Brother Gives Eloping Sister A $100 Home Depot Gift Card, She Thinks He’s Being Cheap

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Sometimes we can have the best intentions but things still don’t go our way. Reddit user AccordingLine9649 recently experienced this harsh truth firsthand.

After one of his sisters eloped with her partner, he sent them a $100 gift card in what he believed to be a nice gesture to celebrate their big day.

But instead of receiving a thank you, the man received complaints about it being cheaper than what the woman had expected.

So he turned to the subreddit ‘Am I the [Jerk]?‘ hoping for some advice.

This man wanted to congratulate his sister on eloping with her partner

Image credits: Jeremy Wong / pexels (not the actual photo)

But she didn’t appreciate his gesture at all

Image credits: Mikael Kristenson / unsplash (not the actual photo)

Image credits: / pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: AccordingLine9649

There are no hard rules on what to get as an elopement gift, but it does depend on a few factors

“Traditionally, an elopement means it’s a private, personal ceremony between the couple and a gift would not be expected,” says Diane Gottsman, national etiquette expert and founder of the Protocol School of Texas.

However, there are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to get something to acknowledge the occasion, such as how well you know the couple and if they’ve previously given you a gift for your wedding.

After all, showing someone you care is always a nice gesture and there are few better ways to convey your love and excitement for the newlyweds’ next chapter.

According to the etiquette expert, it doesn’t have to be grand. “You can shop for everything from cocktail napkins or a pretty picture frame to a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant,” says Gottsman.

Often, couples that opt for an elopement have a special reverence for the quiet intimacy of the occasion, so it may be a thoughtful gesture to gift them a sentimental item that represents the day they exchanged “I do”s. Champagne flutes, instant cameras, playful candles… There are a lot of choices, and it sounds like the author of the post picked a relevant one.

We can’t know for sure what caused such a reaction from his sister, but sibling rivalry could be one of the possible reasons. Megan Gilligan, PhD, an Iowa State University associate professor of human development and family studies, has seen it across the board. “We’ve found it when folks are in their 50s and 60s, and even after parental death,” she says.

It’s human nature to compare ourselves to whoever is around, and nobody is closer than a brother or sister. “They’re one of the first people that we compare ourselves to,” Gilligan adds.

Even beyond middle age, siblings still remember the way they felt as kids, which affects their relationships with each other and their psychological well-being.

If that’s the case here as well, there might not be a simple solution to the conflict. “These are decades of patterns of behavior,” Gilligan says. “It’s not just going to come back together, even during major life events. If someone really wants to repair a sibling relationship, it’s something that they have to be really intentional and thoughtful about.”

Hopefully, these three will find a way to stick together.

As his story went viral, the man provided more context in the comments

Some people said he did nothing wrong

But some thought he could’ve been more generous

The post Brother Gives Eloping Sister A $100 Home Depot Gift Card, She Thinks He’s Being Cheap first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda
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