“Am I A Jerk For Being Annoyed That My Mother-In-Law Ate My Dinner?”

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Moms are like superheroes. They are constantly expected to “do it all” when it comes to preparing meals, taking care of their family, and managing the household, all while keeping a smile on their face. They never get a day off, even when they are pregnant, so the least we can all do is try to make the life of every mom we know a tad bit easier. Unfortunately for one woman, her mother-in-law seems to have forgotten how difficult it can be to have to take care of everyone else.

One mom recently shared on Reddit an experience she had with her mother-in-law that led to a bit of family drama. After preparing a meal for the entire family, all she wanted to do was sit down, relax and eat, but she wasn’t even given the opportunity to do that. She later reached out online asking if she was justified in being upset with her mother-in-law, so below, you can read the full story and decide for yourself. Let us know in the comments how you would have responded to this entitled mother-in-law, and if you have any personal stories of in-law disputes to share, we’d love to hear them. Then, if you’re interested in yet another Bored Panda article featuring drama between in-laws, we recommend checking out this story next. 

This mother recently sought out some second opinions online to find out if she was justified in being upset with her mother-in-law

Image credits: Askar Abayev (not the actual photo)

Image credits: yoppy (not the actual photo)

Image credits: notahip

The relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be a complicated one. Sometimes, the two women become best friends through their shared love of their child or partner and bond through baking together, shopping for the children and joining the same book club. Other times, however, the two women can have a tumultuous relationship battling for the attention and affection of their child or partner. A mother-in-law may feel entitled to dictating how her son lives his life and what decisions he makes, and a daughter-in-law might be bulldozed by her in-laws to try to avoid any conflicts.

No matter what a daughter-in-law does sometimes, she cannot satisfy the desires of her mother-in-law without sacrificing her own happiness. But according to a recent study published in the Evolutionary Psychological Science Journal, it might be completely out of your control if your in-laws don’t like you. According to the study, each person is wired to “unconsciously [act] in the interest of their genetic kin”, meaning that we may pick fights with our in-laws more easily, as they are not our flesh and blood.

The mom provided more details about the story and her relationship with her mother-in-law in the comments

And when it comes to the specific relationship between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, Dr. Terri Apter, a psychologist from Cambridge University writes in her book What Do You Want From Me?, “The conflict often arises from an assumption that each is criticizing or undermining the other woman. But this mutual unease may have less to do with actual attitudes and far more to do with persistent female stereotypes that few of us manage to shake off completely. Both the mother and the wife are struggling to achieve the same position in the family — primary woman. Each tries to establish or protect their status. Each feels threatened by the other.”

In the case of the mother-in-law in this story, she seems selfish and entitled and picking fights due to more than just her genetics, but it is clear in the comments that people see right through her actions. Although it is never easy to set boundaries with a family member, I hope that this mother will be treated fairly from now on, especially while she is pregnant and working hard to take care of her family. Let us know in the comments what you think about this situation, and if you have any horror stories from encounters with your in-laws, feel free to share them with your fellow pandas as well. 

Readers were horrified by the mother-in-law’s behavior, with many saying she should not be invited over again

The post “Am I A Jerk For Being Annoyed That My Mother-In-Law Ate My Dinner?” first appeared on Bored Panda.

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