Mom Refuses To Change 4 Y.O. Out Of Princess Costume Because It’s The Same As Another Kid’s

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I keep repeating this, but it’s true on too many levels: being a parent is hard. Not just the parenting part with the sleepless nights, the relentless mess and teaching why swearing is unacceptable. It’s also having to deal with all of the other parents and their you know what.

And while the first part is inevitable, the second can be avoided. But nooo, someone just has to be upset that your kid just so happened to be wearing the same Disney princess outfit as that same someone else’s kid. And nobody had an issue… except for that someone.

It goes without saying that parenting is already hard, and having other parents make questionable requests doesn’t make it easier

Image credits: Marcela Oliveira (not the actual photo)

Requests like changing your kid’s costume because another kid has the same one, but it quite literally bothers nobody else but the mom

Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)

Image source: ThrwayAurorasMom

The issue ended up being resolved a few days later when folks started understanding who the bad guy is and apologizing

Image source: ThrwayAurorasMom

After saying no to the costume change, the author of the post had to deal with some backlash from this other mom and her friends

So, the story goes that a mom of two was recently forced into some drama. How? Long story short, one of her kids—4-year-old Aurora—was attending another kid’s birthday party, which was in the theme of Disney princesses.

It turned out that both Aurora and the birthday girl were dressed as the same princess—Sleeping Beauty. No biggy, right? Definitely wasn’t one for OP nor the two kids. In fact, they embraced being twins.

Who had a problem, however, was the birthday girl’s mom. She hired a photographer to snap some pictures of the party, but she couldn’t accept that her daughter wasn’t standing out anymore with her doppelganger always playing together and ending up in nearly every shot.

She tried to ask OP to have Aurora change, but since nobody except for the mom had an issue, OP passed on that offer. This in turn led to an unpleasant confrontation some days later at school pickup and other neighborhood moms turning on OP.

This is where she understood that she needs some perspective from folks online, who, in a nutshell, backed OP from the beginning. But an update to the story was posted soon after and it turns out some foul play was afoot.

There was also an update where the tide has turned and, apparently, the mom was badmouthing the Redditor and stirring up drama

Apparently, the mom who had an issue with the costume was bad mouthing OP—to a degree where folks were tricked into thinking that OP deliberately dressed her toddler that way.

Not only that but when the truth surfaced, the mom’s family started reaching out and apologizing for the whole ordeal because—turns out, there was not a single day that the upset mother wouldn’t complain to them about how her little girl’s day was ruined.

That’s the gist of it, but there was a whole lot of nuance in the original story and its subsequent update.

Folks in the community were on the Redditor’s side right from the start, and the update only solidified their verdict

As mentioned previously, folks on the subreddit didn’t see any problem with OP’s decision. The kids were playing together, and actually excited about the shared costume—that alone was a clear argument. But it was a party for the girl and a party she got, that’s all that mattered.

Needless to say, folks thought the mom was a piece of work, being jealous that a 4-year-old could outshine her own kid. The mom could only blame herself for not making this clear in the invitation.

Many also pointed out that this really shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place. At least not one that should’ve gotten so much drama fuel thrown into the fire. In the end, nobody got hurt or upset (minus the mom), the party was a success and the kids were happy.

Besides, who would want to not let a kid play dress-up if it’s good for them on many levels

Dress-ups are good for kids. Not only does it empower them to dream, hope, and use their imagination, but it also kinda gives them permission to pretend to be someone or something different or extraordinary for a change. Their choice in costumes often reflects who they are and their interests, all the while fostering independence.

Besides developing motor skills—after all, they do put on, take off, and finagle with their various costume accessories—they also often mimic mannerisms of the characters they personify. That also means putting their interpretation skills to good use and improvising and imagining the character in their own ways, thus promoting creative thinking, communication and emotional expression.

And you can imagine what might happen if you take that away from a kid.

So, what are your thoughts on any of this? Throw in your two cents into the mix by sharing your verdict and the nuances of why you think that in the comment section below!

Folks were supportive of Aurora’s mom, sharing their reasoning for the positive verdict with the author of the post providing more context in response

from Bored Panda
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