74 Of The Best Pics From This FB Group That Can Truly Appreciate A Funny Sign

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Before we dive into the crux of it all, can we just stop for a moment appreciate the fact that appreciation societies—whether fun or real ones—exist and are a positive thing in general? Keep it up!

With that said, we present to you an admiration society for a curiosity of a concept that we’ve already discussed numerous times, but can’t get enough of—and that is signs. The Sign Appreciation Society collects and shares all manner of signage for the internet to enjoy.


Reassuring to all arachnophobics I’m sure…

Image credits: Erja Summers


Another sign in Tenby Wales. They got a good sense of humour.

Image credits: Stephen Bass


Image credits: Stu Darby

So, the Sign Appreciation Society is a public group found on Facebook that, just like the name suggests, is all about appreciating signs in a collective manner.

The group isn’t even a year old and already it has a bit over 200,000 members—actually surpassed this threshold in the last week—who bring in around 50 new posts a day with 2,000 just in the last month.


Image credits: ChristopherandSara Weaver


I don’t know about you, but I hate bones in my bananas and always make sure to buy the boneless ones

Image credits: Susan Ding



Image credits: Laura Orwin

As you might have already gathered, signs are out and about in the world to convey information. And that can be any bit of info that is relevant to the place that you might find yourself in at that moment. This alone sets an expectation for signage to be serious—after all, they are meant to help folks get around and understand what’s going on.


Image credits: Pete Rhodes


Image credits: Helen O' Rourke


Image credits: Fleur Brown

And because of their serious nature, folks don’t really expect signs to be funny. Whether intentionally or accidentally. But it does happen. This admiration society and a good number of Bored Panda articles on the topic are testament to it. But I digress.

But it’s that unexpectancy that throws us off and spins us into laughter.


Image credits: Fernando Soriano


Image credits: Janet Pawlicki


Image credits: Sign Appreciation Society

Humor in part revolves around the condition of something being unexpected. Like, wildly unexpected. It’s things or elements that, when we discover them, throw us off by offering an ambiguous meaning or a new way of seeing it and also makes us think “What in the actual heck? Did I see that right?” It’s a fun discovery. And this is called the theory of incongruity.


Image credits: Simon Eden


Image credits: Ahmed Jamal Jallad


Image credits: Sharlene McCormick

This has become a basis for several other explanations as to what laughter and humor is all about. Researchers A. Peter McGraw and Caleb Warren jumped off this theory to explain other kinds of humor.

They went on to say that humor is when a person simultaneously identifies ethical, social or physical norms that were violated, but not in very offensive ways, but to a degree where this was amusing.


Drinking game taken to the next level!

Image credits: Sonja Marie Isaacs


Image credits: Sonja Marie Isaacs


Image credits: Rob Raincock

Amusing was a keyword that other researchers identified from a different perspective—an evolutionary one. There are suggestions that laughter has evolutionary roots as an emotional, spontaneous and impulsive expression of amusement and joy. All of this to support relationships and social connectivity in order to survive in this crazy crazy world.


Image credits: Nigel Budge


As far as I know, we don’t have these in Canada.

Image credits: Eugene Stickland


Image credits: Sign Appreciation Society

Now, a sign doesn’t need to be anything other than just itself in order to draw the attention of people. Signs are specifically designed to draw attention so that they could convey information.

However, in a world full of ads and information overload, design of visibility is left to traffic signs and the like. All others now aim to be not necessarily visible, but memorable.


Image credits: Dan Taylor


Well-behaved aliens.

Image credits: Pascal Bérubé


Image credits: Sam Gammilonghi

And this is where humor comes into play.

Making a sign funny will get stuck in your head. Heck, it might even merit a quick photo snap and a share on social media (or the Sign Appreciation Society). But it will be more memorable than any other sign—even the important ones, like the fire exit. And you’ll, like, be more than cool with that.


I’m in Australia and we have big ones – whenever there is a Huntsman or a big whitetail, I scream, try to run away to find the nearest human and promptly pass out at their feet!

Image credits: Lauren Lolly


Image credits: Rich Lucke


Image credits: Jonathan Moy

And, honestly, the more ridiculous, the better. Usually a sign is funny on accident, like when it lacks commas and you just see “Flowers produce eggs” in a column (with an added moral of why punctuation matters), but it can be deliberate for added effect, like depicting extra human silhouettes to include babies, aliens, mutants and Roman warriors in their encouragement to wash their hands after partaking in some toilet adventures.


Image credits: Nicolas De Beukelaer


Oddly specific on some things…

Image credits: Claas Hendrik


Well…this is about to get awkward

Image credits: Sarah McLeet

And if you’ve come this far into the listicle, then I bet you’re also ready for more funny and witty signs.

If not, hey, the comment section is always there for your takes, stories and whatever else you feel like sharing!


Lol the purpose of the sign is to warn people about the sign.

Image credits: Bethany Hutchens


Image credits: Sonja Marie Isaacs


Image credits: Ra Chel


Image credits: Craig Richardson


Image credits: Anna Allende


Image credits: Jewels Wood


My kids goldfish died and I didn’t have the heart to tell them

Image credits: Benjamin Snider


Image credits: Nicci Hooper


Here’s my kind of morning run.

Image credits: Ian MacDonald


Image credits: Peter Derks


Image credits: Snakhokonke Snakhokonke Ngwenya


Image credits: Mike Wells


Not sure what’s happening here.

Image credits: Linnie Wieselquist


Image credits: Angela Marie Dedenbach


Image credits: Bilal Faiz


Near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Image credits: Steven Brocksen


Image credits: Amy Keane


Image credits: Fernando Soriano


Image credits: Eve Burton


I am not sure I know how to urinate with elegance.

Image credits: Housie Housie


Image credits: Kaizan Cid Caleon


Image credits: Beth White


Image credits: Dana Adams


Image credits: Laura Orwin


Wow! Did the person just have this with them hoping for a chance to use it, or go home make it and go back to put in on the car?!

Image credits: Sonja Marie Isaacs


Image credits: Johnny Rakia


Image credits: Lisa O'Connor


Image credits: Riley Dolan


Image credits: Ilene Manster Goldberg


Image credits: Dave Huckle Hutton


Image credits: Moshe Cohen


Image credits: Sylvia Maier Broome


Image credits: Brian Jamieson


Image credits: Jeff Greene


Image credits: Anne Dillon


Image credits: Katherine Lee Rodriguez


Image credits: Jewels Wood


Image credits: Martin Cosnette


Image credits: Kathleen Juarez


Image credits: Pietro Lo Giudice


Image credits: Andrew Keith


Image credits: Kathleen Juarez


Bill the sign maker….didn’t notice the problem until he put the sign up.

Image credits: Randy Gyorffy


Image credits: Joey Carabetta

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/4ZIcNvx
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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