Netizens Share 27 Bizarre Facts That Feel More Like Forbidden Secrets

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It’s no secret that knowledge is one of the most powerful traits a person can have. From personal to societal growth – many things depend on it. That’s why we should all strive to improve ourselves in whatever ways we can. 

Today’s list could be one of those ways. Sure, it might be quite unorthodox, but sometimes the best insights come from the unexpected, don’t they? So, without further ado, let’s jump into this collection of relatively weird facts and see what we can learn!


If you go to the plant section of a store and walk around, you will likely find a few clippings on the ground. You can pick those up and take them home with you and stick them in some dirt and illegally download a plant for free :).

Image credits: periyyas


En passant.

Image credits: Normal_Public3520


Jury nullification is something every U.S. citizen should know about.

Disseminating information about it could actually lead to charges being pressed in certain circumstances, so it kinda *is* illegal at times.

Image credits: Mrgoodtrips64

You probably know the saying “knowledge is power”, something we’ve all likely heard in our lifetimes in one form or another. Well, the saying doesn’t lie – knowledge, in fact, holds a lot of power. 

It allows people to make informed decisions, understand concepts, and solve problems, leading them to personal growth and career advancements, not to mention driving progress, innovation, and economic development on a societal level. 

There are plenty of ways to improve your knowledge, from traditional to quite unconventional ones. The former would include things like reading books, getting an education, or simply gaining knowledge through practice; you get the gist. 


Those combination locks with 5 vertical buttons?

2 and 4 together, then 3. Open.

Default code that overrides customer defined and is rarely ever disabled.


Image credits: someKindOfTomster


The band The Monkees were investigated by the FBI during the 60s because J. Edgar Hoover believed they were a threat to national security.

Image credits: Ratzink


Want to return you amazon order but option not given?
Replace your order twice and the third time you can see a return option as well.

Image credits: Electrical-Office-84

The less traditional paths to education can take many forms. For example, knowing how informative social media is nowadays can surely be a source of education in a way. Granted, being aware of possible misinformation is very important here (and anywhere else, to be honest).

To make sure the information you’re presented with is trustworthy, you can do the CRAAP Test (yes, the name is a bit funny, but bear with us). This includes checking the information’s currency (or in other words, recency), relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose – factors whose names form the abbreviation CRAAP. And that’s just one of the ways to be wary about the information you’re consuming.

Besides social media, you can gain knowledge from things like newsletters, podcasts, or today’s list. We filled it with facts that netizens in some online threads deemed “illegal to know”. 


Your bones are wet

Image credits: footsniffer37


There was a pretty scary book published right after 9/11 about how plane passengers can “stop a hijacking” by using lots of different things… aluminium can, tiny bottle, meal tray…. on a plane as a weapon with tips on places of the body to target including arteries.

Image credits: pdiddz


If you want to start a conversation with someone you like, ask them for a favour or advice.

Image credits: anon

Of course, it’s just a joke; you shouldn’t worry about getting into legal trouble for knowing these, it just signifies how random or even weird some of these facts are. Since we don’t want to spoil anything, you just have to check them out for yourself (and don’t forget to upvote!).

As we already acknowledged, knowledge is a powerful and useful trait, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have its drawbacks. One of them is the so-called “curse of knowledge.”

It’s a cognitive bias, which occurs when a person with specialized knowledge assumes others also have it. Basically, they start to take said knowledge for granted and it gets hard for them to remember times when they didn’t know it, now that it comes as second nature to them.


In Roman times people used urine to wash clothes, clean teeth and as mouthwash.

Image credits: 17Streetglide76


You can order maintenence keys on Amazon for most models of coin op laundry machines.

Image credits: anon


Sometimes you can play around with URLs and find clean copies of watermarked previews. Helps a lot when trying to learn a song that you don’t have sheet music for.

Image credits: funkycat75

So, as I might already understand, such bias can start affecting a person’s relationships, as they might have a hard time understanding how someone doesn’t get the same things as they do.

For example, a teacher or professor may not be able to wrap their head around how students can not get a concept that comes easily to them. In the long run, it can cause some friction between them and disturb the relationship. 

This curse can also hurt the person themselves, not only their bonds with others. When a person takes their knowledge for granted, they can’t fully grasp how much of it they have accumulated over time, and how much they improved from a starting point, which leads to undervaluing their achievements. 


You can just pirate things and nobody will care. Want a book? Pirate it. Want to play a game? Pirate it. Want to watch a movie? Pirate it. I have not given a major corporation money since 2018.

Image credits: Party_Document6370


If you want something for free which you already have just contact their company customer care or write an email to them and see the magic..

Image credits: Tron_bbi_9841


If you have full coverage auto insurance with comprehensive and collision (double check your policy) – you don’t need to buy the additional insurance coverage from car rental companies.

Image credits: Successful_Gap8927

Since meaningful praise (even if it comes from yourself) is proven to boost motivation, performance, and memory, when a person deprives themselves of it due to said undervaluation, in extreme cases it might stagnate their progress. 

So, to avoid such extreme consequences, when learning new things, you should attempt to stay as mindful of it as possible, but without letting it take away the joy of discovery. A tricky balance, but what life situation isn’t, right?

Do you know any interesting or odd facts that weren’t mentioned here? Share with us in the comments!


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start.
[It’s known as Konami code]

Image credits: ipsok


Went to EOD refresher. We visited various three-letter agencies around DC. At one of them, during the presentation, the presenter says, “I can’t show you this”, as he puts up the next slide. Found out under which administration North Korea actually gained nuclear capability.

Image credits: valeran46


You can buy many keys online. Among them are:

There’s the Ford fleet keys, which can get you into cops cars.

There’s firefighter and maintenance elevator keys which let you control elevators. You can turn them off, or turn it to fire evacuation mode (it just goes to main floor and is then unusable) and even firefighter/maintenance mode which the elevator will only go where you want it to go. It won’t stop at other floors to pick up other people.

Keys for bulldozers, backhoes, and other heavy equipment. Often one key will open many models omfrom the same manufacturer.

There’s also something called a Lishi Tool. It can be used to pick locks, but it’s also set you to tell you the position of each pin in the lock. That allows you to have another key cut from code (useful if you lose your keys and don’t want to replace the whole lock.)

And of course, handcuff keys. I’ve used a real handcuff keys in toy cuffs, so I’d imagine toy keys could work in real handcuffs.

Generally these would all be legal to own (except the Lishi which is a type of lockpick and has various legalities around the US.) All you need is an internet connection, a credit card to pay for it and an address to send it to.

Image credits: David2022Wallace


From accounts of cannibals, human meat tastes like pork.

Image credits: TonySkullz


If you use a natural gas then fire fighters will think it was a gas leak whereas if you use something like gasoline, it leaves identifiable burn marks.

Image credits: Crash_Junior-


Sticking the correct inductor across a socket sends reactive power back to energy suppliers and wastes energy but they can’t charge you for reactive energy usage.

Image credits: tradtrad100


Personal experience – Choose your friends and friends circle wisely if you don’t wanna regret later. And try not to expose your vulnerabilities too easily.

Image credits: GoatONWeed69


You can train your brain to extract happiness and pleasure from pain, as long as the pain is contributing to your growth.

Image credits: shifuatwork


Cold drinking water hack.
You know there is a tub thing to collect ice in. Add some water in it next time you wanna drink cold water take about a half glass of water and drop it in the ice collector thing prop it back in a glass you have cold water. Remember to change water every other day.

PS: I’m sleepy as I’m writing this please inbri the typos.

Image credits: Sad_Leather_6691


If someone still don’t know whenever you want to call your bank customer care executive these days they purposely try to make it as hard and deep inside several inputs as possible that to you actually connect with a real person so just click the apply for loan/credit card input option or just say i want to apply for a credit card if you also suffer from one of those ai asking you questions like axa from axis bank types they’ll connect you to a real person in a minute and they can transfer the call to the concerned dept if you let them know.

Image credits: anon


Being brutally honest will get you to be in places you want to be.

Image credits: anon


In Australia no electrical apprentice can work within 600mm of green domes ( where houses are connected to underground power) but you can work as close as you want if you don’t have any electrical license.

Image credits: thorpie88

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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