39 Stories Of Someone Who Ruined Their Entire Life With One Action

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It just takes a few quick scrolls through the week’s news to see how an entire life can be ruined in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it’s because of a bad decision. Other times, someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We read about people being maimed in freak accidents, dozens dying in unexpected attacks, or once-respected figures being suddenly locked up for crimes they were caught committing.

Yet, as much as we read about these tragedies and wasted lives, we often don’t think it’ll happen to us. And we hope nothing bad will ever happen to those we know. Someone was pondering this the other day, and decided to ask “What did someone you know do that ruined their entire life?” Hundreds of people came to the comments to share their stories, and Bored Panda has collected the most hard-hitting ones. Keep scrolling for some tragic and sobering reminders of just how precious life is, and how quickly things can change. We also had a very brief chat with the person who posed the original question.


A friend I made in my neighborhood when we were really young had a really troubled home life. He started drinking young and when he was 18 he was driving his friends back from a party, drunk, crashed the car and k*lled all 5 of his passengers, 2 of whom were his childhood best friends and 1 his girlfriend. He survived and got life in prison. He k*lled himself in his cell about 8 years later.

Image credits: semispectral


Texting and driving. She died. There was a whole creepy thing around town cause the way they know she was texting was an intact phone found in the wreckage with a message half typed out in the middle of a sentence saying she was X minutes away and something she wanted to do with them when she got there. Creepy s**t.

Image credits: anony-dreamgirl


She went back to her physically and mentally abusive ex-boyfriend to drink with him one last time before they parted ways because she never did like to leave any relationship, platonic or otherwise, on bad terms. It ended in a m*rder-s**cide. She was just a couple months short of her 20th birthday.

Image credits: GothicMomLife

We all have random thoughts. Sometimes while we’re in the shower, sometimes while gazing into space, and sometimes even in the middle of doing something super important. Often we just let these thoughts run around in our minds, maybe we have a back-and-forth conversation with ourselves, pondering whatever strange thing popped into our head a few moments earlier.

r/RandomThoughts is exactly as the name suggests. A place on the internet where you can share your random thoughts with more than 809,000 strangers, many of whom will offer up their own answers to that niggling question that made its way into your mind. “Random Thoughts,” reads the page. “Unbeckoned, they pop into your head.”


A lot of sad stuff in these comments. i’m gonna keep it light. i used to work with a teen that got “F**K YOU” tattooed on his knuckles.

Image credits: PunchDrunkPrincess


I took d***s and ran around on a roof. Then i fall down from 15meters, now paralyzed and using a wheelchair for the rest of my life. 9 years ago.

Image credits: AutisticAutowriter


My husband was out one night with his work colleagues. They were at a bar, having fun and stayed out late. His boss used the valet to park his brand new really expensive BMW. For whatever reason or another, the valet and my husband‘s boss got into an altercation. My husband‘s boss is a 6’7 Kenyon who for a long period of his life was a professional rugby player for Kenya. The valet driver was maybe 5’5 and just an average person. My husband‘s boss told the valet driver to meet him outside so that they can finish their altercation in a street fight, he turned to walk towards the door of the restaurant, and the valet driver pulled brass knuckles out of his pocket and bashed his skull in. He was in a coma for months. He’s now paraplegic cannot speak. Cannot feed himself. And lives in an assisted living facility.

Image credits: adrenalizeme6

When someone called u/Fancy-Advice-2793 recently had a random thought, they decided to post it in the community. “What did someone you know do that ruined their entire life?” asked the Redditor. And hundreds of answers followed…

We reached out to the poster to delve a bit deeper into their mind and find out more about what was happening when that particular thought occurred. We wanted to know what prompted the question, whether they were surprised or shocked by any of the replies, if they personally know anyone who has ruined their life, and whether the thread or any of the answers have made them think differently about life…


Woman I know seemingly happily married with kids.Her husband was a really stand up guy. She met a man in a bar ( her husband was there with her) and she fell completely head over heels for this other guy just like that. Within minutes her marriage was over. Long story short the other guy turned out to be a real bag of do do. He was a very charming man and everyone liked him but he was secretly a drunk, a thief and a mega manipulator. Over time she lost everything including her health.

Image credits: Away-Ad4393


I discovered the existence of social media…

Image credits: smokeehayes


My step dad. He was more like my real dead and raised me. He had a midlife crisis, divorced my mom out of nowhere, started dating someone my age, they broke up and he became a closet alcoholic and it gave him cirrhosis and pancreatic cancer that he never told anyone about and never got treated- he died on Father’s Day.
Before all of that he was the VP at a successful tech company and was the brightest, funniest, most talented person I ever knew.

Image credits: EnoughBirthday3775

While the person behind the question was kind enough to reply to our request for an interview, they weren’t too keen on saying a lot. And of course, we didn’t want to push them or pry any further.

What we did manage to find out was that the person had decided to pose the question because they were curious to know whether anyone had “lost everything” due to gambling or using illegal substances. “Some of the answers aren’t shocking,” they said, citing the fact that illicit substances and gambling “ruin lives.”

When we asked whether they were willing to answer any of the other questions we’d put forward, they replied, “Not really, unfortunately.”


Bought an expensive house with a mortgage they couldn’t really afford.

Image credits: Jolly_Constant_4913


Drinking with depression. My brother sh*t himself. Now he’s on my shelf in a container.

Image credits: Empty-Note-5100


F****d his brother’s wife.

Image credits: Key_Crab_5780

While the person wasn’t comfortable discussing the topic any further, their post did result in an extensive thread of very eye-opening, sobering, and at times, sad and tragic true stories. Many serve as a reminder that we only have one life. We should live each day like it’s our last. Do the things that make us happy. But at the same time, be careful, gentle and not reckless.

Feel free to go to the comments below and share your own stories of how someone ruined their life in the blink of an eye. Or tell us how these posts have left you feeling, and whether you look at life any differently after scrolling through them.


A guy, who worked maintance at the hotel i worked at, tried to ambush and m**der his wife (who was filing for divorce). He stabbed her four times, but she survived. He is currently in prison.

Image credits: Plenty-Character-416


My mother birthed me. That was the beginning of the end.

Image credits: ClickZestyclose7321


I know a lot of people who ruined their lives by having children. They ruined their children’s lives also.

Image credits: Sophiatab

Feel free to go to the comments below, and share your own stories of how someone you know ruined their life in the blink of an eye. Or tell us how these posts have left you feeling, and whether you look at life any differently after scrolling through them.


A month ago, I read a female Redditor who shared about how her life completely changed for the worst after getting a facial injection‼️It wrecked her nerves and now her condition is permanent and she regrets horribly and she is more miserable than ever.

I know it’s not funny but seriously, all of it comes with major risks and be careful what you wish for 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Image credits: GabrielleBlooms


It isn’t always a big dramatic event. I’ve seen a lot of people have terrible lives because they are in denial, arrogant, or stubborn. Unwillingness to even think change is possible makes people not evolve and live gets more complex with time, usually, so they can’t adapt and become more and more unhappy. And it can be a totally solvable problem! But if you refuse to engage with it or put full effort into fixing yourself? It will be a problem forever.

Image credits: Glittering-Lychee629


Knew a guy who I saw get into a bar fight and when the other guy was down on the floor, he kicked him square in the temple with his steel toed cowboy boot and k*llled him. We jumped on him and held him until the cops came. Currently doing life in the state pen.

Image credits: Soulshiner402


The most basic answer probably. D***s.

Image credits: IKThatReference


Guy had it made with corporate sugar mama. He took care of the kids, and could travel the world and do mostly what he wanted. Cheated with multiple women, and ended up getting one pregnant. Lost his wife, friends, kids hated him. Last I heard he was living in a basement, working odd jobs.

His ex-wife has recovered, feels sorry for him and will invite him to holidays.

Image credits: Tencenttincan


Got caught in a sting operation trying to have a rendezvous with what he thought was a 15 year old girl. His wife and kids weren’t too happy. Neither were his superiors in the military.

Image credits: DustyKnives


Kid i knew in high school, wasn’t friends but neither enemies. Sometimes spoke and was always on a good note. Lets call him Jerry.

He’s born the same day, same year, same month as I am.

Six years after we graduated, i get the news from one of my best friends, who was Jerry’s former best friend [they fell out cus Jerry kinda fell into the wrong crowd], got the news from Jerry’s nanna that Jerry had died.

Why did Jerry’s nanna call my friend? Prolly cus she thought they were still best friends, as they were in childhood.

Jerry was found unresponsive in his apartment due to possible d**g overdose and/or alcohol intoxication.

December 9th 2023.

Jerry left behind a younger sister. My heart breaks for her.

What ruined his life aside from death? Everything that lead up to it. The wrong crowd that had the audacity to weep at his funeral. The wrong actions he took that got him addicted to the s**t that he OD’d on. Perhaps a world of hurt he may have been facing at the time of his death, which makes us unaware of whether it was accidental or intentional.

Rest in peace buddy, never had many conversations with you, but whenever i did, they were good. May you rest in peace and Mercy.

Image credits: ActSpecific6965


Guy I know got drunk with his brother one night and they were screwing around and he climbed the ladder on one of those electrical transformer towers , got too close to the cables and the arc fried him. He fell about 60 feet (was already dead though) and his brother watched the whole thing happen. He tried to perform CPR or whatever but it was no use, apparently his glasses and clothes melted to his skin too. From what I understand his brother struggled with alcoholism before that happened and I can only imagine its worse now.

Image credits: Broely92


Please read through the whole thing before judging.

While I was recovering from a surgery, I stayed at a relative’s house and a stray cat used to come there everyday. One day it stopped. I became mental and searched for it but could never find it.

So I adopted a kitten once I recovered and returned home.

I have a personality disorder and was raised with no communication with animals and have barely seen anyone having a pet. So after I adopted a kitten, I would beat myself up if I couldn’t rescue any kittens I would see anywhere. So I started rescuing. I’m not equipped to do it. Instead of trying to manage stuff, I took loans to feed them.

The cats didn’t even stay and despite my best attempts at keeping them indoors and spending money spaying and neutering them, a lot of them ran away. So I’m in deep debt and without a steady job. I made the mistake of relying on the loans.

Edit: I don’t regret rescuing any of those kittens. I don’t live in the kind of place where there are shelters and people are aware of species appropriate diet and stuff. So even the kind hearted people don’t feed them properly or care that much. I only regret relying on the loans without caring about the long term issues it could cause.

Image credits: Downtown-Try5954


Knew a lad who had the maintenance contract for multiple franchises of a large, well known take away/fast food chain.

He made a small fortune doing little more than just making phone calls. Threw it all away by having an affair with on me of the franchisee’s wives, his wife found out, left him, took their son, then he stole 40k from the wife of the franchisee, and got banged up in prison. F*****g idiot.

Image credits: front-wipers-unite


My youngest brother got clean from m*th after his girlfriend had their son. They got married. She, on the other hand, couldn’t kick the habit and eventually pulled him back in. One night, apparently his m*th was laced with something and he went off about her second baby being a “demon baby”. It got heated and he grabbed a decorative sword to shoo her away and it scratched her stomach (literally a scratch). Police arrived and arrested him. She did not want to press charges but the judge gave him 5 years in prison. He was given no leniency and did the full time. That second baby… Let’s just say, she looked nothing like him, including skin color.

Image credits: Visible_Welcome2446


My best friend had to choose between saving his wife or unborn child, during a medical emergency. He chose his wife.

Both survived thankfully, but the decision f****d him up so badly he turned to alcohol. Lost his job, wife (although she still loved him, but understandably she couldn’t be with him) and in August last year he died.

Such a sad ending for something that couldn’t be helped.

Image credits: Soldier7sixx


My uncle forced his child (my cousin) at 13years old to help him m*rder a woman that lived next door to them.

Image credits: Cjc2205


She began doing d***s, which caused an underlying psychotic disorder to surface full force. She quit substances 2 months ago tho, and is doing better mentally with medication and help.

The person in question is me.

Image credits: Numerous_Business895


I knew a guy who wanted to be a navy seal his whole life

Did everything he had to do to look good for the program

Joined up, went thru basic and all the other requirements to qualify for seal training, I mean years of work

Got drunk in Guam on a training detail and beat his Commanding Officers a*s when he tried to get him to return to barracks

Dishonorable discharge before he even finished training.

Image credits: why0me


Married the wrong person.


Have kids with the wrong man. Oh, and do no research about the chances of having more autistic children after the first. Or research on autism. All of my aunt’s kids have high levels of autism.

and for some reason, she fell pregnant recently and wanted to keep it (she is not in a comfortable position). The universe said no; she miscarried.

Love her, but watching her willingly make choices that ruin her life is just… exhausting. can’t help but pity her kids who are definitely not receiving enough care for their autism (like therapies, established routines, etc.).


Not sure if it really ruined her life but like 5 years ago I was good friends with a girl who ended up dropping out of high school when she had 3 months before graduation. She did this so she could move in with her bf. 6 bfs later she’s married now.


There is a judge in my state that after about 1 year into her term, got recorded doing a racist rant saying the n word and ended up having to resign. It became world news and she was absolutely dragged through the mud. People still don’t want to be associated with her. There is also a prosecutor that was taking kick backs from people doing pretrial diversion programs. The fbi tapped his phone and raided the DA’s office. Now he’s been federally indicted and faces many years in federal prison.


A guy who was on the track to the perfect life. He was a prefect when I was in like 7th grade and we were on our annual music ensemble rehearsal getaway. The upper choir which he was part of had their own little house which had a glass ceiling.

On the third night my room in the main house was woken up because of the commotion going on outside. Abulances, teachers and other students all in PJs and confused.

Turns out the prefect got drunk with a few friends, then climbed onto the glass ceiling and crashed through it.

He had permanent nerve damage, got sued and had this dream job refused (working for the police).

So, don’t drink and climb around on glass ceilings 🙃.


They just went out to attend their friend’s bday and died in accident.


Unprotected s*x. She had such a promising future too.


My ex used to be an elite basketball player. Had the chance to play for the country. Too bad I lost him to d***s.


A mate of mine tried to stop a guy attacking their girlfriend.
He got stabbed in the groin and bled out.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/VCiAo1a
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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