There’s no such thing as a person whom everyone and anyone would find attractive. Certainly, there are conventionally attractive facial and body features that might draw in quite a number of admirers. But there will always be folks who simply don’t get the appeal because they have very different tastes. And there’s no arguing about taste.
Recently, some celebrity-savvy internet users took to a viral thread on AskReddit to share which stars—whom most people would say are facially attractive—really aren’t all that appealing to them. Scroll down to read their opinions.
Bored Panda got in touch with entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyle expert Mike Sington for his advice on how celebrities should respond to criticism about their looks and style, as well as how they can manage the stress of the entertainment industry to stay healthy. You’ll find his insights below!
Chrissy Tiegen. She looks like a muppet to me. 🤷🏻♀️.
Image credits: xMOMxMEATLOAFx
“Criticism is inevitable for celebrities, but how they respond can shape their public image and personal well-being. The key is to differentiate between constructive feedback and baseless negativity,” Sington explained to Bored Panda.
He said that while constructive criticism can be used for growth, baseless attacks should either be ignored or “met with grace.”
“Developing a thick skin and focusing on personal confidence rather than public approval is essential. Engaging in social media arguments or reacting emotionally often fuels further criticism, so responding with poise—or not at all—can be the most powerful move,” the expert said.
He added that stars should keep in mind that public opinion is ever-changing. “Trends, tastes, and perceptions evolve, and trying to please everyone is impossible. Instead, staying authentic and surrounding themselves with supportive people can help them navigate scrutiny.”
Ariana Grande scares me. That looks like a ghoul from Fallout.
Image credits: Ok-Efficiency-5728
I’ve never understood calling George Clooney the sexiest man alive. He is decent looking but if he worked at a gas station, I’m sure no one would wonder why he was working there 🤷.
Image credits: worldendersteve
Meanwhile, if all the criticism you get becomes overwhelming, you may want to consider focusing on your craft and the positive impact you can have on your fans. This can serve as a reminder of what truly matters.
Sington was also kind enough to walk us through stress management in the entertainment industry. He pointed out that celebrities ought to prioritize self-care through a balanced lifestyle. In short, when you get the fundamentals right, it’s easier to deal with stress.
“Regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and sufficient sleep help maintain physical health, while meditation, therapy, or journaling can support mental and emotional well-being,” he said.
“Limiting social media exposure—especially avoiding mean comments—can prevent unnecessary negativity. Surrounding themselves with supportive friends, family, or mentors provides a strong emotional foundation. Engaging in hobbies, philanthropy, or creative outlets outside their main work can also offer a sense of fulfillment beyond public opinion,” Sington told Bored Panda.
Barry Keoghan. His face honestly looks like random features thrown together to me.
Image credits: No_Badger8250
Kylie Jenner.
infinite_five: Her body was designed to such extremes that it’s disproportionate and freaky, imo. Very unattractive person inside and out
Image credits: NineOneOneFx
Kim Kardashian
I’m not saying she’s unattractive, she just does nothing for me.
Image credits: Venkman0
“Ultimately, focusing on personal growth and inner peace rather than external validation is key to long-term resilience,” he said.
Who you find beautiful can depend on a very wide range of factors, from your culture and background to your personal life experiences, family life growing up, and even your genetics. And beauty standards aren’t static: they can change over time and depend on geography, social norms, etc.
That being said, there are some threads that unite many disparate opinions. For example, Nathan H. Lents, PhD, a professor of biology at John Jay College, of the City University of New York, notes that height is desirable in men across cultures and times, and a low waist-hip ratio is seen as attractive in women, globally.
Something else that’s seen as almost universally attractive—in terms of facial features—is symmetry, which indicates good genes and physical health. “Across many clever experimental designs, researchers have confirmed that we rate faces that are more symmetrical as more attractive than those with less symmetry,” Lents explains.
Leonard DiCaprio he just gets weirder and grosser looking older he gets.
Image credits: Roadgoddess
Justin Timberlake. I remember girls used to go crazy over him back in the day and I truly just do not see the attraction. He looks very average and very smug all at the same time.
Image credits: kiya12309
Ted bundy. How in the h**l the media called him handsome is beyond me. He’s ugly af.
Image credits: Weird_Wrap5130
“Like height in males and waist-hip ratio in females, symmetrical faces are more attractive to people across cultures and historical times.”
The main explanation for why facial symmetry is attractive lies in the idea that if developmental gene expression is done perfectly, you get perfect symmetry. Deviations from symmetry can indicate some sort of dysfunction, even if this is minor. Meanwhile, symmetrical features mean that the individual grew and developed well.
Julia Roberts has never been attractive to me.
The_Zeroman: When she smiles or laughs her head splits open like a muppet and it freaks me out, her mouth is just way too wide
Image credits: juliaroberts
Harry Styles. Several of my coworkers are convinced they’re gonna marry him, but I don’t see the appeal.
Image credits: harrystyles
Robert Pattinson. When I first saw him appear in Twilight, it felt like a hundred balloons had all deflated within me. Just disappointment -____-
SnooJokes5038: He supposedly has the “perfect” face, according to scientists or whatever. I don’t personally find him attractive
Image credits: Routine-Call2430
It’s not just the realm of romance that facial symmetry affects, though. People tend to pursue friends and allies based on facial features, too. “It’s an awful thing about us, but everyone wants to be friends with the rich, powerful, and popular,” Lents writes.
Who are some celebrities most people probably find attractive that you don’t, dear Pandas? On the flip side, which stars do you find attractive, though not many others would agree with you? Looks aside, what personality qualities do you value the most in public figures? Let us know in the comments below!
For me it’s Lily-Rose Depp. She’s not bad looking…but her face looks like something that a Family Guy animator could easily draw lol.
Image credits: AngryMuffin_21
Gwyneth Paltrow. She’s so washed out and boring looking. Even her voice is boring. I have never understood that hype.
Image credits: gwynethpaltrow
Sabrina Carpenter. Just creeps me out. Feels like what a 90s futuristic sci-fci artist would make for a robot woman.
Image credits: sabrinacarpenter
Maggie Gylenhaal
The fact that she was the love interest of Batman in the dark knight, was more unbelievable to me than any other plot element in the movie.
Image credits: crap_monkey
Johnny Depp.
He’s looked homeless for 20 years now.
Image credits: Ok-Pineapple1373
Glen Powell is just not that good looking and his legs do weird things when he walks.
Image credits: HolyButtNuggets
Millie Bobbie Brown.
Educational-Lynx-370: Girl went from 9yo to 49yo in 10 years
Timothee Chalamet.
ReaverRogue: He looks like the vengeful spirit of a Victorian orphan.
Image credits: tchalamet
The singer from Maroon 5.
Universallove369: Stop. This was my thought reading this. Adam is not even the smallest bit attractive to me. He seems like a super douche to boot.
Image credits: adamlevine
Taylor Swift. I don’t see it.
novahouseandhome: she looks just like a mean girl in high school that we called rat face. even 50 yrs later my sister and i were talking about how TS looks just like rat face!
Miley Cyrus- cannot see why she is so popular.
I mean once surgery comes into play, looks always take a dive. These people that undergo surgery to become more beautiful end up looking like Madonna or Joan rivers to me. At least Joan was funny.
Jennifer Aniston.
Silver-Instruction73: Nice body. Face is meh. Wide jaw and pointy chin is what does it I think. Probably why she usually drapes her hair over the sides of her face.
Cara delevingne.
she always looks screw faced and annoyed.
never seen the appeal in her.
I don’t find Chris hemsworth attractive which was apparently unheard of by my sister. Idk he just does nothing for me. Too boring, too bulky maybe.
Anne Hathaway. It’s not that she’s not attractive, I just always thought “yeah that’s Anne Hathaway” but I was never aware so many people had a crush on her.
Pete Davidson, my whole family thinks he’s adorable,I just don’t see it.
Travis Kelce being the sexiest man alive. He’s not bad looking, but of all the guys in the world he won?
EDIT: Hey so it was brought to my attention that is was his brother Jason who won. My apologies. Jason is cuter. Still not Sexiest Man Alive in my book.
None of these people are “ugly” to me at all, I just think their looks are overrated.
Bradley Cooper. Pretty eye color, but otherwise just looks like a regular dude to me. In certain pics, he’s kind of goofy looking even.
Channing Tatum. Someone said he looks like a thumb, and I kind of agree.
In the 80s when I was a kid, Cybill Shepherd was a big deal. I don’t really get it.
I’ve heard a lot of men say Susan Sarandon is gorgeous. Her eyes look like golf b***s to me.
Sara Jessica Parker.
kyledwray: I agree 100%, in every picture, in every role… except Hocus Pocus. I don’t understand it. I don’t even necessarily like it. I don’t like Sarah Jessica Parker, but Sarah Sanderson can get it
Adam Driver. I don’t find him attractive at all.
Jeremy Allan White.
Technical_Image2145: He looks like a reincarnation of Gene Wilder. I quite like his looks but he is the walking definition of ‘line cook hot’.
Tom cruise.
marcgw96: Also he’s best buds with the leader of the Scientology cult. The more I learn about Tom Cruise the more off putting he seems.
Ellen Pompeo – I never understood why every man that walk’s in that hospital on Grey’s Anatomy fall for her. Not only is she incredibly plain to look at but her character is so grumpy & snarly all the time. I don’t understand the attraction.
Ryan Reynolds.
AnyAnswer7901: Those beady eyes are too close together and that HUGE forehead 😬
Anya Taylor Joy.
TheBimpo: She looks like she was assembled out of parts of other people.
Dakota Johnson.
Cannelope: In the most respectful way, she embodies the spirit of plain
Hailey Baldwin looks average and plain to be considered a supermodel?
Beyoncé and Giselle. Obviously not ugly but I just don’t feel the hype.
Anna Kendrick. I think she is owl-ly features.
Sydney Sweeney.
aproposofnothing32: Her eyes are upside down! I keep saying this and no one else sees it! Ugh! I hate being right alone!
Cillian Murphy. His face is too gaunt and pointy.
Jennifer Lawrence tbh she’s plain to me. Also jennifer Aniston .
Jacob Elordi. I don’t think he’s attractive and I would go as far to say that I find his face kinda strange-looking.
Gordon Ramsay? Women drool over him and I’m like, why? Lol.
Cameron Diaz.
lovethatjourneyforus: Her eyes are so tiny and sunken, and her mouth is so big!!
Zendaya. Here in Brazil you see lots of “Zendaya like” girls on a trip to the grocery store on monday morning.
Jennifer Lopez. She looks so average, you can probably find random women that look like her in all of Central and South America. And they’d probably have nicer personalities on top of that.
Matthew McConaughey.
HarveyNix: I’m gay and normally appreciate any tanned guy with no shirt on, but I want him to cover up and get checked by a dermatologist after all that sun damage.
LumpyPhilosopher8: Every time I see him I think about that interview he gave where he said that he doesn’t wear deodorant because his “natural aroma” smelled so good. He’s disgusting.
Tom Brady. I do not understand.
Trixie: He is so creepily fake in every way imaginable, including his face. Every expression looks forced, as if he concentrated so much on football that he never learned how to be able to come across naturally.
John Cena for me. I just can’t see it.
The red head from s*x and the city. She always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it’s the little teeth and all those gums.
Angelina Jolie. Someone help me understand.
Mine is Mariah Carey I just don’t get it.
Jennifer Garner was never attractive to me.
Gal Gadot. Has all the appeal of a generic NPC in a Ubisoft game.
from Bored Panda
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