Renaissance is a term used to identify the period of the History of Europe approximately between the end of the XIV century and the middle of the XVI century. But does that mean we must travel back in time to see familiar faces in this era? Not necessarily!
Artists from the old site called Worth1000 (now Design Crowd) gathered in a photoshop battle of Modern Renaissance. The idea is to capture the moment and recreate famous paintings of Renaissance but with a modern twist. That is, to digitally manipulate these paintings to have faces of 21st-century celebrities in them.
Although the contest is dubbed “Modern Renaissance”, participants of this Photoshop battle chose creative freedom and used paintings that do not specifically pertain to the epoch of Renaissance. Among the submissions, you will find famous paintings from Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism and other equally extraordinary periods.
From Rembrandt’s self-portraits to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, these Photoshop wizards tamper digitally with the best artworks in art history. And while some works are undoubtedly better than others, the result is very entertaining, nonetheless.
Scroll down the page and see the best of this contest that has lasted for 15 years!
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Michelle Pfeiffer
Image credits: pcysmith
Doctor Alphonse Gregory
Image credits:
Johnny Depp
Image credits: mandrak
Amanda Seyfried
Image credits: drhrach
Michelle Pfeiffer
Image credits: funkwood
Orlando Bloom
Image credits: frank1956
Kirsten Dunst
Image credits: pix3lchild
Justin Bieber
Image credits: hagen-brooks
Dr House
Image credits: mandrak
Robim Williams
Image credits: mandrak
Amy Winehouse
Image credits: devilmoon
Angelina Jolie
Image credits: ingelas
Lilly Cole
Image credits: mandrak
Orlando Bloom
Image credits: pshoudini
Taylor Swift
Image credits: dutchpuh
Mel Gibson
Image credits: chanmart
Taylor Swift
Image credits: fisane
Keanu Reeves
Image credits: qwertyop
Uma Thurman
Image credits: angelomilfastos
Sylvester Stallone
Image credits: frogman12834
Michael Jordan
Image credits: mandrak
Angelina Jolie
Image credits: ma1947
Scarlett Johanson
Image credits: ma1947
Jennifer Aniston
Image credits: mandrak
Michael Jackson
Image credits: mandrak
Image credits: Hidreley Diao
Tom Cruise
Image credits: jeremyc
“Portrait of Innocent X by Diego Velázquez + Tom Cruise Interesting fact: When he was 14, Cruise’s ambition was to join the priesthood…he was a Franciscan seminary student.”
Emma Stone
Image credits: kasey-harris
Donald Glover
“This photo combines William Sidney Mount’s The Bone Player with the face of the actor, comedian, director, and musician, Donald Glover. William’s 1856 American painting portrays an African-American musician playing ivory instruments. It was painted five years before the Civil War. Donald Glover is a musician under the alias Childish Gambino. Childish Gambino is known for songs like “Redbone”, “3005”, and “This is America”. Donald Glover also created and stars in the award-winning TV show, Atlanta.”
Image credits: licenbellita
Brad Pitt
Image credits: harun-ar
Amanda Seyfried and Elisha Cuthbert
Image credits: emerging-editor
Elton John
Image credits: clauder13
Post Malone
Image credits: wynand-v
Donald Trump
Image credits: verchad
Donald Trump
Image credits: verchad
James Corden
Image credits: licenbellita
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Image credits: clauder13
Kim Kardashian and Oprah
Image credits: clauder13
Hugh Jackman
Image credits: craftlord
Snoop Dogg
Image credits: ericksjr
Amy Winehouse
Image credits: omegator
Image credits: arindam-5
Helena Bonham Carter
Image credits: metagraphika–web-agency
Leonardo DiCaprio
Image credits: lefleau
Elton John
Image credits: Hidreley Diao
Sandra Bullock
Image credits: Hidreley Diao
Thomas Hardy
Image credits: gooddesign
Seth Rogan
Image credits: paulie-cashews
Miley Cyrus
Image credits: thijs-2
Amy Winehouse
Image credits: kaiser77
Uma Thurman
Image credits: pisamceta
Anne Hathaway
Image credits: daniel-reis
Patrick Stewart
Image credits: jk640
Natalie Portman
Image credits: underworth
Emma Watson
Image credits: netodark2012
Scarlett Johansson
Image credits: malditoamo
Charlize Theron
Image credits: underworth
Avril Lavigne
Image credits: netodark2012
Mila Kunis
Image credits: mrcroc
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Image credits: netodark2012
Woody Harrelson
Image credits: cheapshotinc
Taylor Swift
Image credits: musicman30141
Clint Eastwood
Image credits: brunosm
Jack Black
Image credits: bardy
Keira Knightley
Image credits: tauntedoctopus
Penélope Cruz
Image credits: worth1000-user
Michael C. Hall
Image credits: canaan77
Lucy Liu and Danny DeVito
Image credits: iddeal
Anthony Hopkins
Image credits: ufurgger
Natalie Portman
Image credits: underworth
Angelina Jolie
Image credits: hoosier64
Rowan Atkinson
Image credits: daniloco
Nicolas Cage
Image credits: dnunciate
Helena Bonham Carter
Image credits: podesta67
Amy Winehouse
Image credits: mateusarc
Jim Carrey
Image credits: negrosaki
Hugh Laurie
Image credits: stadsman
from Bored Panda