American Tourists In The Wild: TikToker Shares 95 Hilarious Examples Of Americans Being Confidently Incorrect

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Tourists tend to stand out, gawking at sights that are commonplace for locals, getting confused by public transportation, and pointing at things a lot. An annoyance or economic opportunity, you be the judge, but one constant is that American tourists stand head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to baffling actions and requests.

So one TikToker gathers all the stories her viewer’s share of bizarre encounters with American tourists who often do not understand that being in a foreign country means things are done differently. Prepare to laugh and roll your eyes as you scroll through and be sure to upvote your favorites and comment your own experiences below. 

More info: TokTok


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson

At the root of many of these bizarre encounters is the deep-seated belief in American exceptionalism. Whether directly or indirectly, many Americans do think their nation is different, set apart and this, over time, leads to a stunning degree of ignorance about the outside world. In some ways, they are right, the United States is a very, very unique place and one worth visiting for anyone who hasn’t been. 

The idea that America is an exception, ironically, is not American in origin. In fact, it was the French aristocrat, diplomat, and political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville who first called it an “exceptional” place. The United States is very big, after all, encompassing multiple biomes, cultures, and religions, how could it not be special? 


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson

And in many other ways, the US is an outlier, a republic founded in an age of monarchies, not an economic giant, and probably the largest melting pot of cultures, music, food, and style in the world. A person could travel around the United States and its territories and have a good variety of holidays, from nature excursions to world-class museums and a wonderful selection of food. Indeed, many Americans never even leave the country, let alone their home state. 


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson

The result could be a sort of “Americentrism,” which might be the driving factor behind many of these encounters. For example, the style of English writing more often than not now reflects how Americans might do it, leaving British English behind. Why wouldn’t things abroad be like “back home,” if everyone understands your English? This is deeply incorrect, but some people can be forgiven for thinking this way. 


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson

Despite the old phrase that “when in Rome, do as the Romans do,” certain tourists prefer to do things their way. Now, in their defense, the Americans in question may not actually know how the Romans do things. Living in a place and visiting a historic center while staying in a hotel is so vastly different that one could be forgiven for missing many of the intricacies. Similarly, unless one is from a more multilingual area, it’s easy to forget that there are lots of languages out there. 


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson

Americentrism has all sorts of other “fun” effects, like US ad texts using terms like “everywhere” when just referring to the United States, or Americans using US name brands to refer to objects like calling a hot tub a Jacuzzi (which is a brand, not a generic name,) or chapstick, kleenex, and popsicles. This is more a result of a lack of alternatives and the ubiquity of marketing in US life than “ignorance.” 


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson

However, in the age of the internet and global media, it’s hard to excuse this level of ignorance. First and foremost, one can just Google anything, or if they have some more time, ask the internet through the multiple dedicated forums out there. The travel subreddit, r/Travel, is quite popular for this very reason. Similarly, “silly American tourists,” is such a popular subgenre of internet content that one would think they could learn something from it. 


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson


Image credits: elisheva.abramson

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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