“Even when in the midst of disturbance, the stillness of the mind can offer sanctuary.” ~Stephen Richards One night my four-year-old…
How Do You Measure Success? 10 New Ways You Need to Know
“Larry is a failure at everything except life.” That was a memorable line from a somewhat forgettable Ted Danson movie…
How to Create Your Road Map to Success (A Step-By-Step Guide)
Everyone has their own definition of what success means to them. Well, at least we all should by the very…
27 Unbelievable Facts About Antarctica That Are 100% True
There is so much that we don’t know yet about our planet, Earth. This is especially true when it comes…
The 5 Most Important Things in Life You’ll Probably Regret Not Pursuing
The definition of Regret in the Oxford English Dictionary is:((Oxford Dictionary: Regret)) “Feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that…
Artist Hilariously Illustrates Her Life With A One-Eyed Cat She Rescued 7 Years Ago (12 Pics)
Cat owners have a history of relating to each another through comics (Lunarbaboon, Catsu). One of them is Missangest or…
Someone Tries To Promote Anti-Vaccination, Gets Destroyed With Their Own Logic
It’s hard to say who is more passionate, anti-vaxxers or those who enjoy shutting them down. Well, recently an anti-vaxxer…
How to Start a Successful Business and Increase Your Profits
It’s Sunday evening and you’re not looking forward to the start of the week. You’re not a pessimist but you…
Artist Illustrates Her Problems In 60+ Comics, And Many Girls Will Relate To Them
A 20-year-old Dre who goes by the name TheRandomNinjaKitty on Instagram draws comics that as much as fifty-seven thousand people…
“129 Ways To Get A Husband” According To An Article From 1958
How would you respond if someone asked you to describe the 1950s? Maybe you’d mention the Cold War between The…