Can You Really Detox Your Body to Achieve Weight Loss?

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There comes a time in your life when you decide to go through the journey of weight loss, and that time comes anytime most especially after a long holiday. During holidays, you tend to relax more and gain lots of weight. And when it’s time to go back to work, you realize that most of your work clothes don’t fit you anymore, then the next thing that comes to mind is how to begin your journey to weight loss.

The journey to weight loss is not always as easy as it seems, but with lots of perseverance and consistency, your journey will be fruitful. You will begin to look for quick and easy ways to lose weight, and the first thing that comes to mind is the weight loss detoxification process.

However, the process of weight loss detox is seen to be the fastest way of losing weight. Most people run towards the detox diet options because it is an easy way out. The rate at which people regard the weight loss detox is more of an exaggeration and a marketing tool than science, because it is not scientifically proven that a detox diet is a permanent solution to weight loss.

Most people might really want to know why weight loss detox is a myth as it is considered to be the fastest and easy way to weight loss. And here is why it is regarded as a myth.

The Weight Loss Detox Myth

Weight loss detox is believed to improve your immune system, aid digestion and also boost your energy level, and most especially it reduces your weight by making you excrete toxin waste from your system.

The toxins are known to have a negative effect on human system. The body system has been regulated to naturally remove this toxin from the system but, it is believed that the toxins are not properly removed. And this is why people still consider the detox diet.

Basically, the weight loss detox is a drastic way of losing weight but it’s not a permanent solution to weight loss. The weight loss detox begins with you fasting, and it also encourages you to eat more fruits and vegetables and to take more water and juice.

Water we know is good for the body but, excess water is bad for your health. Weight loss detox encourages you to stay away from food that contains toxin, and concentrate on natural food like fruits and vegetables, water, juice and also pills and laxatives.

You are bound to lose weight using this method but it can’t last. Once you stop your weight loss detox, you are bound to gain back every weight you thought you might have lost.

This weight loss detox is not really helpful because it has its side effects. The weight you lose during this process is not the fatty weight but water weight. You starve yourself of food and then you become weak, tired, and then you lose calories and energy which is bad for your health.

So rather than make your body suffer, it is better to look for other better options to your weight loss journey.

The Best Way to Lose Weight

The best way for anyone to actually lose weight is by going through a gradual process with consistency and perseverance. This has proven to be effective and a permanent solution to your weight loss journey.

Losing weight through a gradual process is medically okay, healthy and safe for you, unlike the detoxification process.

This can be achieved by eating healthily, reducing your intake of calorie and also adding exercise to your daily routine. This might seem to take forever, but it is the best way to get rid of that excess weight permanently.

Unlike the weight loss detox process that allows you to take pills that might be harmful to your body, and also to reduce your intake of protein which makes you feel fatigue and weak; the long term weight loss process allows you to take in more protein and less sugar, drink water moderately and requires no pills at all. This keeps you healthy, reduce your intake of junks and help you burn off more calories.

The Long Term Way Of Losing Weight

It might just be through exercise, as there are lots of exercises that would lead to you losing weight.

Exercise accompanied with a healthy diet is the best step to your weight loss journey. Although it might not be as fast as the weight loss detox would be, it is more safe and healthy.

Exercise is great for your overall well-being, and when you decide to exercise weight loss, it becomes a necessity. When it comes to exercising, there is no magic at all and you don’t just lose weight; it’s a gradual process.

Exercise is the best way for you to lose weight, but it requires lots of consistency and hard work. If you decide to go on a weight loss journey, it is best to give yourself enough time, set a realistic goal for yourself and aim at achieving it. The good news is, there are many kinds of exercises that you can choose from. You can simply choose what fits you best to lose weight:

Final Thoughts

The weight loss detox may seem to be a fast and easy way to lose weight but it is a myth. It is never a permanent solution to weight loss; once you stop the detox process, you’ll gain even extra weight back.

Exercise is considered to be the best and most healthy way of losing weight, as it increases the calories you burn each time you carry out an exercise; and those calories don’t return even if you skip your exercise. Though it is a gradual process, it’s a lasting weight loss solution.

Rather than going for a quick solution to weight loss, the best and safer way to lose weight is to exercise regularly, and make changes to your eating habits and lifestyle to achieve that perfect long-lasting weight loss.

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