Weddings tend to bring out a lot of big emotions, screaming, crying, laughter, joy, and tears. But if there are, perhaps a few too many tears at a wedding, perhaps something is up.
So someone asked “What at a wedding screams “This couple will get a divorce within a year”?” and folks from across the ‘net gave their best examples. Guests, wedding planners, photographers, and many others all shared the things they have found to be signs of a marriage already on the rocks. So get comfortable as you scroll through and be sure to upvote your favorite examples. Comment your own thoughts below.
The violent smashing of cake in the face of a partner who didn’t expect it.
Image credits: lordeaudre
I’ve been to two weddings where the bride cried because the cake wasn’t perfect. Those two marriages are 0 for 2.
Image credits: profJesusfish
Recently it was the bridal party having to beg my SIL to come out of the house to go to her wedding.
Image credits: Solid_Internal_9079
They have done everything the family wanted but not what they wanted as a couple.
Image credits: spanglesandbambi
The bride or groom trying to scoot away from the other, and avoiding physical contact. I used to work as a DJ and when I saw this I knew the relationship was in trouble.
Oh, that and avoiding eye contact with one another. Not a great sign…
Image credits: TimelessOne4
The groom’s mother wears a white dress.
Image credits: crazycatlady331
Drunk bride or groom BEFORE the wedding.
Image credits: gholmom500
Older brother had his wedding on a tropical Island and at least 20 of us attended. The morning after the wedding she was seated alone on a beach crying while he was riding Quad bikes with his buddies lol
Image credits: Good-Camera-190
When the guests all guess how long it will last, usually it lasts forever.
Isolation is a hell of a drug.
“pranks” on the wedding day. I used to sing in my church choir (a Catholic church at that, marriage is a sacrément and a Big Deal theoretically) and the groom couldn’t wait for the pranks to begin – he did the naff “help me!” gag written on the soles of his shoes. We had a bird’s eye view from the choir loft. Half the room snickered, the other groaned, and the priest was just ?.
When they’re too happy as if they have reached their lifetime goal, usually it’s a shut up marriage and won’t last. If they’re happy because they’re celebrating their love with their loved ones but act as if the wedding won’t make a huge difference in the already existing relationship, it can last
At a wedding years ago. The best man’s speech ripped the bride apart to an uncomfortable degree and the groom clearly loved it. The bride not so much, they didn’t get past 9 months. The best man and groom are still good friends.
I’ve observed that a woman who has a “wedding book” ready when she meets a guy, will be married quickly and divorced even faster.
Image credits: unlovelyladybartleby
They have no concern arguing for an extended amount of time in front of other people over the smallest of things.
Image credits: LucienPhenix
Snarky jabs being included in the wedding vows. “I can’t believe I got stuck with someone who leaves the toilet seat up” etc just reeks of poor communication and resentment, not quirkiness
Image credits: Dune1008
My cousin looked like he was at a funeral when he got married. Never saw him smile except for pictures and it seemed so fake. He got his marriage annulled within 3 weeks. We found out years later that he found out less than an hour before the wedding that his bride-to-be was sleeping around with her ex. My cousin didn’t call off the wedding because he felt like he would disappoint everyone who traveled so far to see him.
Image credits: euclid0472
The bride cares more about the wedding than the marriage.
The groom cares more about getting hammered with his mates than anything else.
Any family member openly belittling or insulting their new in-law.
Either spouse’s ex rocking up uninvited.
Image credits: KittikatB
Groom screwing one of the bridesmaids. (yes I’ve seen it)
Image credits: Scumbag787
His vows are all about her… and so are hers.
Image credits: an_ineffable_plan
The success of a marriage is inversely proportional to how many times the bride says “this is MY day.”
Image credits: JetKeel
I attended a wedding where the ex-girlfriend was invited as a guest. At some point accusations were made of pre-wedding infidelity; and at the reception there was a fight between the aunts of the bride and groom. The groom left the site and I had to go and bring him back to the reception. It was a real mess. Marriage lasted about 2 years.
Image credits: bowery_boy
The groom or bride caring more about being with their friends and getting high/drunk than actually being with their spouse. Saw this at a wedding i helped out once where the groom f****d off for the half the wedding to get high with his friends. Bride had zero clue where they went and was super angry. They got divorced.
Or where the bride and groom hardly talk to each other. Went to a wedding once where the bride and groom barely talked to each other and never really showed any excitement or whatever.
Image credits: Eggsegret
The quality of the toasts. If they’re s****y or too one sided, there’s no hope.
When my wife’s cousin got married, the maid of honor talked about their long friendship for about ten minutes and ended the speech with “and I don’t know Groom very well, but if Bride picked you then you must be a good guy!”
The best man’s speech was worse. “When Groom told me he was marrying Bride the first thing I said was…what are you thinking?!” And then a long pregnant pause before we went on to say some more positive stuff. About the groom. And the pause was very, very long. To the point where it was clearly not just a joke.
They divorced after maybe 18 months.
So yeah, I feel like s****y toasts are an indicator that things weren’t meant to be.
Image credits: Barkingpanther
When the parents on either or both sides run the whole damn show. It’s often an omen.
Image credits: KatyG9
When the groom’s very pregnant ‘friend’ that no one else knows shows up. I think you can probably see where this is going.
A distant family member of mine isn’t the brightest in the bunch.
I have been a wedding photographer, and there’s several factors that makes me think that the marriage is not going to be very happy. Many times they probably won’t divorce because the wife have been conditioned to think it’s the norm, but she won’t be happy.
Some of the red flags I have seen are:
– When the groom has been up drinking the night before, showing up with a hangover in church and being in a bad mood for the reception because of it
– When they spend no time together at the party, only interaction when people force them because of traditions. Often they are splitting up with their separate friend groups and the groom will be drinking with them
– When the groom doesn’t give a speech or makes a very half hearted one he didn’t put much effort into. Makes me sad every time
– when they have their kids there and the wife is the only one responsible for them
– when the bride is nagging, in a bad mood and is correcting the groom several times throughout the wedding
– when the groom smashes wedding cake in the brides face without consent, laughing about it when she looks hurt
The kiss at the end of the ceremony is awkward and poorly done. Most typically seen at severely religious weddings where the couple has barely had any physical contact or intimacy and are mostly getting married because they want to have sex. Having grown up Baptist, I’ve seen many of these and often wonder how terrible, weird, and disappointing the wedding night must be.
I went to a wedding where the groom spent the whole night playing on his phone while the bride met all the guests and chatted with everyone. They lasted six months.
If one or both of the couple obviously don’t want to interact with their new spouse.
They spend the whole wedding apart.
from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda