94 Times People Were So Wholesome, They Made Thanksgiving

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We do our best to make celebrations and family traditions as wholesome as we can. The small details really matter. From going all out with decorations and inviting all your loved ones, to preparing the most delicious dishes. It’s what many of us look forward to. Thanksgiving, especially, is the time to be extra grateful and appreciate all the little things and sweet moments in life.

Our team at Bored Panda has collected some of the most wholesome Thanksgiving moments captured from all over the internet. So warm up your leftovers and get ready for some soul-healing images.

#1 The Turkey I Saved From Thanksgiving. His Name Is Fred

Image credits: Will-I-Am-A-Gamer

#2 Thanksgiving Dinner At The Shelter

Image credits: MARLeague

#3 My Neighbors Brought Me A “Plate” Since I Didn’t Go Anywhere For Thanksgiving

Image credits: hbgbees

The Thanksgiving season can actually lift our spirits, and the clue is right in its name. Taking a moment to notice and acknowledge the things you’re grateful for can brighten your outlook and boost your mood. Something as simple as a brief chat with a friend, a kind gesture from a stranger, or a warm cup of tea in the cold evening can make you feel thankful and more positive.

A brief “thanks”, or “I really appreciate you doing this for me”, shows your friends and family that you care and encourages more pleasant encounters in the future. Practicing gratefulness creates a chain reaction of positivity that improves your friendships and fosters new ones. A study at the University of New South Wales found that when people express appreciation, it invites others to form relationships and connect on a deeper level with them. People who received gratitude at work reported better sleep, fewer headaches, a healthier diet, and felt more satisfied with their jobs.

#4 My Wife’s Family Made Fun Of Me For Wanting Green Bean Casserole At Thanksgiving Because They All Hated It. My Father-In-Law Felt Bad And Secretly Made Some For Me Anyway

Image credits: MadSmatter

#5 Landlord Seeks To Spread A Little Holiday Cheer

Image credits: baycheyann

#6 I Found This Stray Cat In The Smokies On Thanksgiving Day

Pictures after we got him into the car. He’s been fully vetted, defeated, dewormed, and microchipped. Do you think he’s a Siamese?

Image credits: achieh7

However, many of us get caught up in the negative things in life, and it becomes difficult to highlight the positives. A continuously pessimistic outlook might disconnect you from your favorite people. A lack of support from family and friends has been found to raise levels of stress and disturb sleep, which in turn harms the body. For some, it’s hard to be naturally grateful, whether due to genetics or personality. Fortunately, practicing appreciation might get easier with a few mindful steps, like writing thank-you notes, keeping a gratitude journal, and focusing on what you already have.

#7 “Coworkers, How Was Your Thanksgiving? Me, Well, We Spent 45 Minutes Trying To Get This Photo, So I’d Say Pretty Great”

Image credits: You_Are_A_10

#8 Emily Bugg And Her Fiancé Billy Decided To Forgo Their Big Wedding For An Intimate City Hall Ceremony, She Turned A Magical Day For Them Into A Wonderful Surprise For Many

Using their non-refundable catering deposit, Emily and Billy made Thanksgiving⁠⁠ dreams come true with meals for 200 people.


#9 Professor Inviting Students Over For Thanksgiving

Image credits: Bluemzv12

#10 A Neighbor I’ve Never Even Spoken To Saw That I Was Home Alone All Day On Thanksgiving And Brought Me This

Image credits: dreamhours

Psychologist Joel Wong believes that the benefits of gratitude can be felt only if we incorporate it into our long-term routine. It’s more than enough to do it once a day. For example, Dr. Wong chooses to think about what he’s grateful for in the morning when he first turns on the computer at work. This helps to associate work with appreciation and ingrain a positive habit into a routine.

#11 Mom Hasn’t Been Able To Eat For A Week And Is Still In The Hospital, Figured I’d Give Her Some Turkey For Thanksgiving. It Made Her Smile More Than She Has In Weeks

Image credits: Hami_509

#12 I Lost My Mom In April And My 15-Year-Old Daughter Stepped Up And Made Thanksgiving Dinner For Me, My Dad, And Her Brother Today. She Nailed It

Image credits: scottjeffreys

#13 Our Thanksgiving Tradition. My Son And I Put Together Little Care Packages To Share With Whoever Might Need Them When We Go To The City On Black Friday

We talked about being fortunate and having a responsibility to share with others. Doing this was his idea.

Image credits: dollarwaitingonadime

#14 Granny Has Arrived For Thanksgiving And Gus Is The Happiest Lap Dog In Town

Image credits: Fishmike52

The importance of spending time together with our loved ones is crucial, especially for our social well-being. According to research, American families in 1986 spent 250 minutes of quality time together on weekdays, whereas today it has plummeted to only 37. With this number lowering, it’s essential to come together and bond over traditions that inspire positive feelings and memories.

#15 That’s One Way To Make Sure Your Guests Arrive On Time For Thanksgiving

It was definitely a bit of a stunt but these guys were really respectful of space – It was a 7 PM Sunday L from union square and was not crowded at all. They said it was an inclusive gesture to emphasize no one should go without food on Thanksgiving. They were loud but not rowdy or a nuisance. They even handed out plates to everyone in the car – I got one and the turkey was a solid 7/10 and collard 8.5/10. I’m glad I got to experience something like this. Makes a great story!

There were even MTA employees amongst us but no one objected.

Image credits: reddit.com

#16 After His First Thanksgiving

Image credits: Emptydata_Enzo

#17 One Of My Friends Made Sure To Have A Dog Table For Thanksgiving

Image credits: sagelface

#18 My Father-In-Law Added His 2 Dogs To Our 2, Then Our Guests Today Brought Their 2 Dogs. Happy Thanksgiving From 6 Furry Friends

Image credits: Hubbards_Handmade

Maintaining strong family customs takes time, effort, and patience. With daily stress and responsibilities, they might become neglected. The following tips might help to make your traditions strong and long-lasting:

  • Choose an activity that would be interesting and enjoyable for the whole family.
  • Block time in your family calendar so no one “forgets” and accidentally skips it.
  • It’s best to keep these traditions simple and genuine; don’t overcomplicate them.
  • Even if it’s not perfect, remember that all that matters is that you grew closer to one another and put effort into strengthening your relationship.

#19 This Gas Station Offering A Free Thanksgiving Meal To Anyone Who Shows Up

Image credits: The_Shy_Yeti

#20 My Grandma And Grandpa Just Delivered Me Thanksgiving Meal Because They Aren’t Having Everyone Over

Image credits: Blueshark25

#21 No One Came Over For Thanksgiving, So I Packed Up Plates And Handed Them Out To The Local Homeless People

Image credits: kh117cs

You might start to feel that it’s necessary to update or add new family traditions as the years go by. A little creativity and something meaningful is enough to form a new custom. Discuss the activities you’re doing now, brainstorm other things you might like doing together, and start slowly implementing them. Perhaps each member always had a ritual that they’ve seen others do or elders in the family may share ideas from their childhood.

#22 A Stranger Knocked On My Door And Gave Me A Homemade Thanksgiving Dinner Last Night And Saved Me From Eating Truck Stop Pizza For Dinner. Thank You, It Truly Means A Lot

Image credits: LordMackie

#23 My Grandma Puts Up This Papier-Mâché Snowman I Made In Like First Grade Up Every Single Year. She Puts The Decorations Up Early

So it’s decorated for when we have family over on Thanksgiving.

Image credits: reluctantbunnyboy

#24 Thanksgiving Year 7. From Year 1 As Strangers, To Year 7 As Family

Image credits: jamalhinton12

The special moments don’t have to be limited to family. Creating traditions with your buddies can also ensure that you have some quality time carved out for them throughout the year. How about starting from Thanksgiving and making a “Friendsgiving” dinner? It’s a whole day dedicated to bonding with your best pals and celebrating this holiday. There’s no official date for Friendsgiving, but many people choose to host it right before Thanksgiving. The menu looks a lot like the classic one with everyone bringing something to share (like a recipe that reminds them of home).

#25 Thankful This Thanksgiving To Be Tumor Free

Image credits: kendraalexandria

#26 My Sister Reminded Me Of How My Family Is Incapable Of Taking A Normal Picture At Thanksgiving

Image credits: virtualpj

#27 My Brother Passed Away The Weekend After Thanksgiving Leaving A 4-Year-Old Behind. The People At The Dealership He Worked At Donated All These Gifts To My Nephew

They are truly amazing people during these extremely tough times.

Image credits: Jahmay

Originally, Thanksgiving was a celebratory feast after the Pilgrim’s first successful corn harvest. Since stepping foot on American ground in 1621, they were being abused by brutal winters, lack of vitamins, and contagious diseases. After getting help from the indigenous people, they learned how to grow corn, extract sap from maple trees, catch fish in the rivers, and avoid poisonous plants. The first abundant corn harvest was the start of Thanksgiving that extended to celebrating the end of the drought, breaking of fast, and later other blessings of life.

#28 My Dad Brought A 3D-Printed Gift For Tony To Thanksgiving Dinner

Image credits: papayaslice

#29 Thanksgiving Dinner At The Animal Shelter

Image credits: MARLeague

#30 Two Strangers Offered To Bring Me Plates From Their Thanksgiving Meals

I posted in a local group asking which restaurants are open today and explained why I don’t think I can manage cooking right now (my husband is in hospital and my kids are visiting family). Instead, two incredible women, 100% strangers to me, said they’d bring me plates from their Thanksgiving meals.

Image credits: rcc52779

Nowadays, it can be broadly explained as a day to give thanks. People reflect on the positive things in life and express appreciation for family and friends. It’s a time to be mindful and acknowledge our fortunes as we tend to get so caught up, we forget to do so. Of course, gratefulness can be exercised every day, not only on Thanksgiving. Not to mention, it has endless benefits both for individuals and society as a whole.

#31 This Guy Offering Extra Food To Anyone Who Needs Some On Thanksgiving

Image credits: reddit.com

#32 This Doberman On A Flight To Tallahassee Today. Wasn’t About To Miss Thanksgiving With Extended Family This Year

Image credits: lesshonkymoretonky

#33 My Ex-Wife Took My Son When He Was 3. He’s 8 Now. I Drove 1200 Miles To See Him For Thanksgiving And Made This. It’s Sparse, But I Feel More Like A Dad Than I Have In Years

He said it’s not bad for my first time.

Image credits: Pliny_the_middle

#34 Best Thanksgiving Ever

Image credits: Kitchen-Aerie2391

#35 My Wife Made Pancakes That Look Like A Turkeys This Morning. Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

Image credits: yahheridesabike

#36 Meet Dexter, My Thanksgiving Kitten Surprise

Image credits: chancespoonful

#37 My Thanksgiving Date

Image credits: luker983

#38 This Legend Is Picking Up Trash On The Side Of A Highway In 45℉ Weather On Thanksgiving Day. What A Guy

Image credits: flowified

#39 I Just Felt Like The World Should See My Dog, Potato, On Thanksgiving

Image credits: kimeffindeal

#40 My Orchestra Teacher Made My Class Personalized Thanksgiving Cards. He Drew The Pictures In His Own Style, Out Of A Bunch Of Different Thanksgiving Foods

“Madison, You are so talented and you continue to surprise me with your dedication and drive. Really? A cello made of jello? Swinney. 2020.”

Image credits: Madisor03

#41 After Not Being Able To Go Home For Thanksgiving Because Of My Family Having Covid And Then Locking Myself Out Of My Apartment With My Roommates Being With Their Families Hours Away

The only locksmith who picked up the phone also brought me a Thanksgiving dinner plate.

Image credits: papitabean

#42 Texting Grandmother About Thanksgiving

Image credits: nikamats

#43 About A Year Ago I Made My First Hole-In-One And I Didn’t Really Make A Big Deal About It. Recently I Moved Off To College And Came Back For Thanksgiving

I found my little brother made this for me. It’s the little things in life that really make you appreciate someone.

Image credits: spencelogan

#44 Night Shift Nurses Dressed Up For Thanksgiving Making Our Thanksgiving At The Hospital Much Brighter

Image credits: TzaGear

#45 Meet Our Thanksgiving Miracle. She Made Us Work For It, But She Is Here And Healthy And We Are So Happy To Have Her In Our Lives

Image credits: BruceInc

#46 Here Are A Few Loaves Of Italian Bread My Dad Baked As Part Of The Massive Thanksgiving Dinner, Pure Joy

Say hi to my dad, Vince. He’s been a music teacher his whole life and an incredible self-taught cook. He’s recently enrolled in culinary school part-time and is loving it.

Image credits: heyvolpe

#47 Ben Is A Chemotherapy Patient Who Does A Cancer Talk Show Dressed As Sandra. He Found Out Two Weeks Ago That None Of His Friends Were Able To Come To His Thanksgiving Treatment

So a few local readers stepped in to meet him this morning.

Image credits: 405freeway

#48 My 80-Year-Old Neighbor Just Delivered This Care Package To My Dog And Me. I Had Told Her Earlier That I Was Laying Low For Thanksgiving

And not doing a traditional dinner or visiting any family.

Image credits: Johnny_Carcinogenic

#49 My Local Chinese Restaurant Is Giving Out Free Thanksgiving Meals To Those In Need And Those Who Contribute To Our Community

The poster says: “11-24-22, We’ll provide free food for ppl (who) made (a) contribute to (our) society and those who need help. You can pick 2 kinds of entree and 1 water (each person – only 1 plate). We (will) survive from covid.”

Image credits: EmiTheSheep

#50 The Family Decided To Pull Out The Lightsabers On Thanksgiving

Image credits: Previous-Doughnut-25

#51 How My Under $25 Thanksgiving Meal Turned Out. Surprisingly Not Bad At All

Image credits: Historical_Panic_465

#52 Spending Thanksgiving Alone And Working Every Year Can Be Rough. An Old Friend Just Dropped This Huge Spread At My House After My 12-Hour Shift. Can’t Stop Smiling

Image credits: RichJMoney

#53 My Dad Owns A Family Card Game Business. At The Bottom Of Every Rule Sheet, He Includes His Personal Cell Number So People Can Call If They Have Questions

He happily answers every call himself, even when they come in at 10 PM on Thanksgiving. He’s my hero.

Image credits: JephriB

#54 During This Week Of Thanksgiving, A Coworker Surprised Me With A New Pair Of Shoes. One Year Difference Between The Old And New

Image credits: ones_mama

#55 Binx Is Wishing Everyone A Happy Thanksgiving. We Are Thankful For Cherrios And Soft Blankets

Image credits: hopelessly–hopeful

#56 We Hosted Thanksgiving This Year, And After Dinner, We Had Some Fun In My Lan Cave. Great Times

Image credits: Sluehead

#57 Thanksgiving Smiles

Image credits: poopoopeepee2089

#58 I Made This Pie And Thought It Looked Nice. Happy Thanksgiving

Image credits: laura_lee_meh

#59 My First Thanksgiving Dinner Done All By Myself For My Family

Image credits: Sneaky-Goose

#60 I Cooked Everything On My Own For The First Time For Our First Thanksgiving In Our First Home

Image credits: hahayeahright13

#61 Got A Handwritten Letter From My Husband

“Jennifer, how are you doing today sweetheart? Happy Thanksgiving! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is already here? It seems like summer was just here! I’m excited though! This is definitely. My favorite season. And we have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful that I have you in my life. I am thankful for the lessons we have learned together.
I am thankful for the storms we have weathered together. And I am thankful for the love and friendship we have shared. I know I am a lucky guy to have you in my life. I am blessed by you and the patience and love you share, I love you very much. I hope you have a happy day. Love, J.”

Image credits: jlovelysoul

#62 Thanksgiving Day Tip

Image credits: peonylover

#63 Visiting My Grandparents For Thanksgiving, And Grandma Had A Special Section Of The Fridge For Me

Image credits: alivingthing

#64 My Sister And I Recreated A Photo From Our Childhood This Thanksgiving

Image credits: penguinberg

#65 The First And The Last, My Grandfather And My Daughter This Thanksgiving

Image credits: LeperFriend

#66 Some Random Kids At The Market Gave My Mom Flowers And Wished Her A Happy Thanksgiving. It Had No Needles Or A Bomb. It Was Just A Nice Gesture. Thanks For Making Her Day, Seattle

Image credits: WorstNameEver242

#67 I Know It’s Not Much To Some, But My Former Section Lead, Whom I’ve Spoken To In The Past About Financial Struggle, Just Dropped Off This Thanksgiving Care Package Out Of The Blue

Image credits: HolaFromElOtterSlide

#68 Due To Covid, I Wasn’t Traveling To See My Family For Thanksgiving, My Roommate Moved Out Last Saturday, And I’m Studying All Day For A Big Exam. My Ex-Colleague And Friend Surprised Me

With a thanksgiving meal for dinner and a tight hug, she said, you’re my family too. God bless kind people.

Image credits: Kind-Stranger-2507

#69 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend

Image credits: mrsgix

#70 Made These Dinner Rolls For Thanksgiving, They Were A Hit With The Family

Image credits: Studiosweetly

#71 My First Apple Pie From Scratch. Autism Won’t Keep Me Down This Year. Happy Thanksgiving You All

Image credits: ImVamcat

#72 Received A “Thanksgiving Meal Box” From The Food Bank. We’re Having An American Thanksgiving Dinner Today

Image credits: Moonlight_Melody123

#73 I Made Four Sourdough Loaves For A Work Thanksgiving

Image credits: TheVetLife

#74 I Celebrated Thanksgiving Only With My Hubby And Our Dogs

Image credits: Maki1411

#75 Mastering “Leave It” Just In Time For A Thanksgiving Photo

Image credits: BostianALX

#76 Daughter’s First Thanksgiving. Can’t Get Enough Of That Smile

Image credits: thesoccerone7

#77 These Two Ladies Gave This Homeless Man Water, Food, And Dog Food. It Was Really Sweet. Happy Thanksgiving

Image credits: BobbleheadDwight

#78 My Mother-In-Law Had A Virtual Thanksgiving Dinner With Us This Year

Image credits: mwproductions

#79 Happy Thanksgiving From Atticus And Suki

Image credits: johnnyboy182

#80 This Is How We Do Thanksgiving Day Football

Image credits: skbgiants

#81 Away From Home And Missing My Family. But Was Able To Share A Beautiful Thanksgiving Anyway, Thanks To This Great Chef. Literally Delicious

Image credits: roblowe

#82 Me And The Wife Rocked Thanksgiving This Year

Image credits: se7en0311

#83 Penny The Work Opossum Wishes You A Happy Thanksgiving

Image credits: Mourning_Gecko

#84 For Thanksgiving I Traveled 1500 Miles To Visit My Uncle And This Is How He Greeted Me

Image credits: AdmiralNelson

#85 My Parents Said They Had Too Much Thanksgiving Turkey In 1979

Image credits: PooKieBooglue

#86 This Is My First Thanksgiving As An American Citizen. Have A Great Day

Image credits: timotab

#87 Thanksgiving – I Was Worried About My Mom Being Alone This Year, She Definitely Hasn’t Lost Her Sense Of Humor

Image credits: graceperry

#88 My Son Hosting Thanksgiving For The First Time. I’m So Proud And So Is He

Image credits: Littln12

#89 Spending Thanksgiving Alone This Year. I Don’t Usually Cook For It, But Decided To Try This Year – Apple-Glazed Cornish Hen With Cranberry Pecan Rice Stuffing

Image credits: snakingfire

#90 Three Generations, Granddaughter, Daughter, And Me. Thanksgiving

Image credits: MrFSS

#91 My Grandma Turned 99 Last Week. Yesterday We Were Watching The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, And She Looked Up At Me And Said “I Remember The First One Of Those.” What A Life She’s Lived

Image credits: aggresivelyaverage17

#92 My First Time Making A Turkey For Thanksgiving

Image credits: Wasingtheisofwas

#93 We Hosted My Family For Thanksgiving Yesterday And I Asked My Nephew For Help With A Pokémon Game. Got This Sweet Message After They Went Home

Image credits: Gray_Haired_Lady

#94 Turkeys In The Oven, Time For A Destiny With Dad. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Image credits: Absolutely_Knot

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