“Actually Pretty Trashy”: Woman Can’t Hold Back From Unsolicited Opinion, Gets Traumatized

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It’s common decency not to judge someone based on their superficial traits. We don’t know their backstory or what they are going through, and making baseless assumptions is unfair and possibly hurtful. 

An elderly woman learned this lesson the hard way during an encounter with a hotel employee dealing with grief. The lady had unsavory opinions about the man’s tattoo and made sure to let him know. 

The man, however, bit back and calmly put the rude guest in her place. Scroll down for the entire text. 

Judging someone by their superficial traits may not end well

Person looking stressed, hands covering mouth, expressing unsolicited opinion, feeling traumatized.

Image credits: Ahmet Kurt (not the actual photo)

An elderly hotel guest learned this lesson the hard way after making rude comments about the employee’s tattoo

Text about family loss and unsolicited opinion on a tattoo, described as in poor taste and a comment on memory.

Text describes a memorial tattoo session, sharing a personal story about a first tattoo experience.

Text about a woman at work receiving an unsolicited opinion from an elderly couple.

Text excerpt expressing, "That's actually pretty trashy," regarding visible body modifications.

Text excerpt discussing emotional breaking point after family losses.

Text image referencing 'pretty trashy' opinion with misty eyes and a polite response.

Text discussing a personal loss related to cancer, highlighting that it's been difficult.

Text describing a woman's unsolicited opinion, leading to embarrassment and an apology.

Tattoo of an EKG line blending into the words "just live" on a forearm, related to unsolicited opinion discussion.

Image credits: Alexandra Barbulica – Tattoo Artist (not the actual photo)

The man put the woman in her place, and he does not regret doing so

Text about a small wrist tattoo with the motto "J. K. Livin'," referencing challenges and emotional impact.

Image source: anxiousaxolotl4

Older people tend to be more prejudiced because of brain changes in late adulthood

Elderly man in a blue sweater gesturing animatedly outdoors.

Image credits: Nathan Anderson (not the actual photo)

While the woman’s behavior was inexcusable, it’s partly due to natural occurrence. In an article for the BBC, author and social psychologist Dr. William von Hippel explained that it’s also because of brain changes in late adulthood.

As he explains, the brain’s frontal lobe gradually atrophies as we age. While it does not negatively affect intelligence, it degrades parts of the brain that hinder us from having inappropriate thoughts.

This is likely why older people find it more difficult to find words they want to say and why many voice thoughts they would usually suppress.

In his research, Dr. von Hippel also found that older people rely on stereotypes more and are likely to be socially insensitive “across a variety of domains.”

“Inhibitory ability isn’t stopping people’s true opinions from emerging so much as it’s suppressing their prior opinions,” Dr. von Hippel wrote, adding that older adults simply find it more difficult to suppress prejudices because of poor frontal lobe functioning.

Young people will likely encounter old, judgmental folks like the author did. When these situations arise, experts like marriage and psychotherapist Linda K. Laffey, MFT, advise going for an always-proven method: showing empathy.

As she explains in an article for her website, criticisms often stem from misunderstandings. Many older adults may lack knowledge about the current trends among young people, which could lead to baseless conclusions.

Laffey summed it up perfectly: “respond with empathy, not rigidity.” 

“Letting that person know you understand their viewpoint can make a huge difference,” she wrote. “Don’t be afraid to show a little emotion or even apologize if the situation warrants it.”

The author did show the appropriate emotions that the situation called for. He was polite and professional enough in his response but also made sure he sent a strong message that what the woman said was inappropriate.

Many commenters showed sympathy for the author 

Reddit comment thread with users discussing a humorous situation, mentioning heaven and laughter.

Reddit comment, sarcastic response: "This is an epic traumatize them back," gaining 2.8k points.

Comment praising resilience and the term "Bonus Dad," related to unsolicited opinion on being "Pretty Trashy.

Comment on a woman's unsolicited opinion, saying it will haunt her nightly.

Text exchange discussing a husband's reaction in a situation involving a woman expressing unsolicited trashy opinions.

Reddit comment saying "Just Keep Livin OP :)" with 75 points, focusing on unsolicited opinion.

Comment discussing negative reaction to visible tattoo, expressing disapproval and sympathy for original poster.

Comment highlighting unsolicited opinion regarded as "pretty trashy," with advice to keep opinions to oneself.

Comment labeled "naughtynerdgirl" expressing an unsolicited opinion with a typo.

Comment mocking woman's unsolicited opinion, calling it a life lesson reminder.

Comment criticizing woman as "pretty trashy," suggesting her husband reconsider their relationship.

Reddit comment by user expressing comfort and healing blessings, unrelated to unsolicited opinion.

Text message offering condolences and comfort.

Comment response discussing an unsolicited opinion, referring to it as "actually pretty trashy.

Comment discussing unsolicited opinions, mentioning difficulty in avoiding interjection of personal views.

Comment about sharing opinions and acceptable compliments.

Reddit comment expressing sympathy and criticizing a woman, reflecting a trashy opinion.

Reddit comment about tattoos, discussing judgmental attitudes and the history of tattoos beyond "kids these days.

Comment screenshot expressing condolences, related to unsolicited opinion discussion.

Reddit comment saying "Please accept my virtual hug," related to trashy opinion discussion.

While others shared similar experiences

Text conversation on tattoo, mentioning it's actually from a mother's last card after a stroke.

Text recounting a story about a tattoo honoring a brother, coworker's unsolicited opinion, and confrontation.

Text screenshot about a woman defending her tattoo choice, addressing unsolicited "trashy" opinion.

Text exchange about a woman's plan for a memorial tattoo and her dad's unsolicited opinion.

Text recounting a dad's unsolicited opinion on a waitress's tattoo, which he found "trashy," yet the story behind it was touching.

The post “Actually Pretty Trashy”: Woman Can’t Hold Back From Unsolicited Opinion, Gets Traumatized first appeared on Bored Panda.

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