“Your body is precious. It is your vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” ~Buddha When I went on my…
Free 5-Day Meditation Challenge – Interview with Mindful in May Founder Elise Bialylew
Every year, I share a little about Mindful in May, a month-long online meditation program that can dramatically improve your…
How to Think for Yourself
Do you think for yourself? In these times of fast media and ever-growing Internet we are under so many external…
The Make It Happen Actions
These are the set of actions that I’ve found to help overcome fears, find motivation, and prioritize: Find a purpose.…
My Life And The Struggles Of Being A Tall Girl (30 Comics)
When My 6’3″ Cousin And I Are Together, Some People Feel Like It’s An Amazons Invasion
Why Taking a Relationship Break Could Be a Smart Choice to Make
A relationship break can sound like a terrifying thing if you are having trouble in your relationship. What if my…
14 Healthy Easy Recipes for People on the Go
Greasy hamburgers at lunch or a buttered bagel is not everyone’s idea of a dream lunch. Healthy eating is important…
Father Illustrates The Friendship Between His Baby And Their Dog In 81 Adorable Comics (New Pics)
New parents love nothing more than uploading pics of their baby onto social media, and who can blame them? I…
After Homeless Man Writes A Note Saying He Could Work For Free, 16 Y.O Finds Him A Home And A Job
Housing charity Shelter reports that there were about 320,000 homeless people in Britain, a rise of 13,000 since the year…
87 Hilarious ‘According To Devin’ Comics
Everyday life is full of awkward little moments, and artist Devin Le not only hast rained his eye to spot…