Barack Obama Once Gave A Relationship Advice, And It’s ‘Better Than 99% Of The Advice Columns On The Internet’

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The former U.S Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama, can now add love guru to his title. Over the course of eight years we received a first hand glimpse into the Obama’s marriage and let’s just say, no matter what side of the aisle you fall on, they have shown us what #relationshipgoals really means. I mean come on, who among us can forget the ex-Commander singing Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together”?

After almost 26 years of marriage, former President Obama has become a trusted source for relationship advice for those around him. In his book “Yes We (Still) Can”, former Senior Advisor to the president Dan Pfeiffer shared the most invaluable words of wisdom on love he received from the ex-POTUS. The former president told Pfeiffer to ask himself three questions, which boil down to his basic principles for a successful partnership. Find someone interesting and funny, who will be a good parent (if you so desire). Smooth and straight to the point, these tips bring it back to the roots of a relationship. So throw out your old relationship magazine quizzes and scroll down because Bored Panda has the complete former POTUS love questions below.

Image credits: Obama Family Photo

Image credits: Pete Souza

Image credits: Callie Shell



Image credits: Pete Souza



Image credits: Pete Souza



Image credits: Pete Souza


Image credits: Pete Souza


Image credits: Obama for America

Here’s what people had to say about the advice:


from Bored Panda


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