“So Very Fragile”: Parenting Expert Explains Why We Shouldn’t Put Young Kids In Daycare

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Every parent wants what’s best for their little ones. But it’s not always easy to know what exactly that means. There’s plenty of debate surrounding the safest sleeping method for your child, what you should be feeding your kiddos at every age and who should be watching them while you’re at work.

It’s impossible to be perfect, but according to psychoanalyst and parent coach Erica Komisar, LCSW, daycare isn’t the best choice for most families. Below, you’ll find a clip of Erica’s recent interview on The Diary Of A CEO podcast that went viral, as well as some of the replies viewers shared.

Daycare is a godsend for many working parents

Children in a daycare setting participating in an interactive group activity led by a teacher.

Image credits: Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

But Erica Komisar, LCSW, says it’s harmful to leave our kids in someone else’s care at such a young age

Parenting expert discussing the fragility of young kids in daycare.

Image credits: doac.clips

Text conversation highlighting daycare concerns and parenting perspectives.

Text exchange about daycare's effect on children's cortisol levels.

Parenting expert discusses daycare impact on young kids' cortisol levels.

Image credits: doac.clips

Text discussing the impact of daycare on young children's behavioral and attachment issues.

Parenting expert discusses daycare impact on young kids' behavior, showing a woman's concerned expression.

Image credits: doac.clips

Text about young children being fragile and vulnerable, discussing concerns with early daycare placement.

You can see the full clip from Erica’s interview right here

@doac.clips Full episode with Erica Komisar out now on The Diary Of A CEO YouTube Channel and all streaming platforms!🤔@Steven Bartlett #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #diaryofaceo #diaryofaceopodcast #podcast #podcastclips #stevenbartlett #doac ♬ original sound – The Diary Of A CEO

Finding reliable and affordable childcare is a challenge for many parents

A mother playfully hugs her young daughter on the floor, highlighting the fragile nature of early childhood.

Image credits: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

After having a baby, one of the hardest things to imagine is reaching a day when you won’t be with them for every hour. Eventually, every parent will have to return to work, run errands, hire a babysitter or drop their little one off at daycare to ensure that they can make ends meet and keep their household in order.

But it’s not always easy for parents to decide what to do when they have to leave their kids in the care of someone else. According to the Center for American Progress (CAP), over two thirds of kids in the U.S. under the age of six only have working parents, meaning there’s no one around to stay home with them during the day.

But a 2022 survey from the U.S. Census Bureau found that the majority of parents with young children didn’t have any permanent childcare plans in place. About 8% of families did report that they had their kids in daycare, but that’s not an option for many parents due to the cost. 

CAP reports that in 2023, it would take 10% of the entire income of a two-parent household to afford the average cost of childcare across the country. And for single parents, daycare would eat up nearly a third of their income.

Aside from how expensive childcare is, Erica Komisar, LCSW, says there are plenty of reasons for parents to avoid it. But is it really so bad? The Institute for Family Studies shared an article breaking down the results of a study aiming to find out if spending time in daycare made children more likely to develop behavioral issues.

Experts say there are pros and cons of putting your kids in daycare

Young kids coloring with pencils at a daycare table, guided by a caregiver.

Image credits: Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

The authors concluded, “we found no evidence that more time spent in center-based child care poses a risk for developing behavior problems in early childhood.” 

At the same time, there are even some benefits associated with sending your kids to daycare. TODAY spoke with some experts on the topic, who revealed that spending time in daycare can be great for a child’s immune system, can teach them adaptability, allows kids to socialize, and the transition away from Mom and Dad can be much easier at an early age than it will be when they’re older.

Of course, it’s up to every family to decide whether or not daycare is right for them. So if you’re looking for alternatives to traditional daycare, Care.com recommends child care cooperatives, babysitting exchanges, nonprofit centers, in-home daycare centers, family care or hiring a nanny or au pair.

Regardless of which path you choose, it’s important for parents to feel comfortable with their childcare arrangement. And if daycare is your only option, don’t let videos on TikTok make you feel guilty about that. There’s no reason to demonize this option that plenty of working families have utilized for decades. 

We would love to hear your thoughts on this video in the comments below, pandas. Do you agree with Erica’s take, or have you had positive experiences using daycare with your own children? Feel free to weigh in. Then, you can find another Bored Panda article discussing childcare right here.   

Many viewers were not amused by Erica’s take, pointing out that working parents don’t always have other options

Comment on stress of having young kids, related to parenting and daycare.

Comment about parenting choices and daycare with 18.5K likes.

Comment on parenting and daycare: "Us working mums put up with enough guilt. Thank you.

Comment on parenting and daycare opinions, expressing a view about young kids' care preferences.

Comment questioning daycare choices for parents in 2025, with 8277 likes.

Comment on parenting challenges, highlighting fragility, with 4265 likes from Aotearoa Fox.

Comment discussing child stress related to poverty, highlighting child fragility concerns.

Daycare provider emphasizes emotional and intellectual care for young kids, responding to parenting concerns.

Comment on daycare alternatives for young kids with 408 likes.

Comment discussing daycare and child development differences among young kids.

Comment humorously discussing effects of young kids in daycare, featuring user profile photo and love count.

Comment on daycare, mother shares positive experience about her son’s social and emotional growth in nursery settings.

Comment questioning expert's view on young kids in daycare, with user Petalcheek highlighting childcare needs.

Comment discussing challenges of daycare for young kids and financial constraints.

Comment expressing disagreement about daycare for young kids with 27 likes.

Comment discussing concerns about young kids in daycare due to inadequate maternity leave policy.

Comment discussing the necessity of daycare for kids in challenging family situations.

Comment questioning parenting expert's views on young kids in daycare, asking about work and financial support for mothers.

Comment discussing childcare challenges and screen time for young kids in daycare decisions.

Lauri's comment discusses children in daycare, highlighting educators' role after 40 years in early childhood education.

Comment questioning daycare advice, discussing privilege and solutions for parenting.

Comment about parenting challenges and daycare decisions, with a heart react.

Daycare worker disagrees, sharing firsthand experience of impact on young kids.

Comment on parental support for early childcare decisions.

However, some agreed that young children should be with their parents

Comment by user maggiemay discussing views on young kids in daycare, expressing it's a fact and not to be offended.

Comment agreeing with parenting expert on young kids' daycare, highlighting the natural bond between mothers and babies.

Childcare expert comment on daycare stress, expressing concern for baby welfare.

Comment discussing the importance of raising children at home instead of using daycare, emphasizing parenting choices.

Comment expressing concern about young kids in daycare with 56 likes.

Comment discussing daycare impact on young kids, highlighting feelings of loneliness and stress from childhood experiences.

Comment expressing concerns about putting young kids in daycare for long hours.

Comment expressing support for not putting young kids in daycare, highlighting personal satisfaction as a stay-at-home mom.

The post “So Very Fragile”: Parenting Expert Explains Why We Shouldn’t Put Young Kids In Daycare first appeared on Bored Panda.

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