference for the “right” kind of justice. In the aforementioned study, 200 participants were asked to pick reactions to a “crime.” In one example, they could pick between three suggestions of what to do if a coworker stole $50 from you.
The options were to buy the thief a coffee, to steal it back and to plant pornography on their work computer or, finally, to steal a bottle of whiskey from them of roughly equivalent value. The latter was the one most respondents picked quickly. After all, it’s a punishment that matches the crime. This can be a bit tricky at, for example, the workplace, but people can get awfully creative when they are angered.
It can be cathartic to see someone get what they deserve
Revenge also brings a feeling of catharsis, as it can be seen as a form of punishment. While attitudes towards punishment have changed over the decades, most legal systems still do intend to “punish” a wrongdoer, even if the goal is ultimately rehabilitation. This “vengeance” exists, in large part, to satisfy the desires of the “public.” There is some indication that the public needs to see certain offenders suffer for their crimes, both as deterrence and as a way to reach the aforementioned catharsis. In this story, since the authorities were unwilling or unable to do anything, the person took matters into their own hands. There are times where people do go overboard, but this isn’t the case here. This, of course, did not at all diminish the enjoyment most people had reading the story.
This story has a similar arc, particularly as the construction workers had been warned. The homeowner had asked them to not use their outlets, which they promised to do. They then immediately broke their promise, so the cords disappearing seems almost like an act of God, if we didn’t know any better. Often people like the folks in this construction crew feel themselves immune to any punishment, so they do not expect people to act against them.
It’s not like this act of revenge happened in a vacuum, the homeowner had already been subjected to an audial bombardment for a while. This crew was simply exploiting the fact that no authority was going to take action to get the houses done as quickly as possible. As the homeowner indicates in the comments (some of which can be found below,) they appear to be owned by a developer that needed to get them done on a deadline.
Some folks wanted to know more
Readers loved this bit of petty revenge and some shared their own stories
The post Construction Crew Ends Up Regretting Stealing Petty Homeowner’s Electricity When They’re Forced Into Standstill first appeared on Bored Panda.
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