48 “Karen” Stories Of People Who Met One Or Had To Be One

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On the internet, “Karen” is no longer a name. It’s a slang term used to describe antagonistic female characters. Generally, they’re irritating, entitled, and demanding, exhibiting obnoxious behavior in public settings.

In fact, folks have been creating entire threads, detailing their experiences with these personas. Here are a few from Quora. They should help you paint a more colorful portrait of the infamous stereotype.


I am not going to describe a “Karen” moment but since I was for years “The Manager” that Karen requested I’ll describe how I deal with Karens.

My… support function is around IT. So I frequently used to receive requests to speak to Karen because apparently her device did not fry potatoes or read her star signs properly.

In all cases Karen had spoken to the reception and then to a specialised technician before demanding to speak to “the top”.

I found out than in 90% of all Karens, I was able to persuade them that they were not right by repeating exactly what the technician had told them. In order to better establish what may have been a casual observation, at one time I listened to what the technician was saying from the next room and when Karen mentioned “your manager” I was there within 20′’. I repeated exactly what the technician (who was standing right there) had said with no embellishment or further explanation whatsoever.

Karen smiled politely, then said “Oh, I see. Thank you very much” and left.

That was it.

From that point onwards we appointed a “Karen designated Manager”. A couple of senior technicians rotating on the “Karen watch” playing the role of The Manager.

It worked. It still does. And when it doesn’t, it doesn’t. Whether it is me or someone else doesn’t really matter, that is the whole point!

So, next time you get a “Karen moment” just think… “The Manager” you speak to may not be the manager. At all.

Image credits: Yiannis Papadopoulos


It was the 1990’s and a woman hit my from behind (hit my car) while I was waiting to turn into a side street. I got out and there was no damage to my car and some to hers. She said “don’t be mad”, and it flipped my switch to Karen mode. I yelled at her and she started to cry. I immediately realized I was being a d**k and this was not necessary and apologized.

Image credits: David Nicholson


You remember the Heelys craze, right? The sneakers with a wheel in the back of the heel so you could roller skate when you felt like it? When that was a big thing, Home Depot stores would play announcements telling people not to skate in the store. I’m walking down the aisle one day when that played, and at that very instant a child decided to skate on her Heelys as kind of a “you are not the boss of me” move. I simply said to the kid, “please don’t do that” and carried on with my task. The Karen who was her mother went to the assistant store manager to complain that one of us had the gall to speak to her daughter. Bad mistake: this ASM was a retired Army command sergeant major who turned in his f**ks when he made first sergeant. Apparently he went off on her for letting her kid do that. Two weeks later this ASM was gone. Not fired – promoted to store manager and sent to another building. Apparently they liked that he stood up for his people. Knowing that guy he’s probably a vice president in the company by now.

Image credits: Jim Mowreader


I went to visit with some friends , They lived in a new condo community down by the wharf(which is a waterfront property), With them being a very young couple, and I guess they didn’t look rich, This Karen walks up to us while we were waiting in the lobby for the elevator, she just opens up and says what are you doing in here! And one of the young persons quickly responded with her Keys & ,elevator card that “ I live here”!!! And we got on the elevator and left her butt in the lobby with a smirk on her face! The nerve of some people!

Image credits: Lawrence Goodwin


I had one slap me, once. I used “shopkeeper’s privilege” (she’d thrown her coffee at me, and didn’t want to pay for it) to detain her. Since the bruise came up nicely on my cheek and jaw by the time the cops arrived, her name was on the coffee cup, and we had cameras, there was little issue. We also banned her for life, of course.

Image credits: Ana Southerington


I was at Best Buy a number of years ago. I heard two people talking about a computer they were looking at and they had some questions. So I politely introduced myself and asked if I could help. Got them squared away and then went on about my business.

Then someone started clearing their throat. I didn’t think anything of it because I was engrossed in what I was doing. Finally, I heard an exasperated sigh and a rude tap on my shoulder. I turn around and look down to see a clearly angry lady standing there.

I turned to her:

Me: Ummm… yes?

Karen: sigh… hello, I need help with a cell phone.

Me: ok…

Karen: well, are you going to help me?

Me: Mam, I don’t work here…

Karen: Look, I know this isn’t your dept. but I waited patiently while you helped that couple for 20 min, and I know you are just a lowly peon, but you could at least get me some help.

Me: Look lady, I don’t work here.

Karen: That’s it, I am going to have your job!

And she stomped off. I shrugged it off and didn’t think about her again.

5 min later she comes back with another guy.

Karen: I want this person disciplined. He was disrespectful, rude, and refused to help me.

Best Buy Guy: Mam, he doesn’t work here.

That’s when I had an epiphany. I look down and realized I was wearing khaki pants and a blue polo shirt.

Karen: Good! I told you I would have your job!

Best Buy Guy: No mam, I can’t fire him, he is not an employee, see, I have the logo and he doesn’t now how may *I* help you.

Karen: Oh this is ridiculous, you stupid bastards are just sticking together. I am writing corporate to complain and I am NEVER coming to this Radio Shack again!!

Best Buy dude and I look at each other and in almost unison say: “Ok then” and watch her storm off.

Image credits: Vic Hammer


A woman asked to cut me in the prescription pickup line because she was very sick. I was also very sick and could barely stand, but she was much older and the line was at least 12 people deep. I was going to agree. But then…

“Oh, just forget it!” she screamed. “I can already tell you're not gonna let me. You're heartless!”

“Well, you didn't give me a chance to respond,” I said.

“That's because you have no soul!” this Karen yelled.

I just nodded and said, “You're right. Enjoy the back of the line.”

She asked a few people behind me and they all said, “No.” I heard one man say, “I don't have a soul, either. Sorry.”

It was not my intention to rally the crowd behind me, but I guess once you're fed up with rude people, you just…are.

UPDATE: I am not sure if people are not reading my entire post, not reading it carefully or just trying to stir the pot, but I do not know what the woman's name actually was. It could have been Karen, Harriet or Hope. I don't care. She was, in my opinion, behaving like “A KAREN" A…Karen. I am not going to spend my time soothing the hurt feelings of people who LOOK for things to be hurt over and who have no sense of humor. Sorry! I am a nice person, but you're asking too much now. And BY THE WAY, one of the best bosses I've ever had was named Karen. Get over yourselves.

Image credits: Andrea Danelle


A woman at the U-Haul counter got into a very loud argument with the clerk about being charged for a day she had the truck but did not use it, due to inclement weather. Why should she be charged for a day she had the truck but did not drive it?

Image credits: Kevin Kbc


Karen was once standing behind a guy in line at the bank. He was holding up the teller. The teller was so befuddled she kept stuffing cash into the paper bag the hold up guy handed her. He kept saying, “give me the bag, give me the bag.” He finally had to snatch the bag from the teller to make his get away. The bag was ripped apart and the cash spilled out on the floor. He fled empty handed.

Everyone in the bank was aware of what had happened and were focused on the would be crook’s hasty departure. Everyone, except Karen. A bank video, when viewed later, revealed Karen scooping up the spilled cash and calmly exiting the bank incognito.

Note – True story, with name change.

Image credits: Hal Wickey


This old lady at the liquor store wasn’t wearing a mask and was freaking out on me because I wasn’t wearing one! Oddly enough, the lady behind the register’s name was Karen.

Image credits: Danielle Godwin


I guess I had a “Karen” moment but I would say it was completely justified. Here’s why: I was getting my nails done for my birthday bash and the nails were looking great. All of a sudden the nail technician took out his acetone and took everything off the nails. He said, “You were doing gel right?” Shaking my head in disbelief I said, “Yes, why did you take them out?” He said he accidentally did regular nail polish on my nails and would re-do them. It was a busy day for me, but I wouldn’t mind waiting, as long as my nails looked good so I agreed. But here’s where I felt like things were heading left. The nail technician said he would charge me more for removing the nail polish. Why would he charge me for his mistake? After this, my mother had come in the nail salon to check to see if I was done and when she saw my nails looking the exact way they had look 30 minutes ago she asked what happened. So she told me to get up and I did and said either he do my nails again and take off the charge for the nail polish removing or refund us entirely. He was being rude about it and didn’t budge. But with my mom’s convincing, he eventually agreed to doing my nails without putting the nail removing charge, but for his rudeness we should have left regardless. And since time was wasted, I just decided to get them done but never come back. The pandemic came soon after so I guess that gave them a good lesson to treat their customers a bit better.

Image credits: Rachel Brune


I was driving Lyft on a really hot day. I responded to a call about ten minutes away. I turned the A/C on half way to cool up the car.

When I stopped at…Karen's house, I noticed that she had 3 people with her. Everybody got in the car, traded pleasantries, and we drove off.

Karen sat up front with me.

Less than a minute down the street, Karen gets entitled and starts messing around with my radio and air conditioning. Let's look at that again. Karen somehow assumed that she was in charge of my car. I snapped.

Me: “ What in the F**K DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!”

Karen: “It's hot in here!” (cranks my A/C)

Me: “I don't give a s**t! Just for that, we're riding on fire. No air conditioning! Keep your hands off my s**t!”

Everyone got silent. I wanted to kick everyone out. But that's when I noticed that she was pregnant. Quite pregnant.

(sigh) You don't send a pregnant woman to the side of the road in 90° weather. I was very conflicted. Man, what a tough ride that was.

For the record, I don't usually react to situations like that. She really mashed some nerves. I was so beside myself that, as soon as she stormed off, I couldn't stop myself from reporting her.

In the defense of you riders, she was a rare, worst case scenario deal. I'd say I averaged getting good people in my ride 95% of the time. And in my defense, I could've handled it better and my rating shows that I probably have in the past.

Okay bye.

Image credits: Aspry Writes


Wel, this one nearly made me some slap her. I had been called off the sales floor from my work to ring customers. A woman and her son, about 10 years, were next. She has 3!or 5 articles of clothing which I rang up and I then told her the total. She informed me that she has already given me her credit card, I informed her that I did not have it. She went off on a tangent about how she’s put the card right here on the counter, jabbing the spot on the counter. I again told her I didn’t have it, hadn’t seen it on the counter and hadn’t picked it up. She insisted I had it and that I had better give it back to her, and a few other choice comments. At this point I told her that we recommended to never put a card down on the counter, we’d had several con artists who worked in pairs to steal cards, she said I’d already done that. So now we’re at the “I want a manager” stage, I ask the supervisor to call one up. The manager arrived. She informs the manager he has to call the police. Then her son moved his arm and said to his mom “Here I have it.” It had been under his forearm the whole 10 minutes or so that she’d gone after me. She told me to pick it up and finish her transaction. I did, the kid laughed looking me straight in the eyes. My manager saw what had happened and banned them from the store, she had to sign paperwork to that effect. This was all pre cell phones and cameras in the stores.

Image credits: Nana Stallings


Ooooo! I have a simultaneous Karen AND mansplained moment to share. I was still going to school so working as an admin for a computer company in Texas. One of our employees (I’ll call him Tom) was going to a conference. I’d made the reservations at X hotel (I can’t even remember where now). He was arriving on May 4 for 6 days, although the conference didn’t start until May 5..

Two days before the conference, Tom told me that he would not be going a day early after all and to let the hotel know. No problem. I called and here’s how the conversation went (about 6 times in a circular frenzy of insanity):

Me: Tom Lastname has a reservation starting on May 4, but he now won’t be arriving until May 5. He doesn’t need the room the first night.

Her: I’m sorry but we’re all booked up. We have no openings for May 5.

Me: Yes, I know. He already has a room. We’ll pay for the first night even though he won’t check in. We don’t want that room given away because he is a no-show. He will arrive on May 5.

Her: I’m sorry but we’re all booked up. We have no openings for May 5.

Me: Yes, I KNOW. He is arriving on May 5 but he already has a room starting on May 4. It’s one of the rooms that you show as already reserved. He just won’t be there on May 4. He’ll be there on May 5.

(To minimize reader pain here, I’ll stop, but this conversation continued for at least 2 more rounds.)

Here’s where the mansplaining comes in. Tom happened to walk up during part of one of the repeated rounds of the above. Tom gave me a condescending look and held out his hand for the phone, saying “I’ll take care of it.”

Tom began, “Hi, I’m Tom Lastname and I have a reservation starting on May 4 but I won’t be arriving now untIL May 5.”

As he said the above, he continued looking condescendingly at me. His smirk suddenly faded as he replied, “Yes I know you are booked up on the 5th. I’ll pay for the room starting on the 4th, but I won’t be checking in.”

He had almost the same exact conversation I’d already had 3–4 times. He finally sighed, handed the phone back to me, and walked off.

Then the Karen moment came in. I didn’t even try to talk to the young woman again. I just asked for the manager. I told him what had happened and he uttered a huge sigh before apologizing. He said, “I’ll have to talk to them again. They can’t understand that my instructions are not black and white. They can’t seem to handle any grey areas that deviate from ‘we have no openings’.”

Tom never did apologize to me for assuming I was an idiot who could not convey simple instructions.

Image credits: Janet Christian


I was biking on the side walk, Cause my parents didn’t let me bike on the road yet.(I was 7) So I was just biking, and There was a women walking by, so I went onto the grass. In her words, this is what she said:”Get off the sidewalk! You here the walk in it? That’s cause you need to WALK on it!! Now get off the sideWALK and onto the road!” I said no. She said said she was an adult so I needed to listen. I said My parents told me to not go on the road, and then we just kinda kept on going like that until she got mad and ran away.

Image credits: Molly


I'm parked in a Walmar. It's about noon and I'm eating my lunch with my door open and a Karen ruins my lunch.

I'm parked in the back BACK like where you see campers, tractor trailers and guys that park their expensive cars in order not to get them ding by others. So I'm just eating my burrito I got from the food truck and is adjacent to a Walmart, they have a gas powered motor and I don't wanna hear that house while I eat…so I just drive 30 seconds to the Walmart. I put on some YouTube and start eating my food, about 5 mns later a woman is honking and parks next to me, I thought she wanted directions or help of some sort…. Nope. She wanted to park next to me, keep in mind I have my door open all the way and I have my feet pressing against the door so I can extend then completely.

The Walmart is not even busy and there's plenty of parking literally next to the Walmart let alone in the back of the parking lot. This woman was wilding and I made my case. She didn't care. I wasn't gonna let this overweight Karen ruin my moment so I literally just parked 2 spot over. She parked next to where I was and starts walking towards Walmart…and maybe quarter way she turns around and gets in her car and drives towards the Walmart. Idk if she wanted to just bother me but I laughed and carried on. Clearly she was just bored with herself and wanted some drama.

Image credits: Michael Gonzalez


This happened to me at the pool today. I walk to a shaded area to set up my chair. I’m conscientious about not taking up too much space so others can use the shade, too. People bring their own chairs or towels to sit on since the pool kept the chaise lounges stored. I notice that there are 5 towels on the ground taking up nearly all the shade, but no one is using them. After about an hour of the towels being vacant, a Karen walks up and this is how the conversation goes:

Karen (in a snarky tone): Is this your chair?

Me (took a break to lay with my son in the sun, but I’m still close by; I’m also listening to a podcast and not quite catching everything she says): Yes – do you need me to move it?

Karen: (Gets loud and says something snarky)

Me: Is there a problem?

Karen: Your chair is not six feet away from us. What is WRONG with you? What if I have a sick child?”

Me (Now it’s on like Donkey Kong): Ok, KAREN, then maybe you shouldn’t be at the pool in the first place. And maybe you should think about not laying five towels down to hog all the shade and then not using the space for at least an hour.

Karen: Says something nasty (cannot understand as I am trying to peacefully listen to my podcast again).

Me: (I flip her the bird)

Karen: Oh, that’s a real nice gesture to use in front of your son.

Me: I’m showing my son how to stand up to bullies. YOU are a bully.

Karen: (doesn’t say a word)

Image credits: Liz Malody


I have had several but one particular one that stands out. I was working in the gift wrap department in a major federated chain. It was Christmas so it was very hectic. This happened on my last day of contingent work and then it was back to college after Christmas break.

This “Karenated” lady asked if we could wrap a huge stuffed animal almost as big as me. I told her we have no gift boxes that large. We could A) put together two corrugated boxes or 2) tie an attractive bow on the stuffed animal’s neck. That apparently wasn’t good enough for this lady. She jumped over our counter and starting going through all our boxes to see if we were lying or not, I guess. I said to myself, “It’s time to go.” Another girl and I got in trouble for calling security. But what were we supposed to do when customers go wild ? This is back when “the customer is always right* even when they weren’t.

Image credits: Frances De La Rue


My latest Karen experience was when I was waiting in line to check out and the 15 and under cashier offered to check me out as she had no one waiting. Just as I was starting to check out aKaren came up and began chewing me out for being in 15 and under line as I obviously had 16 items. She proceeded to lecture me on what the sign stated. So took my items and split them into two shopping ring ups saying sorry she didn’t want them rung together so I now have to take longer to ring them up separately for each family as I was shopping for a couple families in my neighborhood that are afraid to go out due to COVID-19 so I offered to do a no contact drop for them on my way home from work. Karen gave an exasperating huff after that and the lady behind her told the Karen to get a grip.

Image credits: KennaJean Hamaker


Apologies, but here’s another banking story. I was the branch manager of Hammersmith and its sub-branch in Shepherds Bush. Hammersmith was an “angry” branch, always very busy and with an amazing cross-section of customers. BBC stars, Wimbledon tennis players, to illegal immigrants trying to open an account. A real cross-section of British society.

My staff were brilliant. Most had worked there for several years and, like our customers, were a varied bunch. My assistant manager, Jack, was a proud Irishman, then there we had several whose parents were from Africa, Asia, an eastern European nation (my memory isn't as good as it once was) and two from the Middle-East. A propper United Nations.

To set the scene, I’d been a bank manager for over two decades and this was the sixth branch in my managerial career. After a time, you normally get a sixth sense about customers, telling you which ones are going to be fun, rude or downright dangerous. It was yet another busy afternoon in Hammersmith when a commotion began in the banking hall. One of the ladies out front warned me it was kicking off, so I went outside to see if my help was needed.

Picture it; my male, thirty-year-old Pakistani-descended clerk (let’s call him Vinu) was being shouted at by a very tall (and large) lady in the full Muslim get-up. Black, sack-like garb, head covered (but not, unfortunately, her face or mouth) and a real attitude, so let’s call her Karen. Five or six other, but much smaller, Muslim women surrounded her, all keeping quiet.

I just knew she was going to be trouble. Karen was obviously a Muslim convert, and from the mouth on her, was from good English East End stock…just like me. In my experience, converts are the worst: intolerant and normally full of righteous zeal. Shudder.

I asked what the problem was, only to be shouted at myself. From what I could gather, Vinu had disrespected her and Islam, She demanded he be sacked and made an example of, blah blah. Now, poor Vinu, despite his Hindu name, was actually a devout Muslim and had only recently come back from his pilgrimage to Mecca. I’d allowed him to take his full annual leave in one go so he could take his ageing parents with him. Really good bloke, wouldn’t say boo to a goose.

I invited her into my office and while she was struggling to clear the door sides with her troop, I motioned over one of my ladies. From my previous dealings with Saudi and other female Arab customers, I always asked if they would prefer to have a female present, so I called over another female Asian member of staff to be my witness and, in this instance, MY chaperone. Experience taught me never to be alone in a room with a strange female customer that held a grudge or wanted to b***h: always have a chaperone.
But I digress. Karen went into one, complaining that as a Hindu he had insulted Islam and she was going to tell everyone about it and that both he and I were racist, sexist, Islamaphobes. She didn’t like my staff either, especially when my chaperone piped up and told her to stop being so aggressive! I then asked if she had ever made the Haj? No, but she was planning to at some point. I then took great pleasure in pointing out that Vinu had literally just come back and was a very devout soul. Was she sure he had disrespected Islam? Why would a devout Muslim want to insult his own faith?

The look on her fat face was priceless and it got better when I barred her from my branch. Horrid cow. We never did get a complaint from her in any form.


I was on my way into a store and noticed a young mother with two small children walking up to the door from my left side. She was holding each child by the hand. As I approached the door I entered and held it open for her. She proceeded to berate me for holding open the door! She screamed and cussed at me. She said things like, “You don’t have to hold the door!!”, “Do I look like a *%@!@ invalid?!”, “I can take the *@#)!( care of myself!”, Etc., etc. I simply replied, “ I was only trying to be nice” and something like, “Nice language to use in front of the children!”. Then, I just continued on my way. I’ll never forget that, it caught me totally off guard.

Image credits: Michael DiChiara


Before they were referred to as ‘Karens’.

I had recently purchased a home and was in the process of repairing it. It was a steamy hot day, and I was waiting for the HVAC repairman hoping he could resurrect the air conditioner without breaking the bank.

The front driveway was shaded with a huge pecan tree that was like a canopy of shade. There weren’t many trees on the block, so there were frequently cars parked in the shade. I didn’t blame them! As long as they weren’t blocking my driveway, I had no concerns with who parked there.

I was on a ladder on the side of the house and heard a car stop and park. I was hoping it was the HVAC guy, but it was a sedan with two ladies. She parked so that her car completely blocked my driveway. I waved and tried to get her attention before she exited her car. She looked directly at me, and chose to ignore me. I begin walking toward her car. I am not even annoyed at this point. She can have some shade, she just can’t block the driveway. So, I waved again, but she was hurrying to exit her car. I asked her to move forward about six feet to leave my driveway clear. She ignored me.

The other lady with her clearly heard me as she turned and looked at me. Louder now, I said “Excuse me. You need to move your car out of my driveway”. She continued down the street with an armload of paperwork. No response whatsoever. I followed the ladies. I was now getting annoyed with her obvious decision to ignore me completely.

I saw my HVAC guy approaching, so I flagged him down and told him I would have the driveway open for him in a minute. I was gaining on “Karen”. I saw her stop, so I jogged the 20 steps to her and again asked her to move her car ahead a bit. She acted as though I am not even there, so I repeated my request, and she repeated her performance.

Okay, so now I was pissed. I stepped into her personal space and loudly repeat my request. She looked directly at me and stated that it is a state-funded street and she will park wherever she wants. I agreed, but I also informed her that she was impeding my access, and that isn’t within her rights. She repeated that she will park wherever she wants. I asked whom she is visiting and she said she has several friends who are on her roster to visit today. I looked and the papers are of a religious nature. I said, “You will move away from my driveway or you can explain your rights to security.” and I headed for home.

She decided to further state her rights, and I decide to make that call. The HVAC guy had parked closely behind her car to glean a scant bit of shade. He said he is eating his lunch quickly. He was a bit early, so I offered him a cold drink of water while I make a call. He said he’s fine, so I proceeded to find the number for our security guys. I called and he says that they’ve had problems with her in the past and he would gladly refresh her with the rules again. He was there in minutes. I explained that she is welcomed to park in the shade, just not to block access to my driveway. I pointed to where she had gone and left to get the repairman started.

We were in the backyard when I heard a shriek. Apparently, Karen felt it was okay to push the security dude. It’s not! By the time I got to the front yard, the police were arriving. They arrested her at the request of the security dude, and her car was towed.

Karma got Karen that day!


Well. it happened to me – ended up getting reported for my ‘attitude’. Luckily, my manager was supportive. We also had CCTV…

Was working in an outdoor goods store. One summer we had a display of Gazebos & accessories. A woman, accompanied by her kids, came up to the till with a £100 gazebo. Put it through the till. asked her if she was paying by cash or card.

‘That’ll be £100, please’

‘No’, she says, it’s £10, not £100′. I explained that it was indeed £100, the £10 item was next door on the shelving. I looked, & sure enough the labels had been switched.

‘I work for Trading Standards, you MUST sell it to me for £10’.

I politely declined, & she stormed out. Reported me to Head Office. As above, my boss was supportive. We checked the CCTV. Clearly showed her standing in front of the display, blocking the line of sight from the till, while her kids swapped the shelf tickets.

Karen did indeed work for TS, & talking to other shop staff on the park this was her regular modus operandi.

Image credits: Jack Lantern


I was new to this part time job at a mini mart. A customer walked in, started complaining (sorry, I forgot what it was) and then told me that she wasn’t going to shop here again. I didn’t care because I didn’t like the job and also I didn’t know what a Karen was at that time.

Image credits: Jo Han Goh


I don’t remember the specifics because it was a while ago. But there was a problem with my internet. So I called my provider and sat on hold for over half an hour before getting through to someone with such a thick accent, I had trouble understanding fully what they were saying.

I’m generally pretty good with accents, having a broad experience with university professors and friends, so I think an amount of my frustration was with myself for having difficulty with understanding her.

We talked back and forth, me trying to explain my problem and her trying to say that wasn’t a problem. I got steadily more frustrated because I’d been without internet for over a week, but due to being busy at work and then tired in the evenings, I was using my first day off in over a week to fix my issue to enjoy Netflix and the likes. And also not have my family jump down my throat because we were on a family plan and shared 8GB of mobile data at the time. I wanted my Wi-Fi back.

Finally she determined that we had a problem, and I had been pretty snippy. Normally I’m happy and cheerful when dealing with customer service, it’s not their fault my thing is broken and they don’t deserve a bad attitude for trying to help. They’re not paid enough for that. But it had been a very long week, and I had only scraps of patience. I didnt swear or anything like that, but I was quite short with her and it was clear I wasn’t in a good mood.

I felt pretty bad when she was thanking me for not swearing at her and calling her bad names, or yelling at her. She kept repeating that to me as she transferred me to a different department. I thanked her for her help in the most apologetic tone I could muster, and steeled myself to not do the same to the tech hopefully about to reunite me with my internet.

Image credits: Gypsy Angori


This happened fairly recently – in February or March, before we were recommended to wear face masks. Sadly, it was a complete classic case: short, middle-aged white woman, built like a small tank, the exact hair you’d imagine – grayish blond, cut sweeping up in the back, bangs, the whole nine yards. She had her hands on her hips and was giving the counter person total hell. The situation was our local pharmacy, family-owned, has been in the area for several decades, has phone issues. There have been a couple of days I’ve tried to call them and have had to call back because their system was just down. All of us who work a desk job knows exactly what that is – it’s a tech situation, a line worker does not have access to, nor can in any way work with the situation, they just have to endure and hope the IT people, either in shop, local or remote, can get it fixed as soon as possible. I waited a few hours and called again and got through.

That wasn’t good enough for the karen, ivanka or battle-axe, though. She was drilling the poor, part-time, college-aged counter woman mercilessly about having her time wasted because she couldn’t call and had to actually come to the pharmacy to request her prescription in person. She even said, “I need to talk to someone who can explain why this happened!” Now, realize, the phones were working at the time of the encounter – I’d called before leaving work, so she was searching for someone in-store to explain something they had no idea of, AFTER it was resolved.

The next victim was a counter person with more years of experience who tried to explain that there was an issue with their system earlier in the day, but that their IT vendor had taken care of the problem. I had my refills by that time and headed for the door as I heard the myrmidon telling the women at the counter “it wasn’t fair I couldn’t call to get my refill.” I totally eye-rolled – all she had to do was try the phone later in the day to take care of that completely trivial first-world problem.

I’d been chuckling the last few months reading karen stories on Facebook. I never imagined I’d experience it in that pharmacy (they really do have the nicest people around working there) for something (to me) as stone-cold stupid as the issue the karen was bringing to the counter.

Image credits: Kent Perrodin


An ex friend (yes him again!) aged 66 having a toddler tantrum because a neighbour and mutual friend had mistakenly dropped a sticky fly paper which had attached itself to the ex friend’s dogs tail.

I was literally crying with laughter as it reminded me of the party game where you pin the tail on the donkey. Ex friend was jumping up and down with his fists clenched, demanding the neighbour get rid of every single fly paper he owned because he “wouldn’t allow him to let it happen again” and the neighbour had never seen ex friend kick off and thought he was going to punch his lights out.

I don’t know what a male version of a Karen is, but this bloke definitely is one. And yes I still laugh when I think of it.

Image credits: Romany Rose


I am a Avid Surf fisherman, was on the Beach After local Bathing hours were over.5:30–6PM I see this little Woman (5′3″ and about 75 YO making her way toward me from about a block away where her husband is standing. We are the only three people for about 4 blocks either way. when she finally gets to me her first comment is “is there not a Fishing Only beach in Town?” well no there is not. she then went on a tiriad about kids swimming and dogs and hooks in the sand! When she finally wound down I asked her if she lived in our area? no I am from Florida here visiting family. I then told her I am from this area and pay quite a bit in local taxes so she should go back to Florida and complain to someone there. I averaged about 200 days a year beach fishing back then, and she was the ONLY person ever to give me a problem. as a add on as I said she was only a little over 5 ft tall, might have weighed 100# WET! her skin looked like baked leather. I guess her beach in Florida is private.

I am usually polite to people and have been known to hand my rods to kids walking by to land fish, and gave them a little info on what ever they landed.


One time after school 3 of my friends and I went to the gas station to get some drinks and while we were in there, there was this middle aged white lady who kept staring at us. Idk if this had something to do with race, maybe it did maybe it didn’t but 3 of us (including me) were Hispanic and the other was mixed. This lady was watching us the whole time we were shopping and it was honestly creepy. We payed and left and after we had gotten out the shop the lady came up to us and was like “you criminals how dare you steal, I suggest you go back in and pay before I call the cops” and obviously we did not steal so we’re just kinda like “uhh what??” And this lady just kept going on about kids our age and that she “knows what we are up to” and it was getting annoying so we walked off while she was like screaming at us saying we were “going to hell”. I haven’t seen her since but I’m pretty sure she made a complaint or something because now the gas station only allows 2 school kids in at a time. ?‍♀️ This behaviour is really common where I live so it doesn’t surprise me anymore but it’s just still so confusing on why most adults think that every teenager is a criminal??


One time when I was a teenager in a gaming store, and this lady with a kid comes up to me. “Would you buy this game for me?” she asks, “My son wants it.”

I’m like, “No, I don’t have any money.”

She’s all, “Come on, of course you have money, you’re looking at games!” I tell her, “I like looking at games. I don’t have to buy you games. I don’t have any money” This goes on for a little bit, her asking, insisting, telling me I’m an awful person for not buying her young son a video game. I’m getting scared and people are looking at us. Even her son looks uncomfortable. Then she takes me by the arm, “Come on, you have to buy me this game! I don’t have any money!”

Now I have Asperger’s Syndrome. I don’t like being touched by complete strangers, and I pull back sharply and snap at her, without thinking, “If you ever touch me again, I’ll kill you.”

Well, that makes her back off. I continue looking around , keeping an eye on her. And then she slips the game case into her bag and walks out the door. She’s not just a Karen, she’s a damn shoplifter. I go up to the desk, and I tell them, “I think that lady took the game without paying.”

The guy at the desk smiles and goes after her, and they ask to see her receipt, as they do. And she starts screaming at them, saying she bought the game fair. I’m watching. She’s screaming at him and really getting up close and nasty, he looks kind of nervous. He’s only maybe 20, doesn’t want to lose his job. And then I step up next to the guy and say “You didn’t buy the game. I saw it.” And she looks at me, and throws the game on the ground and rushes off.

The guy gives me a £5 gift voucher.


It was with a former boss, when they fired me. (Thankfully, I had another job lined up the same day, before the firing)!

I’d been working at a massage establishment and was wanting to find work closer to home, since I’d been having about a 45-minute commute to work 5 days a week. I got an interview for a closer place, and scheduled it for 10:00 a.m., an hour before my shift was to start, and left home at a time such that I wouldn’t be late for my interview.

On the way there, I ended up missing a turn, and after a little bit, realized my error and turned around. That caused me to be late for my interview (the person interviewing me wasn’t upset about it, and they even helped me to find their place). Once I was certain that I’d be late for work, I texted my boss to let her know that I was going to be late because of an interview. (Had I just said I was going to be late, she most likely would have asked why, anyway).

Some time after, I arrived at work. With the other massage therapists currently in sessions, I was alone in the reception area. A lady came in to ask if we had something of hers that she was thinking she left behind after her massage some days prior. I began to look around, and the phone rang.

It was my boss. She screamed: “Rachel, you’re fired! You can’t pull that $!#% on me and expect to continue working for me!!! GET OUT OF MY SHOP!!!” Turns out, she had sent a text shortly before, firing me, but I didn’t see it right away because I had been looking for that lady’s lost item.

I hung up the phone, told the lady everything my boss just said to me, she apologized and wished me good luck, and she left. And of course, so did I.

I wasn’t upset about being fired, but I was taken aback by her unprofessionalism. I understand perfectly well what it’s like when people show up late, which is why I sent her a courtesy text; for that, she ought to have handled the firing in a more mature, professional manner, especially since I had never been late before. Seeing how things went down, she probably would have fired me anyway upon learning that I’d no longer be working for her, had she been present and I hadn’t been late. Her extreme unprofessionalism towards me just allowed her true colors to be exposed, and they certainly reflect in all the negative online reviews from clients, as well as her responses to them!


When I was working as a service clerk at Walgreen’s back in 2008- it was really late one night and during the last hour when the store would be open. I had just rung up a woman’s merchandise- and then saw that I did NOT have enough cash to give her as the change that was showing on my register.

So I took out enough quarters to make up the amount that I had to give to her. She started fussing at me that she did NOT want a bunch of quarters- and ordered me to give her cash. I told her that I did NOT have the correct amount inside my register- and then she rudely demanded for me to call my manager out to bring some.

There were several people lined up behind her- and I thought it would be rude to make them have to wait. Since this was NOT long before we would be closing- the register I was working was the only one open. Otherwise- I normally could have had another employee take over a different one and check out those other customers.

I paged the only assistant manager on duty- and let him know that I needed that amount of cash brought up to the register. It took almost 5 minutes for him to come out- since he was working in the office and busy handling paperwork. So I saw those other customers NOT looking very pleased that they were being held up.

The guy finally came walking up- and gave that rude woman what she demanded. I was so glad when she walked out of the store- and felt like apologizing to those other customers for being made to wait just because she thought that she was ‘so special’. It was people like her who made me hate having to work in retail.


Working in retail I’ve encountered all types of customers, I’m quite outspoken so I’ve had my fair share of bad customers. I’m going to share my most recent experience which was yesterday, and this wasn’t a Karen but a “Ken” (The name I use for a male that acts like a Karen). With Corona active, the law is that Masks are mandatory in all stores unless of course, the person has a severe medical condition. We have a fair share of people that come in just covering their mouth, with their noses fully exposed. When I see them I kinda tell them “Hi how are you, please make sure your mask is covering your nose” Anyways Ken comes to my cash with his nose exposed, and I kindly remind him about covering his nose. He proceeds to tell me “I can’t breathe and I have asthma”. I responded “Alright if that is the case, it’s common courtesy to use the self check out” and then he yells at me “I DON’T HAVE CORONA”. The whole time I’m cashing him out he starts yelling “I can’t breathe properly under this mask” and he doesn’t stop. Finally, I’ve had enough and I have a long line up and each customer is wearing a mask properly and I point that out and I tell him “do you see all these people you think they are wearing a mask for enjoyment? every one has breathing issues it restricts everyone’s breathing, but they still wear it because it’s the law and they are being considerate of your health, the least you can do is show them the same consideration instead of behaving so entitled” He then changes the subject and says “I’ve seen employees many times without any masks, I’ve even seen you without a mask and I have proof you’re lucky I haven’t posted this on social media” and I’m like “Why, who’s stopping you? post away post everything on social media” and he repeats the same thing and I’m like “clearly this is so important to you even though you can’t seem to comprehend how to wear a mask properly so post away no one is stopping you, in fact, I’m encouraging you”. Then he is left speechless and he’s like “Well you have your self a great day” and he leaves and I hear him say “F**king people”. I mean I agree I went on a bit too much, but I’ve had enough of these fraudsters. that try to pretend they have a medical condition that exempts them from a mask, that is why I made a point to him by showing him all the people in my line. I know he was lying because people who truly have these medical conditions don’t act defensive, they let us know and it’s over also the fact that he still had a mask just his nose was exposed. However, this guy kept going on and on about how he has difficulty breathing repeating the same thing so many times. That’s when I knew because we all are suffering, sometimes it gets really bad during hot temperatures that I feel light-headed. So it’s like don’t give me that bulls**t when we all are suffering from insufficient air to breathe.


Well, I remember that when I was in my 20s and on the first day of a job in the registration office for a day camp, a woman came into the office, claimed that the “first day” package of materials that the camp had mailed out before I started working there didn’t contain badges for her kids, and asked for badges. Apparently something in the materials mentioned that the kids should be wearing these badges on the first day of camp, so she was worried.

Now, I was a kid who had been working there all of one hour, but my boss had stepped out of the office so I was on my own. I had never seen one of these packages or badges, so I had no idea how to assist the woman. I told her that my boss should be back shortly. She agreed to wait.

My boss dialed my extension from another place in the building and asked how things were going, so I asked her what to do. She said that the camp office was out of badges and suggested that the woman just make them. We ended the call and I relayed the suggestion to the woman.

Wrong suggestion. “The manual says they need badges. I am not going to make them.”

Ok, but I couldn’t make them either. I had no materials and no idea what they were even supposed to look like.

“Not my problem.”

My boss finally came back and she spoke to the woman. The woman made a tremendous fuss about there being no badges for her kids. Finally, she stormed off in a huff.

My boss and I looked at each other, shrugged and went back to work.

I guess the kids didn’t need them stinkin’ badges.


In our drive thru when I worked at an ice cream shop, we had someone order a “Fruity Pebble shake” which was not something we could do. She had misinterpreted a sign that announced a new shake flavor (coffee) and another note at the bottom of the sign which advertised a “Fruity Pebble ice cream sandwich.” The amount of Fruity Pebbles that we had was extremely limited as we only used them for the sandwiches.

After we told her we could not make said shake, she tried to argue by saying the sign advertised one. We seemingly managed to convince her as she ordered everything else before again attempting to get a Fruity Pebble shake. She finally conceded and proceeded through the drive thru.

When she reached the window to pay and get her items, she again requested a Fruity Pebble shake. A girl calmly explained to her that we literally could not make one, she requested to speak with a manager.

For a bit of context about the establishment, it wasn’t a franchise or anything (there are like two of them, both owned by the same family). Most of the employees were a) in high school, b) recently graduated from high school, or c) over the age of forty. The older adults, however, only worked in the mornings, and she came during the later shift, meaning the oldest person working was in her early 20s.

When we said we had a supervisor, not a manager as it was a very small business, she continued to argue until the supervisor gave her the boss/owner’s number. Of course, nothing came out of it except lines on the sign to separate the advertisements.


She brought her car in and asked what it would cost to replace the EGR valve.. Then she promptly spent the next ten minutes running down the shop that has been ripping her off for years, explaining how EVERY TIME she brought her car in to them, they said it was this, and then that didn’t fix it, so she had to pay more…

“So, would you like me to fix the car, or replace the EGR valve? They may not be the same thing..”

“What do you mean?”

“We could inspect the vehicle, identify the faults, and make a recommendation based on our findings..”

“You would charge me for that?”

“Yes, of course..”

“No, just change the EGR valve, they already told me what’s wrong with it! You guys are all alike!”

So, I wrote up the repair order, specifying “Replace EGR valve per customer request.”

I called her a couple hours later and told her the EGR valve had been replaced..

“It still runs terrible! You didn’t even change it, did you?!”

“Of course we replaced it.. I have your old EGR valve right here, along with the large chunk of carbon that had blocked it open.. We took the liberty of inspecting the engine after the work was done so I would be able to explain to you why it’s still running so badly.. If you’ll look right here, you can plainly see the ignition spark escaping the plug wire arcing to the cylinder head.. The chunk of carbon that blocked the EGR open resulted from unburned fuel entering your exhaust.. You need a tune-up.. I have that estimate for you right here, and as soon as you pay for the work we’ve already done, I’ll get started on it..”

“Why should I have to pay for that? You didn’t fix it!”

“Because you asked us to, as evidenced by this signed repair order, which expressly authorizes a mechanic’s lien in lieu of payment for services rendered.. If you choose not to pay this bill, I’ll place your vehicle in storage at $19.00 per day until such time as I can apply for a permit to sell the vehicle..”

She politely paid the bill, and paid up front for the tune-up.. The next day, she drove away in her perfectly running Nissan Quest..


This was a Ken.

I was a forklift driver at a Pace Warehouse ages ago. The duty manager (Jamie) was telling me what needed to be done next when a guy storms up to him.

“You have way too many handicapped spaces in your parking lot! There are SIX spaces and there is a car in only one of them. I demand that this be changed.”

Then just to sound even more deranged his next words were, “I mean if they are handicapped, how much can they carry?”

Jamie who was a very laid back sort says very peacefully, “I’m sorry you feel that way but there the number of spaces is determined by law. Before we opened the fire marshall measured the size of our sales floor and gave us a maximum occupancy number, and that is what determines how many spaces we, by law, must have.”

The guy goes, “Thank you. I did not know that. I am going to go home and write my congressman right now.” And then he turned and stomped out.


While I was stationed in a hospital, there was this one medical secretary who just never liked me. She was always gruff and condescending, but I just stayed clear of her.

Well, one day, I had written a letter to the local newspaper stating that because of the state of the economy at the time, it might be a better idea that both unions and government make a different deal pegging wage increases within a certain range depending on economic situation. It was one of those, “share the pain” type of call to action letters.

That “Karen” went after me full bore and demanded to my union that I be censored, fined and reprimanded in every way possible. I even suspect she tried to get me fired. In the end, even though absolutely no one else took offence for my letter (freedom of speech and all that), it was suggested that I wrote a letter of “apology” to her.

I did take the advice, and I wrote a letter that was apologetic for expressing my freedom of speech and opinion that unfortunately offended her delicate sensibilities. She stormed down to my office, screamed out loud that she did not accept my apology and threw the letter at me.

Absolutely no one, including her union, backed her. There was an apology letter on file, and the matter was done.

She was way too tightly wound up. After she retired a few years later, she dropped dead of a heart attack all alone.


What is a male Karen? Ken? Whatever let’s stick with Karen.

I live in a vacation destination. Expensive lakeshore homes are often owned by wealthy families from big cities. I also work in automotive.

So Karen comes in and wants something maintenance done. Specifically an alignment. Now to be clear alignments are NEVER an emergency. The good news is he gets to talk to my business partner. I’m not really paying attention because she greeted him and I’m doing whatever.

My partner explains to him when we are scheduling. He wants it done first because he had new tires put on before he left big city but didn’t want to pay their prices for further service and is on vacation here.

My partner reiterated the schedule and tells him if he wants to drop the vehicle off and leave it, if we get an opening or cancellation, we will do our best to get it in. I’m now paying some attention. This is a male dominated industry and some of them get a bit abusive to her especially customers.

“Nope. I’m from [big city] and you need to do it now”

“Sir in order to do that I would have to start calling customers we have already made commitments to and tell them we cannot honor them”

Then the words I will not forget “Well missy you’re just going to have to start calling them or I will.” At this point I have had enough. I simply look over at him and explain to him there is no circumstance in which I will be there and we will work in his vehicle.

He suggests to me I don’t know what I’m talking about and am about to be fired. I shrug, tell him no problem, for a check for several million dollars I’ll have the lawyer draw up the agreement, he can fire both of us and try to convince the techs to work directly for him but I was pretty certain, given the bonus I would promise them for change of ownership, that none would be in a position to work for someone with his attitude.

I did end up escorting him to the door. It was over a decade ago. I will never forget him.


When at work I asked a customer if they had a mask.

They did not so I offered them a temporary single use mask.

She took one and asked the following: “But is it a law that I need to wear it?”

Thankfully, I sort of have become accustomed to such snide remarks and merely reminded them that it is required if they were to enter this store.

She rolled her eye and just walked off with a mask in hand.

Hopefully once they saw that everyone else adorned a mask in the store they would feel that it would be the right thing to do to wear their mask too.

This wasn’t the worst case. Before, one customer insisted that they would sue and even went about taking photos of the signs that were of a reminder in the use of a mask.

Another, yelled at me when I ran after them for they rushed into the store and gave them a mask.

I had to tell them to wait since they refused to wear a mask to speak with my manager.

They then threw in insults and were upset.

I could only apologize before my manager came by to speak with them.

I was close to tearing up, which was and is an overreaction, but to see how easily someone could speak so poorly of you is depressing.

Image credits: Venus Lubui


A personal experience with a roommate that made me say ‘Wow, seriously?’

My ex roommate and I shared a place for 2 years. She was filthy rich, entitled and selfish. We bought common kitchen utensils, an IKEA side table and a Black & Decker blender. She wanted to move out to her own place and was packing all her stuff( I decided to stay at the same apartment) On the day of the move out I wasn’t at the apartment, when I came back the entire unit was so dirty with trash all over. I had noticed that she hadn’t returned the mail box key and so I messaged her asking for it. Her reply stands fresh in my mind ‘Pay me my share of the used items and take the mail box key.’

I read it twice and replied ‘You can take whatever you want but I am not paying you back your share. You have used the items for two years. I hope you understand how depreciation works.’

She was adamant and said she had contributed to the items and wants her 50% back. I was patient and said ‘You paid 50% and used it for two years. How do you think you will get back the money from IKEA if you return it now? Do you understand that the item isn’t gold that appreciates in value?’

She sent me a hate message in CAPITAL LETTERS saying how narcissistic I was and how God would take care of me. I informed my building management about the key and they were understanding of the situation as her name was also on the lease.

Finally, KAREN returned the mail box key to the management and sent me long text which I didn’t bother to read and ended up blocking her.

Edit: A lot of negative comments here. I don’t understand why so much hatred. Anyways, breaking down the situation for better clarity. Firstly, when you buy a blender worth $50 two years ago and split the cost ($25 each) and use it for two years, would you pay your roommate’s share of $25 back to her and have the blender to yourself? No way! Instead, I offered her the blender, take it and don’t pay me anything. How do people think that I need to pay her $25 back? All she wanted was money! Imagine you rent a car for $40/day and when you return do you ask the $40 back because you’ve used the car and no more need it?

I have offered her to take anything and everything she wanted but I am not paying her the money. I have people calling me the ‘freeloading Karen’ here. I am disabling comments since I have respectfully responded and explained myself. Not going to explain further or tolerate any disrespect. Thanks


Not one but two. About eight years ago I was starting a new job. I needed it. I had been laid off of a very good paying job about a year earlier and was working an “in between job” to get by til something better came along and this was it. I’m just a waiter but as anyone who works in the service industry knows not all waitering jobs are alike. In the right place I can bring home over a grand over the course of four nights.

Anyway as the new guy I was given the task of opening up the restaurant. This meant arranging tables and setting them up, stocking the bar and waiters station, counting the register, confirming reservations for the day. As i was new and still figuring out where things were and went I came in about a half an hour early to get ready for our 11:30 opening.

Before anyone else on staff showed up to work a loud knock comes from our locked front door. I go to see whos there and two elderly women want to come in and be seated for service. I tell them we open for service at 11:30 and they weren’t having it. They wanted to be seated NOW, they have a groupon which was set to expire and they demand service. They insisted our website stated we open at 10:30. Told them we couldnt have people in the restaurant while we were setting up but we’d be happy to take care of them when we open. They demanded to speak to a manager, told them I was the only one here, then they asked me if I was a manger, I said no and they replied with “I look too stupid to be a manager”. They then proceeded to seat themselves in our outdoor patio area. fine. they were out of my way I could proceed with my tasks…except they decided to start calling the restaurant. the phone would ring, I would go over to pick it up, they would swear at me, hang up and then do it again. After the third or fourth time I just let the phone ring and the other old lady got up and just started pounding on the door to be let in while the other was on the phone letting it ring.

Mind you even if I did let them in the cooks werent even in to start their own set up and prep.

At this point the other waiter on schedule shows up and asks whats going on. I explain, he goes out to tell them the same things i did and they gave him the same work over treatment of yelling, demands and insults. How dare we deny them service. Were going to get fired, they’re going to have our jobs.

11:30 rolls around, the kitchen is up and ready for service, we’re up and ready for service. The two old ladies barge in and shove their groupon coupon in my co workers face to which he replies “Ma’am. Our establishment does not accept groupons. If you had read the name and address of the restaurant the groupon is attached to and compared it to the name of our restaurant on the front door youve been pounding on for the past hour you would have discovered you are at the wrong restaurant.”.

They slink off.

Doesnt end there. They went onto Zagat and posted a review about as long as this post over what a horrible restaurant experience they had, we were infested with rts, the place was filthy and we should all be fired and shut down…


I was shopping in the Walmart grocery section. A ‘Karen’ with two young children had her cart parked against the shelves on one side. I needed something that was blocked by the cart. She was shopping up and down the aisle, bringing things to her cart and then walking back down the aisle. I was politely waiting next to her cart, waiting for her to move it. One of the times she came back to it, I even said, “I need something behind your cart. “She ignored me. She then turned her back and started walking to the other end of the aisle again. I had been waiting there for about five minutes, so I pushed her cart about a foot or so, so I could reach my item. With that she turned and screamed, “You touched my cart!” I should mention this was before COVID-19. She proceeded to run back toward me yelling at the top of her lungs that I had no right to touch her cart. I told her I just moved it to get an item and told her to calm down. She screamed, “No, you calm down, you’re causing a big scene.” She proceeded to walk away, screaming all the way that I touched her cart. Always fun at Walmart.

Image credits: Jay Quackenbush


I was a store manager at Starbucks for 4 years, and I had the pleasure of meeting a Karen. She came in and ordered a venti cappuccino. My assistant manager was at the bar with an experienced barista, and they were cranking out the beverages…..until this one. One return, ok, no problem. Two returns, ok, but there is no way this one is wrong. Three returns….. at this point she is calling the assistant and the barista stupid and untrained, so I step in and call her over to the other end of the counter so that they could catch up with the drinks that are now piling up. I tell her she should not speak to my staff like that, that they are both experienced and are making the drink to Starbucks standard. Here, what the woman wanted was us to put shots in a cup, then proceed to skim the foam off of all of our milk pitchers (in the past, we had large milk pitchers that we would steam as we went so there was always milk ready, now they steam milk per drink) to fill the cup the rest of the way. “Tiffany knows how to make my drink”. (Tiffany had recently been fired for no showing for work two times as a supervisor, delaying the store opening and costing us money and customer satisfaction. New boyfriend, bad influence, story for another Quora question). Me: “If you want two shots and a cup of foam, you have to order it that way. A cappuccino is part foam and part liquid milk, which is why they made it the way they did, there is a standard recipe for cappuccinos.” She continued to berate us for our service and her drink being wrong, so when she finally got out all that she needed to get out, I asked her to go elsewhere for her coffee, as clearly we were not able to serve her as she wanted. She was not expecting that response, clearly she was accustomed to having her a** kissed, and I was not going to let my staff be treated like that. I don’t remember if she left in a huff, I was headed to call my district manager to let her know I threw someone out and asked them not to return. I got major kudos from the staff there and the customers who were within earshot for standing up to a bully and defending my staff, who I knew were in the right, and at no point were combative with her. My DM knew I had to be pushed to the edge to make a decision like that, and even had she not been ok with it, I had a lot of support to back me up.


I got a good one for y’all.

My wife, son, and I went to H-E-B (famous Texas based Supermarket chain). I took him out of the back and put his carry car seat on the truck bed. My wife was experiencing symptoms of seasonal allergies so she was dabbing her nose and eyes with a tissue. When she has allergies and you’re at a distance, it kind of sounds like she’s crying. However, once you’re close it becomes obvious that she’s just sniffling. This will be important in a second. I was making funny faces at my son and trying to get him to laugh.

A random Karen appears out of nowhere, walks over to my wife, and asks if she knows that a man is bothering her baby. She then goes on to say, “is he making you cry, do you need me to call someone honey?”. I chose not to say anything out of sheer amusement. My wife was pretty shocked for a second and she said, “lady this is my husband and that little boy’s daddy”. The Karen was befuddled and didn’t really know how to extricate herself from the immensely awkward situation of her own making. She made some kind of apology to my wife and fled the scene.

Ahhh Karens, what would we do without them?


I don’t think these are crazy but there was this one lady who came in to print pictures. She came up to me asking about the kiosk but I told her the printing system is currently down. She cut me off in the middle of my explanation. “It’s down?! For how long?!”

I started explaining to her that we weren’t sure and that we were trying to get a Fiji rep, the people who are actually trained to troubleshoot photo errors, to come to the store. “Well how are people suppose to print pictures?” As if printing pictures were a necessity.

Before I could point her to another Walmart or a CVS she exclaimed, “Well you guys need to figure it out and get it fixed asap!” Her face was frowned up and she bobbed her head before storming off. Then proceeded to return 20 minutes later to ask if it had been fixed. Thingd don’t get fixed just because you say that they need to, rather rudely as well.

Another lady came in with what I assume was her father. He wanted a walkman or some older type of device (I forgot exactly what it was I just know it was older and involved audio.) Her whole demeanor was rude from the rip despite me trying to be pleasant.

Her replies were snippy and every time she talked she did the head bob thing the other lady did. Eventually, I got fed up with the transaction and her nasty attitude and let my coworker handle it. It was still hard biting my tongue because she was still at the desk. Just unnecessarily rude for no reason.

Image credits: Niya D


We have our very own neighborhood Karen who often thrills us with her unwanted interferences, but not for much longer. From calling the police on neighborhood kids for setting up a lemonade stand to putting notes on everyone’s doors telling us that we “need” to seek her approval before having a garage/yardsale at our own homes because she doesn’t like a lot of cars parked on “her street” as they upset her dog and scare her children, or telling everyone to not allow their children to ride their bikes past her house, and trying to dictate what color Christmas lights we should put up, it has been never-ending entertainment. Usually, I laugh and ignore her, but in late spring, she forced me to engage. At the time the coronavirus was nowhere in our area, and we didn’t think it would ever be a concern here in our part of the country, boy, were we mistaken. But then we were living like it didn’t exist.

The family directly across from me are Hispanic and are some of the nicest most thoughtful people that I have ever met. They have a son who is 10 years old now and for the last few years, he has helped many of us and our elderly neighbors with chores around our houses, and he never asks for any money. Of course, many of us give him money anyway, but if you know him you know he doesn’t do these things for money. He does it because it makes him feel good to help people. He told me one time that he likes to help people and make them smile.

On snow days when school was canceled, he would get up early and shovel snow off of sidewalks and driveways of our elderly neighbors before anyone had asked him to do it. If he saw that you had a lot of groceries, he would run over and jump right in helping, he would pull weeds and rake leaves, anything he could do to help. This family has a beautiful pear tree in their front yard and every year he bags up the pears and distributes them to all of us. I have talked about this good-hearted young man in another answer. His family has lived in the neighborhood for many years, even before our dear Karen moved in and tried to take over. It seems like she has always had something against this boy. Another mean old man and woman in our neighborhood also don’t like him because of his ethnicity and have tried to cause him trouble before.

Anyway, he and a couple of other neighborhood kids set up a lemonade stand in his front yard with the goal of raising money to donate to the local children’s hospital in the next town over that had recently treated one of their friends from school for injuries from a farm accident. They had a nice stand set up that his father helped them build, and a large painted sign saying that they were collecting money for the children’s hospital. Our neighborhood is in a rural area, we have no sidewalks, but the road is wide with room to pull off and stop, many people ride by on their way to town and back. They were doing a good amount of business at their lemonade stand.

Well, Karen decided that he and his friends were intending to keep the money and not donate it at all. So she called the Sheriff’s office and accused these children of defrauding a charity. Not to be outdone by a regular Karen, our Karen also called the local newspaper to announce this major fraud going on in our neighborhood. As I said we live in a small town so the newspaper actually sent someone out to see what was going on, but not before the police showed up.

When the deputies arrived a few of us noticed them right away as we do not see them much in our neighborhood. Karen also saw them arrive, and marched down her driveway holding her dog, a Yorkie that I swear had the same haircut as Karen, but it looked better on the dog, the dog was also more well behaved. Karen started yelling about how the kids were using the children’s hospital name to collect money to spend on themselves, and how they should all be arrested. Also, people were stopping in cars and parking “on her street” and scaring her dog, who at the tim

Image credits: Jim Schoeff


Wynona Ryder.

This would have been in the late 90’s as I recall it. She was a fairly young and up and coming hot young actress. She was shopping at one of the iconic stores on Rodeo Drive where she found some bauble— jewelry as I remember it— which pleased her, but instead of just paying for it like the rest of us mere mortals would do, she put it in her pocket. Then she left the store.

Of course she was stopped and the jewelry retrieved, and eventually an “agreement” was reached which did not involve Ms Ryder going to jail.

Her “people’s” explanation was that she “intended” to pay for it but “forgot” it was in her pocket.

The thing was that it was not a terribly expensive item— maybe $1,000, but chicken feed for someone of her Hollywood status.

After this incident, she dropped off the A list and went a good while without working on anything particularly significant.

Whether she actually shoplifted or just took it with the idea that NO ONE would ever imagine that she wouldn’t eventually pay, to my knowledge, was never determined, but it sure did her career NO good. And it most certainly was extremely karen-ish.

Image credits: Terry Proctor

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