64 Adorable Pets Being Happy To Finally Be Home After Getting Adopted (November Edition)

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While it is sad that there is a need for adoption in the first place, luckily it is in and of itself a solution to the problem—a solution that quite a bit of folks seem to embrace.

And when folks adopt, it’s likely they take to the internet to celebrate their new member (or members) of the family, sharing a picture of them being curious, mischievous, or downright adorable. Some of these find their way into our pet adoption of the month listicles, so here are the best ones for the month of November.

#1 Recently Adopted A Kitten, Was Worried He Wouldn’t Get Along With My Dog

Image credits: zachp0wer

#2 I Rescued 3 Kittens From My Construction Job Site

Image credits: realogy

#3 Adopted A Sweet Bait Dog

Image credits: BuddhaDaddy88

It’s important to consider animal adoption stats for a minute because it emphasizes how crucial it is for them to find forever homes.

Around 6.3 million companion animals are admitted to animal shelters around the US each year. That’s roughly equivalent to the populations of Maryland (6.17M) and Indiana (6.79M).

Of them, dogs and cats go almost half-and-half with 3.1 and 3.2 million respectively. Luckily, this is a drop since 2011 when 7.2 million pets ended up in shelters.

#4 My Step-Mom Adopted A Cat For Her Elderly Parents. We Were Nervous Her Dad Wouldn’t Like Him

Image credits: kittyishhh

#5 We Adopted This Little Orange Cutie

Image credits: MdnightRmblr

#6 This Is Weasley And Capucine Adopted Thru Our Shelter. The Big Boy Was Lonely (And Really Playful) So His Human Adopted A Little Sister For Him. Things Seems To Be Going Great

Image credits: sonia72quebec

Of these 6.3 million, only 4.1 are actually adopted, and about 810,000 of pets who enter shelters as strays are eventually reunited with their human companions.

Unfortunately, the reality is some animals end up euthanized. And reasons can vary from shelter overcrowding to the animals being incurably sick, aggressive, injured or suffering from something.

So, adoption is definitely the option.

#7 Rescued This Little Guy Tonight, Can Anyone Give Insight On His Age

Image credits: LadyMcRib

#8 We Just Adopted A Rescue. Meet Popcorn!

Image credits: willevans1972

#9 I Am In Love With My 6 Weeks Old Cat

Image credits: hamada625

Bored Panda has reached out to Julie Posluns, an applied animal behaviorist (ACAAB) and the founder of The Cat School, to learn more about adoption and adopted pet behavior.

“A recently adopted cat may initially hide due to fear of their new surroundings; overcoming this fear could take days or weeks,” explains Julie.

“As a cat becomes more familiar with its new surroundings and guardians, you should expect more exploration and social and playful behaviors.”

#10 My Mum Adopted A Cat That Was Struggling To Get Homed. She’s Home Now

Image credits: Real-Response-6116

#11 What Name Should He Have?

Image credits: Kyto_Echo

#12 Just Adopted This Sweet Boy, Can’t Believe He Was Left Behind By His Previous Owners

Image credits: Limp-Bacon

Julie continues: “Once a bond develops and your cat starts trusting you, they may start following you, seeking your attention and lying closer to you, or on you if you are lucky! The first few weeks and months are full of surprises as you learn more about your cat’s personality.”

And to increase your chances of becoming a cat cushion, it helps to have some soul-searching done before actually adopting—considering the energy levels, personality, size when fully grown and their fit in the family.

#13 My Wife Just Adopted Her

Image credits: zuinno

#14 My Neighbors Were Evicted And Abandoned Their Cat. I Decided To Adopt Him. Meet Mimi

Image credits: Pogys

#15 I Just Adopted Her And Named Her Duchess. Dutch For Short

Image credits: NBD2016

If possible, spend time with the adoptee in the shelter and see how they react to you. And once you’ve set your (puppy) eyes on one, move on to prepping.

“While time and patience are helpful when a cat is rehomed, there are methods to speed up the integration process,” explains Julie. “Setting up the environment so your cat has many places to feel safe—both hiding spots and elevated areas to monitor their environment can bring a sense of control.”

#16 Rescued This Little Girl From A Trash Compactor. Her Name Is Sylvie!

Image credits: Aquarius_Bitch

#17 Brother And Sister We Adopted Together Who Cuddle Constantly

Image credits: takeagender

#18 My Dad Just Adopted This Baby

Image credits: SayiBocedi

“Encouraging play, using food as enrichment in puzzles and for clicker training are excellent ‘ice-breakers’ to start your relationship on the right paw.”

As for dogs, they too require a place of their own at home. So, set up a place with a bed and blanket for them to rest and introduce them to their food bowl and use food enrichment to help them familiarize with the environment.

#19 Newly Adopted Dog, Name Suggestions Please!!

Image credits: there_is_no_party

#20 Just Adopted Two Tiny Voids

Image credits: Celthara

#21 Daughter Was Worried About The Adopted Void Being Accepted

Image credits: screaming_avacado

It goes without saying that finding a local veterinarian and looking into pet insurance are highly recommended.

In the long run, and even more so with dogs, you can start introducing them to other pets around the neighborhood or even in other family circles.

Pet training also comes in handy in many different situations. Training essentially helps you communicate better with the pet and for the pet to understand you better.

#22 Today, I Adopted A Street Cat And Her One-Day-Old Kittens

Image credits: shahid_555

#23 Adopted An Abandoned Kitten On Our Honeymoon

Image credits: marzbvr

#24 Adopted A Swiss Sennen/Labrador Boy For Our Blondie Lab Girl

Image credits: Rimmer2022

Adoption has an impact on pets’ behavior and personality and it’s virtually always positive.

“There are many heartwarming stories of homeless cats who go from avoiding any human contact to becoming sweet and affectionate companions,” elaborates Julie.

#25 Susie Q Found Her Furever Home Yesterday!!!

Image credits: animeyiddies69

#26 Adjusting To Indoor Life After Being Adopted From The Parking Lot

Image credits: PartyMud

#27 Adopted This Sweet Little Girl

Image credits: copycat217

Julie continues: “Similarly, moving from a crowded shelter environment into a quiet home can have a profoundly positive effect on a cat’s personality.”

“Fortunately, even cats surrendered multiple times can adapt to new environments and become trusting companions.”

#28 I Adopted A Kitten Less Than A Week Ago, And To My Great Surprise, She Already Trusts Me

Image credits: katie_astrophe

#29 I Asked For The Least Adoptable Cat… Ended Up With A Sweet Bundle Of Love

Image credits: Fluffy-Designer

#30 Decided To Adopt The Hissing, Swatting, Growling One At The Shelter. Took Her Less Than A Day To Turn Into The Sweetest Cuddle Bug

Image credits: gotpoopstains

Be sure to check out more from the Cat School website, where you can find resources for cat training tips as well as get yourself specialized products like clicker training tools and cat leash walking kits. And be sure to follow the school on their YouTube and Instagram.

But if you want more adopted cuteness, these listicles come out on a monthly basis, so peep out the one from last month.

#31 Accidental Hug While Brushing A Newly Adopted 15yo Pittie

Image credits: alittle_disabled

#32 Just Adopted This 11 Year Old Love Bug

Image credits: irishrose381

#33 Adopted These 2 Goofs

Image credits: ThrownAwayGuineaPig

#34 Rescued This Little Fella From Being Thrown Away. She’s Now A Part Of The Family

Image credits: DJ-Zero-Seven

#35 Adopted My First Dog, Her Name Is Bug

Image credits: httpsal3m

#36 Adopted A Kitten This Weekend

Image credits: -Thenburyher

#37 We’ve Just Adopted Him. It Looked So Quiet, Now It’s Mayhem All Day

Image credits: stdfr06

#38 Just Rescued This Lil Dude

Image credits: pizzapuppiez

#39 First Week!

Image credits: MajorCatEnthusiast

#40 Our Latest Rescue

Image credits: pdonettes

#41 My Newly Adopted Puppy Is One Silly Sleeper

Image credits: mll2000

#42 We Adopted A Second Cat Today. He And Our First Cat Are Working Things Out

Image credits: coinpile

#43 Just Adopted. Her Name Is Juniper!

Image credits: littleponine

#44 Happy Halloween From Benny! 15 Y.o. Just Adopted Him Last Week!

Image credits: helicopterlanding

#45 Rescued Violet 1 Week Ago

Image credits: HospyNursie

#46 My New Little Guy, Simon

Image credits: Anon08753

#47 Accidentally Adopted A Potato But We Love Her All The Same

Image credits: GuideToTheGalaxy05

#48 Officially Adopting My Street Foster Jpeg, Look At Her Brother’s Happy Face!

Image credits: freyaeyaeyaeya

#49 Adopted These Lil Babies This Weekend

Image credits: saddgasm

#50 We Adopted Our Newest Family Member, Miley, Today!

Image credits: RiightUmmNo

#51 I Adopted A Kitten Named Toe

Image credits: MarlaLinger

#52 On The Euthanasia List At An Animal Shelter Instead, She Got Adopted And A Puppuccino From Starbucks

Image credits: moncking

#53 I Was Adopted By A Stray Cat Today. I’m Grateful

Image credits: New_Weather_7611

#54 Adopted This Big Guy Today!

Image credits: cajunbeard

#55 Happy Cat Day! Meet Olaf! Newly Adopted This Afternoon!

Image credits: haaruka

#56 This Mf Adopted Me Yesterday

Image credits: mr638

#57 Adopted My First Cat Yesterday

Image credits: Sugarsweetlee66

#58 We Adopted Starburst This Past Weekend

Image credits: houtechs

#59 Just Adopted This Boxer Girl

Image credits: littlelunabug

#60 Adopted At A Rescue And Newly Groomed. Truffles, Good Girl And Terror Of Squirrels

Image credits: UCFLegion

#61 Meet Naomi! She Adopted Me A Week Ago And I Wanted To Show Her Off!

Image credits: asm485

#62 Just Adopted This Handsome Boy Today

Image credits: Minimum-Truth-6554

#63 Say Hello To Our New Adopted Puppy Chopper

Image credits: visionist

#64 Adopted This Mama Cat And Kitti

Image credits: Crafty_Check_889

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/SqK7bc2
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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