In this fast-paced world, it is quite easy to notice how things that were once so common are now considered relics. Or even worse, their existence is not known by younger people at all.
For example, one day on X, a woman wondered if pay phones are actual things that exist or if they were created only as props for the movies. Well, let's just say that her wondering caused some intense reactions in the replies.
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Image credits: @AkanaPhenix
Image credits: GarnerChristina
Image credits: FlashHeart59
Image credits: TheWapplehouse
There have been discussions on the internet that Gen Z is quite afraid of aging. To be more specific, they’re afraid of turning 30. Some feel that this exact milestone strips a person of their attractiveness, stamina, and overall value.
This fear of turning 30 years old is not only detrimental to Gen Z themselves but to those who are over 30, too. After all, imagine how unpleasant it must be to see people being so afraid to turn the age you have already passed. That might make a person feel almost elderly when, in reality, they aren’t even that old. You don’t turn to dust the second you turn 30.
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Image credits: Buckiemohawk
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Yet, fearing turning the age of 30 isn’t the only way netizens make each other feel overly old. Another efficient way to do that is to bring up something that used to be common in daily life but isn’t anymore. Bonus points if someone asks what that thing even is.
All of that was done by an X user, @AkanaPhenix. Back in December of 2023, she tweeted asking whether pay phones actually existed. To be more precise, she asked if they were only created for drama in movies.
Well, this harmless question caused various emotions to be expressed in the replies. Some of the comments were very amusing but kind of harmless. They slightly trolled the OP for such a naive take and told her that pay phones actually existed only in movies. Or they simply joked about how this made them feel old.
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Others weren’t that kind. They found out that the woman who posted the question went to Harvard and MIT. The fact that someone so well-educated could be so unaware of such a basic thing made them very critical. This got so bad that the OP later apologized for asking this in the first place and promised never to ask “stupid” questions again.
But not everyone thought this question was stupid. In fact, some of the X users motivated this woman and others to ask questions. They answered that pay phones actually existed. A few even shared some memories of using them.
And for any other people wondering if pay phones really existed: yes, they did. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that they still do. Some of the people on X even shared photos of them. Yet, more often than not, these phones aren’t functioning but are just placed as a relic.
Image credits: DocGiani
Image credits: Dontmovetomi
Image credits: DrMagnolias
Back in the day, they were usually found in telephone booths or high-traffic public areas. To use one, a person needed to insert a coin or telephone token or swipe a card to pay for a call of a certain length.
Today, there’s a company called “PhilTel,” which is installing these phones in Philadelphia. And they are making them free to use. With this, they aim to create a network of phones that can make free calls anywhere in North America.
Yet, it is unlikely that pay phones will rise to the popularity they once had. After all, they were dethroned by mobile phones, which are still very popular. In fact, they are something that a modern person can barely get by without. And so, when you have a phone in your pocket or hand all the time, is there a use for payphones?
This is why it shouldn’t be such a surprise when younger generations aren’t aware of things like this. After all, it’s likely nothing more than an artifact to them.
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