Blonde Girls Tell A 3-Year-Old She Can’t Play With Them Because She Doesn’t Have Blonde Hair, So Her Mom Intervenes

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On April 18, 2019, dr. Mathangi Subramanian turned to Twitter to describe the time her daughter became a victim of playground racism. Sadly, it’s still relevant.

You see, two girls refused to play with dr. Subramanian’s daughter because her hair wasn’t like theirs. It wasn’t blonde. And the whole situation might’ve gone unnoticed if it wasn’t for dr. Subramanian. While the parents of the two girls didn’t intervene to teach their children about race, she did.

Using the conflict as an opportunity for growth, dr. Subramanian took her time to broaden the worldview of all three kids. Naturally, being an award-winning writer and educator, she handled the tough situation perfectly.

More info: mathangisubramanian.comTwitter

Image credits: mathangiwrites

Image credits: mathangiwrites

Image credits: mathangiwrites

Image credits: mathangiwrites

Image credits: mathangiwrites

Here’s what people said after reading the story

Image credits: Raghnaid_Anna

Image credits: jeanniekim

Image credits: LivingInGlitter

Image credits: hiwildflower

Image credits: mathangiwrites

Image credits: WantPeace4All

Image credits: midukee21

Image credits: roisindermody

Image credits: bookwalee

Image credits: eebbonyy

Image credits: LearningLife97

Image credits: MaryEllaJackso1

Image credits: KenTaroPerson

All of the positive responses really cheered the mother up

Image credits: mathangiwrites

Image credits: mathangiwrites

from Bored Panda
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