Aerial Photo Of Officers And A Quarantine-Breaking Man On The Beach Looks Like An Album Cover, People Start Photoshopping It

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Rimini is a city on the Adriatic coast in Italy with over 22 centuries of history. Recently, a new page was added to it. And quite a funny one, too.

On the 17th of April, the public relations office of the city’s municipality shared an aerial photo of a man breaking quarantine. In it, two police officers can be seen approaching him, leaving their four-wheel motorcycles behind on the sand.

The sharp image immediately grabbed the Internet’s attention. In fact, people liked it so much, they turned it into a meme. Continue scrolling and check out what they have come up with so far!

More info: Facebook


Image credits: CatnipHip


Image credits: Lorenzo Aiello


Image credits: CatnipHip


Image credits: CatnipHip


Image credits: Federico Berlini


Image credits: Mattia Podda


Image credits: LO Sketch


Image credits: Marco Mark Unread Romagnoli


Image credits: CatnipHip


Image credits: CatnipHip


Image credits: Luca Baggiarini


Image credits: Roberto Fakia Facchiano


Image credits: Giovanni Vaccari


Image credits: Marco AR

from Bored Panda
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