Everybody deserves to be healthy because being full of energy means leading a good life. However, health becomes a real issue if you have to pay your weight in gold whenever you need to go to the hospital.
When US Senator Bernie Sanders asked his Twitter followers what the most absurd medical bill they’ve ever received was, the floodgates opened. The stories were shocking, to say the least. So here is a compilation of the most ridiculous medical bills that Americans were presented with. Get ready for your jaw to drop and your eyes to pop because some of these are unbelievable. Upvote the bills you found the most shocking, leave us a comment and remember to share with your friends.
More info: BernieSanders.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Image credits: troyrudd
Image credits: Dawn4amber
Image credits: ASterling
Some of these bills reached tens-of-thousands and even hundreds-of-thousands of bills. I’ll be honest with you, when I saw them I genuinely thought I was either seeing things or that somebody accidentally added a couple of extra zeroes.
Image credits: CANCEL_SAM
Image credits: didderbops
Image credits: Timcast
The harsh reality is that healthcare is incredibly expensive in the United States, and plenty of people always wonder: “Why?” Investopedia explains that healthcare in the US is “about twice as expensive as it is in any other developed country.” However, despite the cost, the US healthcare system is only the 37th in quality, according to the World Health Organization.
Image credits: amy4thepeople
Image credits: margaretcoucher
Image credits: vincenicholas
Harvard economist David Cutler told Investopedia that the main reason why US healthcare costs are sky-high is this: “The administrative costs of running our healthcare system are astronomical. About one-quarter of healthcare cost is associated with administration, which is far higher than in any other country.”
Image credits: Becca2400
Image credits: Texan_21C
Image credits: RealMuse87
What’s more, the cost of medical drugs in the United States is far higher than in other developed countries. Meanwhile, American doctors are afraid of litigation, so they practice what’s called ‘defensive medicine’ — they order lots of different tests even when they know what the diagnosis is.
Image credits: conz
Image credits: calico_rising
Image credits: spookyslore
What do you think of the US healthcare system, dear Pandas? Have you ever had any massive medical bills? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments.
Image credits: TarynsWorld
Image credits: RedDad777
Image credits: kburton40
Image credits: MysV4Bernie
Image credits: je_cooper
Image credits: abortu
Image credits: MAHAMOSA
Image credits: inovajon
Image credits: DrLearnALot
Image credits: Time2fresh
Image credits: NunyaBiznass462
Image credits: randygdub
Image credits: AndreaMendes
Image credits: skau61
Image credits: MaryDug64709475
Image credits: MsPatsyStone
Image credits: Harmoneee_Us
Image credits: ladawn
Image credits: Dose_ah_Dani
Image credits: JSibley99
Image credits: Toxxed
Image credits: Claudia0167
Image credits: S00TY83
Image credits: _RoseManning
Image credits: litbrit
Image credits: mathrok
Image credits: FemaleBernieBro
Image credits: artisteboy
Image credits: NialElkim
Image credits: starstrickenSF
Image credits: realBenShapero
Image credits: ObeseChess
Image credits: of_obvious
Image credits: Chinchillazllla
Image credits: BubbaLover
Image credits: Demonkatz
Image credits: DnaLeguillou
Image credits: Noir_san
Image credits: TomWardle7
Image credits: MADdecades
Image credits: TheAlphaBrett
Image credits: Botch5K
Image credits: FascismTonight
Image credits: YAVTweets
Image credits: AnarchEboi666
Image credits: sbscomp
Image credits: redzupp
Image credits: goodyweaver
Image credits: DustinLaWheat
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