Every country has something that people associate it with the most. For Italy, it’s probably espresso and pasta. When we think about Australia, snakes making their way into your living room probably pop up in our minds. The U.S., in its own right, reminds us of the stereotypes about fast food.
But what connotations does Canada evoke? Polite people and universal healthcare? Freezing winters and hockey? We’d hate to reduce any country to such simplicity, so, we’ve collected some images that might paint a picture from all sides: its people, its nature, and just general awesomeness that happens only in Canada.
#1 “Americano” Is Now “Canadiano” At This Coffee Shop
Image credits: BizAcc
#2 How Companies Are Advertising In Canada These Days
Image credits: ClassOptimal7655
#3 In Canada, Cars From The Northwest Territories Have A Polar Bear Shaped License Plate
Image credits: LemonLoaf8
A little over 40 million people live in Canada, and, in 2024, it still ranked 15th in the World Happiness Report. Although that’s pretty good, it’s a slip two places down from last year. For young people, however, life doesn’t seem to be so good, as Canada placed 58th in the happiness ranking for people under 30.
Older people, however, think that living in Canada is the bee’s knees, as in the category of happiness of those 60 years and older Canada was in 8th place. Still, Canada ranks high among other countries in metrics such as racial equality and quality of life, as in 2023, The U.S. News placed Canada 2nd among 87 countries for racial equality and 3rd for quality of life.
#4 Only In Canada – It Was Below Freezing And Actively Snowing
Image credits: BoozyGherkins
#5 It’s That Time Of Year Again
It’s maple taffy. You boil maple syrup down until it’s thickened, then pour it onto snow, wait for it to set and roll it up to eat. Very very sweet, but very tasty. It’s popular in the francophone community.
Image credits: Levangeline
#6 A True Canadian
Image credits: bmaneumann
Life in Canada is pretty good. And how can it be bad when there are so many unique things to appreciate? If you thought that Canada was “just America, but colder,” you probably need to think again. Canada has some things that make it pretty unique, so, let’s go over some of them, shall we?
First, the amazing nature of Canada. Banff National Park is one of the most famous nature spots in all of Canada. With its turquoise glacier-fed Lake Louise, the park offers skiing, hiking, canoeing, yoga, and other recreational activities all year round. While many people opt for Niagara Falls or go see the Aurora Borealis in Manitoba, Banff is an almost out-of-this-world beautiful place that offers much more.
#7 Apple Beverage Is 100% More Spooky Than Just Apple Juice
Image credits: piranhapIant
#8 Chutes Montmorency Waterfall, Québec, Québec
Image credits: WitchyandWild
#9 Spotted In Whistler
Image credits: Farjuan
Canada is famous for making maple syrup, but did you know that more than 80% of the world’s syrup is made in Canada? What’s more, 90% of Canadian maple syrup comes from the province of Quebec alone.
The Quebecois have a unique dish they make with maple syrup, called “pouding chômeur,” which translates to “unemployment pudding.” It’s simply biscuit dough poached in maple syrup caramel, and it originated during the Great Depression when people were looking to make something sweet with limited resources.
#10 A Canadian Attempts Controversy
Image credits: Speedy_Cheese
#11 Never Been More Proud To Be Canadian
Image credits: drk_cyde_666
#12 I Tried To Take A Picture Of My Girlfriend At Lake Moraine, Canada, When Suddenly This Little Guy Joined In
Image credits: kaikajo
Hockey is not just a sport for Canadians; it’s one of their biggest sources of pride. Canada has 23 Olympic medals in men’s hockey, 14 of which are gold. Women have won four consecutive gold Olympic medals in 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014, then won again in 2022. The other side of the Canadian $5 bill even has kids playing hockey on it!
#13 Canadian Winter
Image credits: Keroseni
#14 Niagara Falls From A Helicopter, Canadian Airspace
Image credits: opnwyder
#15 Train Navigating Through The Canadian Snow
Image credits: Mountain Safety, Parks Canada
If you’ve ever had Hershey’s chocolate in Canada, you’d notice that it tastes a bit different than it does in America. Canadians have reformulated Hershey’s chocolate so that it tastes smoother and sweeter. The American version is more cheesy in flavor, because, according to Hershey’s senior chocolate specialist Gina Shroy, Americans like it that way.
“Canadian chocolate is higher in fat and it is a higher particle size, but Americans tend to gravitate towards a little bit more of a grittier or even cheesier flavour,” she explained.
#16 Another Sunny Day In Northwestern Ontario
Image credits: GeraldtonSteve
#17 Saw This On A Pole Downtown
Image credits: IllBThereSoon
#18 This Is Fine
This happened today in Coquitlam at a friend’s house. Everyone is okay!
Image credits: friedchickendinner
If you’re thinking of moving to Canada (for whatever inconspicuous reasons), you might consider these two cities Canadian cities. Calgary and Vancouver came in fifth and seventh place, respectively, in The Economist’s top 10 most liveable cities in the world.
#19 Free Street Zipline On Waterfront St
Image credits: brophy87
#20 Caw Caw Caw
Image credits: Substantial_Sky_1930
#21 Exclusive Poolside Event At Kits For Canada’s Elite (No Humans Allowed)
Image credits: brophy87
Canada also boasts its significance to all the sweet teeth of North America. Hamilton, Ontario is where the magic of Swedish Fish happens. It’s the city that houses the factory where the candy for all of the North American market is made. Never mind the betrayal that the fish don’t come from Sweden at all!
#22 Who Will Take The Tree Down Faster? The City Or The Beaver?
Image credits: raffaelheavan
#23 Pizza Place In Canada Uses Hockey Net As A Pizza Saver
Image credits: blucymarie
#24 With All These Posts Lately About Postal Workers Delivering Packages Terribly, It’s Nice To Come Home To A Canada Post Worker Who Shoveled My Step So My Package Wouldn’t Get Wet
Image credits: machoyd
When we think of fortified cities, probably many European old towns come to mind. But Canada has its own walled city, Quebec. It’s the only fortified city north of Mexico City in North America that has proper walls all around. It’s not medieval, like, say, Dubrovnik, but it has its own charm, with horses and carriages passing by from time to time.
#25 In Canada, A Bus Driver Saw A Young Boy On The Street Crying. He Couldn’t Ride His Bike Because The Chain Had Come Off. The Driver Stopped The Bus, Got Out, And Fixed It On The Spot
Image credits: FacelessOnes
#26 This Is Canada. Saw This While Skiing. It Was A Little Cold
Image credits: fpshadow26
#27 We Saw A Moose On The Loose While Skiing In Canada
Image credits: grahamf97
Lastly, let’s tackle the Canadian weather. Those who’ve never been there think that Canada is probably always cold, icy, and snowy. And while winters can get brutal in the most northern cities, it’s not winter all year round. In Toronto, it gets up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) during summer. In Vancouver, the temperatures don’t drop below freezing even during winter, and summers get as hot as 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius).
#28 Hockey Keypad
Image credits: colesnap
#29 My Mom’s Boyfriend Took This Photo Today. I Guess Everyone Needs Coffee
Image credits: theoutdoorprofessor
#30 They’re Actually A Serious Problem Here In Canada
Image credits: SamWiseGimly
What’s your take on Canada, Pandas? Like it, love it, or adore it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and if you’re a Canadian Panda, share some more interesting things only true Canadians know! And, if you’re still looking for some more Canadian curiosities after that, visit our previous posts about this wonderful country here, here, and here!
#31 Canadian Weightlifter Maude Charron Drinking Canadian Maple Syrup Before Winning Silver
Image credits: Darklords1911
#32 Pulling A Canoe With A Bike In A Snowstorm In Mid April. It Doesn’t Get Any More Canadian Than This
Image credits: junkybutt
#33 Urban Owl In Vancouver, BC
My boyfriend always gets fooled by those fake owls on buildings so when he was walking to 7-Eleven for a midnight snack he had to take a double-take when he saw this fella. Perched right on the intersection of two main roads, wasn’t bothered by us walking by or by the cars. People walked by and didn’t even notice it! The owl turned its head to watch them walk by but they couldn’t be the wiser. I was surprised to see it sitting so close to the sidewalk. There’s some enormous rats living in that “community garden” and the alleyway, so I assume it was hunting. I have no idea what kind of owl it is, I was thinking barred, but it doesn’t look quite the same?
Image credits: laughingmybeakoff
#34 Apologizing For Itself Is Very Canadian
Image credits: haserotangel
#35 Aurora Over The Howe Sound, Taken From Whytecliff Park
Image credits: Peterthemonster
#36 Just A Coyote Stretching
Spotted along the Lakeshore bike track around 7:50 AM today. Did not seem to be interested in anyone passing!
Image credits: AtTheRogersCup2022
#37 I Think And Do This Exact Thing Occasionally, It’s A Nice Little Rush Of Realization Euphoria Honestly
Image credits: Deep_Space52
#38 Hockey Nets Built Into Outdoor Basketball Court (Ontario Canada)
Image credits: tbone115
#39 Please Walk On The Grass Sign In Toronto, Canada
Image credits: randomusername69696
#40 Another Rider Not Paying To Use The Train
Image credits: SitecoreFlunkyJunky
#41 Meech Lake Giving Those Amazing Autumn Colours
Image credits: AnnieWeatherwax
#42 Safe To Say, I’m Glad I Live In Canada
Image credits: AbortionIsYummy
#43 Canadian Cats Are Tough, And Fashionably Dressed
Image credits: LiftForever67
#44 A Statue Of A Hand Holding A Cheeto In Cheadle, Alberta, Canada
Image credits: reddit.com
#45 Not Often You Pull Up To The Gas Station And Have To Wait Behind Snowmobiles
Image credits: drtraceycain
#46 Falls Under The “Only In Canada” Category
Image credits: marcus_starr
#47 Only In Canada
Image credits: lc_morgan
#48 “A Wildlife Overpass” In Banff National Park Of Canada
Image credits: trot-trot
#49 I Completed My 600th Donation At Canadian Blood Services
Image credits: ZarafFaraz
#50 Aurora Last Night From My Back Yard Near Ottawa, Canada
Image credits: ottguy42
#51 Geological Strata Of A Canadian Winter
Image credits: fibonarco
#52 Tom Sushi Is The Best Employer In Vancouver
Image credits: vanbikecouver
#53 Paddle Board This Morning
Image credits: 24ofBEERMAN
#54 Seen On The Side Of A Bus. I Guess That’s One Way To Find A Wife
Image credits: lovercurse
#55 How Is This Only 2 Hours Outside Of Vancouver?
Image credits: beefnoodlesoup123
#56 Canada Has Kraft Mac N Cheese Powder In A Can
Image credits: Superseaslug
#57 The Canadian Government Just Paid Off My Entire Student Loans For My Contributions As A Clinical Mental Health Researcher, More Than 38,000 Dollars
Image credits: ChiMeraRa
#58 Edmonton Traffic Jam Across The High Level Bridge
Image credits: No-Top-7177
#59 I Live In Northern Canada And Passed This Store On My Way Home Yesterday And Dropped Off Some Coats Today
Image credits: dragonbornsqrl
#60 I Ordered Something From An Etsy Shop And Canada Post Lost The Parcel. The Owner Made Another One, Sent It And Reimbursed Me. I Finally Got It And She Included A $5 Timmies Gift Card
Image credits: mrsdeetz
#61 Truly Canadian. Lawn Tractor Going Through Tim Hortons Drive Thru
Image credits: laura_chase_80
#62 Travelers To Canada Beware
Image credits: ordreats
#63 Probably The Most Canadian Game I’ve Ever Played
Image credits: lydiaherbison
#64 A Great Canadian Morning
Image credits: tiffpea
#65 Canadian Snow Castle
Image credits: Unapologetic_Canuck
#66 This Is A Normal Canadian Stall
Image credits: Quafeinum
#67 My (Regular Canadian) Thursday Meal
Image credits: a_hall
#68 This Is The First Time I’ve Seen Free Range Chickens In Vancouver . Just Out For An Afternoon Stroll
Image credits: Alphalee
#69 Online Retailer Mailed Cashback
Bought a necklace for my girlfriend and got this in the mail with my order. Made me smile.
Image credits: unmasked_crusader
#70 In Canada Even Traffic Signs Are Polite
Image credits: Upset_Peace_6739
#71 A Winterized Porta Potty In Canada
Image credits: gmcl86
#72 Spotted In Alberta, Canada
Image credits: irregularpostingsesh
#73 The People’s Team
Image credits: haileyraestewart
#74 Canadian Boys
Image credits: instagram.com
#75 Calm Down Canada, You’re Too Beautiful. I Just Moved Here From Australia, Have Never Been In Snow, Went For A Drive Near Canmore, Pulled Over And Snapped This. Love Your Country
Image credits: Moon_Lamp
#76 Olivia Chow, 67 Year Old Mayor Of Toronto, Shooting Hoops At An Olympic Watching Party
Image credits: Musicferret
#77 Who Did This? You’re My Hero
Image credits: subtleandunnatural
#78 Toronto
Image credits: uiopyuiop
#79 I Love You, Ottawa
Image credits: walltowallboredom
#80 Christmas Miracle In Canada
Image credits: eentropy
#81 Sensory Friendly Shopping Last Night At A Local Safeway In Canada
Image credits: shadowgathering
#82 My Uber Passenger Drove My Car After I Got Pulled Over For Having A Suspended Drivers License That I Didn’t Know About
Not only that she drove me to service Ontario to get my license back. She wouldn’t even let me buy her a coffee or a muffin while she waited at the court house,
Image credits: BaNgErLeEvEr
#83 People Leaving Cans Outside So The Homeless Don’t Have To Dig Through The Garbage For Them. I Love Canada
Image credits: TobiasRules
#84 Traffic Lights In Prince Edward Island In Canada Are Different Shapes For Color Blind People
Image credits: danyalm
#85 Amazing Place In Toronto
Image credits: travelinsta1301
#86 Montreal, Canada, After Our 2nd Snow Storm In A Week
Image credits: ParfaitUpper1418
#87 Bald Eagle Rescued After Hitting The Water Too Hard Off The Coast Of BC Canada
Image credits: cleetus76
#88 We Took A Moment To Enjoy Peyto Lake In Banff National Park. Can You Believe The Color Of That Water?
Image credits: adventuredawgs
#89 A Zamboni In The Wild
Image credits: andrewahanna
#90 I Always Get A Chuckle Out Of The Cat Sign
Image credits: cheshirecatpub
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