Capybaras At Work: My Series Of Comics Is Inspired By My Bad Experiences With People At Work (34 Pics)

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Capybaras deal with awful management, lazy coworkers, and a diminishing will to live.

I used to work in a number of dreadful places, including the aptly named retail hell. I used to write down all the most ridiculous things that happened and was going to share them all in one long post but apparently decided that’s too easy. Instead, I opted to learn how to draw digitally and make a comic. I went with capybaras because they are my favorite animal and I thought it would stand out more. Plus, if I’m being honest, they’re far easier to draw than people.

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Capybaras are highly social creatures and have become well known from videos and pictures online as gentle friends to all others. This friendly demeanor juxtaposes well with the characters in the world of the bookstore: sarcastic, cynical, lazy, clueless… all our human foibles wrapped up in an adorable fuzzy skin.



I’ve always used dark humor as a coping mechanism and channeled that into my comic. I based some of the personality traits of my characters on real coworkers and bosses I had in the past. No one character is based on a single person but I took aspects of people I know (including myself) and gave them to the characters. I think this helps them feel more real and thus more relatable. Much of the content is based on real experiences I had, as well as stories my coworkers and friends told me. I think at one point or another most people have experienced a terrible boss or lazy coworker and can relate to what it’s like.



I know how hard it is to be trapped in a toxic work environment and how isolating it can feel and the very real and harsh effects it has on mental health. I hope my comic will help readers feel less alone and help them find some comfort in the humor. At the very least, I hope they can get some laughs out of it. I would like to eventually expand my artistic endeavors and do other comics on themes like mental health and being an introvert who prefers the great indoors.

For now, my job and Capybaras at Work keep me plenty busy and I look forward to continuing the comic. I also enjoy painting in my free time.






























from Bored Panda
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