The Little Bear’s Iron Bowl

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There was a little bear in the forest. He did nothing all day, but sleeping and wandering. He did so, because he had an iron bowl. It was filled with nice food inside.

The little bear thought it as a magic bowl. There was an endless supply of food in the bowl and he could never it all up.

One day, mother bear went out, and fell into a deep ditch, and she could not climb out.

For the first few days, the little bear didn’t even notice his mother’s missing because he believed the food in the bowl was enough for him to eat.

A few days later, the little bear found the bowl was empty and the bowl was not a magic one. Food was put there by his mother.

Finally, the mother bear climbed out of the ditch. When she returned home, she found the little bear had died of hunger. He was lying near his iron bowl.

Let everyone try to keep his independence, not to depend on any other person no matter how he loves and trust this person.
– Chernyshevsky 

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