I was 10 and it was a white Lisa Frank journal with a red bubble gum dispenser on the front.…
Sleeping Too Much but Still Exhausted? Why You Can’t Sleep Well At Night
Can’t get yourself out of the ‘laze zone’? Simple, your aunt would say – you need more sleep. Well, what…
Getting Fit Over 40: The 7 Best Workout Routines for Beginners
Congratulations! You’re finally ready to shed some pounds, strengthen your heart and clear your mind.While work-out routines are a dime…
17-Year-Old Cat Returns Home After Going Missing 13 Years Ago
Janet Adamowicz was heartbroken when Boo, her beloved cat, ran away from home back in 2005 aged just four. She…
Artist Hilariously Illustrates Everyday Life With Her Fiancé And Their Four Cats
After you build a foundation with someone and spend a good amount of time getting to know each other, you…
Dietitian Shares Pics Of The Same Dishes With Different Calories To Change The Way You Think About Food
The liquid diet, the baby food diet, the raw food diet, people have gone to some pretty extreme lengths to…
This Guy Comes Up With A Genius Way To Get A Girl’s Nudes On Tinder And He’ll Probably Impress You Too
Tinder is overall a wild experience, considering many conversations often go south (pun intended) real quick. Navigating through weird matches is not…
This 24-Year-Old Artist Colorizes Historical Black & White Photos, And The Results Are Hauntingly Real
Hermann Göring Sits In The Dock At The Nuremberg Trial, 1946 source A 1st Royal Ulster Rifles, 6th Airborne Division…
106+ Dog Tweets That Will Make Your Day
Parents love to talk about their kids, and that includes ‘dog parents.’ But can you really blame them? Dogs aren’t…
Someone Asks People To Share The Most Terrifying Thing They’ve Seen, Man Shares What It Feels Like To Be Murdered
There is a social stigma when it comes to talking openly about mental illnesses and the impact they have on…