“I Didn’t Adopt It, It Adopted Me”: 74 “Old People” Habits People Learned To Appreciate

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As youngsters, many of us scoffed at the idea of going to bed at a reasonable hour and being up by daybreak the following day. Such behavior is typically dismissed as something that “old-timers do.” 

But as we grew older, we began seeing the logic behind such habits and how practicing them can actually add efficiency to our lives. Many shared this realization in a recent Reddit thread about “old person habits” that make the most sense. 

Whether it’s doing grocery shopping before noon to beat the throngs of people or sewing as a meditative activity, you may relate with at least one of these.


All weekend errands are done before noon to beat the crowds. If I can’t get there before then, I’ll wait.


The proper old person errand hack is doing them on a Wednesday at like 1:30 pm.

Image credits: StumblinThroughLife


Closed captioning on anything I watch.


I can’t hear without my subtitles!

Image credits: taylorado


Carrying ibuprofen in my pursue always. You never know when one might need.

Image credits: BaseballSwimming5274


Wanting to stay home. Have them come to me.

Image credits: Cultural_Wash5414


Sewing / crocheting it’s literally meditation 🧘‍♀️.

Image credits: Few-Housing-8452


Early bed time/Early rising.


This! I think I just am old, because one day I went to bed at 9pm and it just stuck. It’s the greatest.


It dawned on me the other day, I LIKE to sleep, so why am I fighting going to bed? Went to bed early, slept through the night, felt so relaxed and calm the next day.

Image credits: Lilith_Learned


And as my grandfather said, learn to age gracefully and accept the changes as they come.


It’s wild how gardening just snuck up on me. I got a couple of herbs, then a Venus flytrap – just a couple. And it exploded from there. Now I have a whole “tea garden” full of herbs I make tea with plus a bunch of veggies and cool, weird plants that just look cool.

Image credits: Soggy_Beautiful8076


Earplugs at concerts and movie theaters, thank me in a few decades.

Image credits: reecord2


Getting a pair of those ugly a*s white new balances. They’re SO comfy.

Image credits: TheBrinkOfHorny


Sitting in the shade and enjoying the breeze when I am by the water. You are hidden in plain sight and you see and hear a lot.

Image credits: Large-Comfort5757


So this may just have been my personal perception, but I always associated recliner chairs with the aged.

When I was couch shopping with my husband we tested one in a jokey “let’s see our future” kind of thing and OMG I’ve never known comfort like it. We’ve been recliner people ever since. We have an electric twin seater with drink holders and a compartment storage for remotes etc. I love it!

Image credits: Lizzy_Tinker


Pill organiser. SO convenient.

Image credits: alexi_lupin


Not caring about my looks/body image! I still struggle with that, especially the culture we live in, but since I hit 50 I just care so much less! I’m definitely not going to judge my worth by what someone else thinks. Especially when they’re trying to sell something!

Image credits: Motor_Relation_5459


We do not buy it if we do not have a coupon. Also, we have McDonald’s at home.

Image credits: Superb-Ag-1114


Granny trolly. Life saver.


Seconded. Looks stupid, friggin lifesafer for the big weekly shop with no car.

Image credits: FigTechnical8043


Shower chair. Should not have been so old people marketed.

Image credits: slaytician


Lap blankets. I got a heated blanket last year for Christmas (for myself), and it’s amazing. I don’t have to switch out the blankets by which one is warmer, I can just set the blanket to whatever heat level is right and I’ll be toasty.

Image credits: the_scar_when_you_go


Going to eat at a nice place at reasonable non busy hour of 4:30.

Image credits: Accurate-Law-555


I get to the airport plenty early for flights and don’t care about waiting around if the lines are short. I’m 27. I’ve had enough close calls for one life.


Paper printouts on my vacation itinerary. As someone with a common name it helps if I have the confirmation number handy. Having a piece of paper with the information for my flight/hotel/rental car means I don’t need my phone.


Washing and reusing zip lock bags.

Image credits: New_Schedule8886


Driving exactly (or 5mph under) the speed limit and generally being a very safe and cautious driver.

I adopted this habit when I was driving for a living almost twenty years ago since my income at the time depended on a clean driving record, and it stuck. Almost everyone who rides with me complains that I’m a grandma driver. Jokes on them, I have k****r low insurance rates, never get tickets and haven’t had an accident (knock on wood) in decades.

Y’know how much you have to speed and how far you have to be going for it to actually save you significant time? People are just out there risking their own lives and everyone’s around them for all of 3 minutes. So dumb!

Image credits: CG_1313


Carrying a plastic bag full of other plastic bags. You never know when you’ll need one, and somehow, it just feels like the responsible thing to do.

Image credits: Intrepid-Zebra-7311


Yelling at kids to get off my lawn after manicuring my grass.

Image credits: Rare-Company-2668


Resting my eyes!
My grandma used to just sit there with her eyes closed and I’d always ask if she was asleep. But I get it now, sometimes they just need a little break.

Image credits: Different_Net_7608


Complaining about young people.

Image credits: Paddlinginpoon


Birdwatching. All the time and wherever I’m at, too.

Image credits: HopefulWanderer537


Moderate breakfast, moderate lunch (avoid food comas) and light dinner for better sleep.

Image credits: AlaskaRoc


I won’t buy any clothing that doesn’t have a little bit of stretch. I accidentally bought a denim jacket without, and had to get rid of it because it made me feel claustrophobic. I wonder how I ever tolerated all the ‘cute but uncomfortable’ outfits I used to wear.

Image credits: Taminella_Grinderfal


Comfy pants. Comfy shoes. Life’s too short for uncomfortable pants and shoes.

Image credits: PersonalityTough6148


Spending time in a peaceful and quiet home instead of partying.

Image credits: Ashamed-Reporter3171


Not everything needs to be rushed. I’ll get there when I get there.

Also, be yourself and don’t worry so much about what others think.

Image credits: big_heart_912


Ignore the clock, eat when you’re hungry, sleep when you’re tired.


Drive slower than usual in parking lots – it can save a life or prevent a serious injury.


Not spending money.


Keeping a running grocery and to do list. “Writing it down later” is a young man’s thing.


A place for everything and everything in its place. If I bring in something new, something older goes. Makes you think before buying and clutter way down.


Pay attention when walking down stairs.


Keep my insurance and registration in a wallet in the glove box of the car. I feel so grown up.


Showing up to vote.


Taking naps. Never felt better. No wonder my grandparents have lived so long.


You know those “grabber” things that they market to “old people” so they can reach stuff up on h**h shelves? Those are really handy at any age, I’ve got a couple around the house. They’re really useful when the dog rolls his favorite ball under the bed and sits there whining at you to get it for him.


Going out with my husband for lunch instead of dinner. No overly stuffed belly before bed, can get in your pjs and relax at night and talk about the lovely lunch, and you can enjoy the views or gardens at the pub or restaurant.


Walking after meals. Even if it’s a block it still helps with not only digestion but weight loss.


Hold the railing when walking up or down stairs.


Collecting cats.


Not buying Starbucks lol. Just make coffee as home.


Moving carefully. Arthritis struck me before I hit my 40s and I very quickly learned that moving very carefully keeps the pain down a bit.


I got into knitting last year, and now I’m like, ok I get the appeal now. I recently started trying crochet, too.


Grunting when I stand up. Actually, I didn’t adopt it, it adopted me!


Taking my shoes off at the door and stepping straight into my slippers.


An older lady recommended flipping the garbage bags inside out so the seam is on the inside and your garbage bags won’t rip open as often. I still put my garbage in like this years later.


Two meals a day. Breakfast at a civilised time (not 6am) and dinner early. Allows time for light evening snacks and a sensible bedtime to read for an hour or so. 3 full meals is actually too much most of the time.


Packing tea bags when I go on holidays!


I always carry a clean handkerchief in my pocket.


Staying at the airport hotel before or after a poorly timed flight (if I can afford it). Better sleep is a genius move.


Slippers and a blanket for watching TV with my partner.

Why bother heating the entire room when you can both snuggle under a blanket with the dog?


Getting out of bed properly lol. Roll onto your side and push yourself up that way. Your back will thank you.


Wearing socks to bed in winter turns out warm feet, making it way easier to fall asleep.


Avoiding social media like facebook, IG, twitter.

i use reddit, but it feels different here. reddit feels like i’m with my people.

all the other social media feels like insane people just screaming at each other.


Lower the volume when I’m parallel parking.


Sitting on my porch is rather nice.


Using shower caps to keep my hair dry when I’m showering.


Stretch before you get out of bed.


Changing straight into pajamas the second I’m home. You won’t catch me hanging out in the house in my street clothes. I’m either n***d or in my jammies.


Taking fiber.


I have started shutting up lol. I was advised, by an older, wiser supervisor, to talk less. I never paid attention to the fact that some people take advantage of what I just considered friendly openness, but may be considered over-sharing. Not everyone is your friend. Some people have an agenda, and are waiting for you to give them something they can use.


Drinking mad tea all day long.


Wearing those straps on your glasses so you can wear your reading glasses around your neck when not using them.


I’ve been eating dinner earlier. Gotta give food a chance to properly digest before bed.


There’s always room for ice cream at least according to all my grandparents.


A box of tissues in every room.


Before standing up, repeat keywords for things you aim to accomplish. ‘Laundry’, ‘Window’, ‘Computer’. After you close the window, repeat ‘Laundry’ and ‘Computer’. It short-circuits that feeling of arriving in a room inexplicably.


Heated seats in the car. Soothing to the sore back, and warming to the chilly a*s.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/UYEHkLD
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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