“This Is A Controversial One”: Woman Shares 5 Things Her BF Is Not Allowed To Do

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It’s more than OK to have expectations and standards for relationships. If anything, everyone’s entitled to an opinion. But, regardless of that, it takes (at least) two to tango, and your take might not always work with the other’s take.

A woman has recently shared her “hot take” of a rule set for her significant others. And, let’s just say, the rules are understandable to some, all the while borderline outrageous to others. Needless to say, a discussion ensued and has the internet torn about it.

At this point, a woman has the internet wildly debating her 5 strict rules for her boyfriend

Image credits: fauxels (not the actual photo)

“Let’s talk about five things I’d never allow my boyfriend to do”

Image credits: taylordonoghuee

“First is super obvious, but I would never allow my boyfriend to have a girl best friend. I don’t believe in them. I think those get messy. You could have female, like, friends and acquaintances, but like a female best friend? Absolutely not.”

Image credits: taylordonoghuee

“The second thing is, I will never not allow my boyfriend to let me know where he’s at location-wise. I feel like you get to a point where when you’ve been dating someone for so long, having each other’s like locations on like “Find My iPhone” is more of a safety thing. I just want to make sure he’s okay.

Am I stalking every hour? No, but I feel like it’s just one of those things that when you care about someone, you will tell them [your] whereabouts. I feel like it’s kind of shady if you’re dating someone and they don’t want you to know where they’re at. Like that’s a huge red flag.”

Image credits: taylordonoghuee

“The third thing I never allow my boyfriend to do is go to strip clubs. And I feel like this is a controversial one, and some couples go to them together. But nope, not our scene. You can go to bars, you can have a guys’ night, but strip clubs… Absolutely not.”

Image credits: taylordonoghuee

“The fourth thing I would never allow my boyfriend to do is pay all the bills. I feel like the men paying for 100% of everything is just like wrong. And I’m not even trying to sound ‘pick me.’

I obviously think, especially early on, the guy should take on majority of the bills. But I’d be lying if I said like, I didn’t pay for it. Also my mindset is like, even though we’re not married, I’m not trying to run him dry and he’s not trying to run me dry.”

Image credits: taylordonoghuee

“And the fifth and last thing is I would never let my boyfriend like girls’ bikini photos on Instagram. I feel like that’s a huge red flag for obvious reasons.

I feel like there’s been so much more awareness on this, but it always makes me sad when I see someone that’s like married with kids or just in a relationship and they’re like, liking girls’ photos, especially very like provocative ones. I’m just like, it’s not a good look.”

Image credits: taylordonoghuee

Internet personality Taylor Donoghue (@taylordonoghue) recently posted a TikTok video listing the 5 strict rules she has for her boyfriend. The video was posted just 6 days ago, but already it had over 800,000 views with a bit over 40,000 likes.

In it, she draws lines with rules like no girl-best friends (while female friends in general are OK), always sharing his location (she claims it’s for safety reasons), no strip clubs, the guy taking on the majority of the bills, and no liking bikini pics on social media.

Well, folks online were torn on the matter. One side of the internet agreed with Taylor. Some people said they were burned by their significant other having roommates of the opposite gender and allowing their significant others to go to strip clubs. Others agreed in the sense that it’s good to have rules and boundaries, and if that’s a problem, then don’t date.

The other side of the internet, however, had questions. Some saw a lot of “double standard” talk in it, others were against imposing rules per se and instead expressing wishes and desires, and yet others were questioning if her boyfriend has rules of his own for her. And, as of this article, there is actually a video about it.

In his list, it was no flirting with guys at the bar, no liking guys’ Instagram pics, texting updates when you’re out on the town, and no lip filler. There was no fifth rule—he simply remarked that he essentially gives Taylor freedom to do what she wants, e.g. post whatever on social media, wear whatever she wants and the like.

Image credits: Tan Danh (not the actual photo)

You can check out the full video below

@taylordonoghueeHot take but just my opinion 🤷🏽‍♀️♬ original sound – Taylordonoghuee

Rules in relationships are a must. They are what make for some strong, long-term bonds between people

Having personal rules for relationships as well as general ones are necessary in relationships all the same. And, believe it or not, there is rationale in Taylor’s rules too.

Not cheating on your significant other is a universal rule in modern society, and everyone draws lines differently. To some, cheating is a literal act of doing it, while others draw the line way ahead of time with things like no flirting or even looking.

Paying for things more than the other partner can be akin to the rule of pampering each other. This is advised as a precaution of sorts as well as an extra expression of love for them.

Heck, be yourself—and if you have rules, express them. It’s things like this, plus respecting the partner’s boundaries, being at their side, appreciating them for who they are, and being humble that are all excellent expressions of love that go a long way. Like, up to a lifetime of togetherness.

Setting rules is also an art in and of itself, so, tl;dr: express your expectations at the beginning of a relationship, set up ground rules and deal breakers as it develops, and stay flexible as it’s a team effort.

So, what are your thoughts on any of this? Do you have strict no-compromise rules for significant others? Share your thoughts and stories in the comment section below!

Image credits: Tirachard Kumtanom (not the actual photo)

On the one hand, there were those who wholeheartedly supported Taylor

Others were quick to criticize the video, pointing out an overly restrictive dynamic in a relationship

The post “This Is A Controversial One”: Woman Shares 5 Things Her BF Is Not Allowed To Do first appeared on Bored Panda.

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