When Terry Speer was a struggling art student in the 60s, he put himself through college by selling his prints…
Are You Prepared for Success?
Are you prepared for success? Earl Nightingale once said that if a person does not prepare for his success, when…
Can Money Really Buy Happiness?
Do you think that if you won the lottery, you would be happy? Think again. Over the past 10 years,…
How to Create the Perfect Life
You create the perfect life, by creating the perfect day…and then duplicating that day. …And you know what…it’s critical that…
The Power of Focus!
The enemy of greatness is not a lack of good ideas, it’s not even a lack of intelligence; it is…
3 Benefits of Knowing Your Strengths
According to some studies on crocodiles, the croc can apply as much as 5000 pounds of pressure (per square inch),…
How To Create What You Want… And Want What You Create
by Alan Allard Hello! Imagine your life starting out this way…. …You grew up in an emotionally and physically abusive…
Positive Attitude Is a State of Mind You Can Adopt
A person with a positive attitude is willing to experiment, take action and do things. He or she do not…