29 Times Kids Didn’t Win The Name Lottery, As Pointed Out By Members Of This Online Group

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Pilot Inspektor, Moon Unit, North West, Apple, Audio Science, Sage Moonblood – turns out, some folks can get pretty creative when it comes to their children’s names! 

Well, you’re in luck because today, Bored Panda took this viral Reddit thread and compiled a list of the best “worst” names a kid can have. We hope you’ll enjoy the article, and don’t hesitate to add the quirkiest monikers you’ve encountered in the comment section below.

More info: Reddit


X Æ A-12

Musk is a cruel bastard. There are other really terrible names, but that has to be the most idiotic.

Image credits: nitestar95


Came across someone in a park once (England, nowhere weird) who was yelling ‘Excalibur!’. Thought it was a dog, nope, it was a lad.

Image credits: HenryFromYorkshire


My coworker named her baby “Strawberry Rain”, which would be a great name if she had given birth to a bottle of shampoo.

Image credits: ReinaPaz


Nevaeh…just f**k off.

Image credits: Slow_Beginning_1775


I knew a guy who always wanted be called AJ in school. His legal name was Adolf.

Image credits: blitzer1069


Met a girl named Jennifert in college…Jennifer with a T. Why? Because her parents wanted her to be different.

Image credits: exoticconstable


We just hired a guy whose first, middle, and last name is the same, but spelled 3 different ways lol I don’t want to actually say his name on the off chance by some miracle he sees this or it gets back to him, but I think it’s terrible. Like if your parents named you Shaun Sean Shawn lol

Image credits: anon


Kashmonay. Woman with this first name was arrested for stealing $170,000 worth of merchandise from Ulta.

Image credits: dabbad525



Image credits: eli_scrubs


North West ????????

Image credits: anon


I worked in admissions as a tour guide in college. When we didn’t have tours during our shift we stuffed envelopes. I’ll always remember Sylver Blades and Mystic Powers receiving mailings.

Image credits: _JPH_


I met a kid named Qua’Duffius when I was in middle school. He said it was pronounced Kwa-doof-ee-us. Worst one I’ve seen in person.

Image credits: RazzmatazzFluid4198


We met a kid at the playground the other day named Skillet

Image credits: cmoreglass79



Image credits: The_ManBehind169


I’ma throw the twins in my school name Easton and Weston under the bus here.

Image credits: Tellgraith



Unlike some urban legends like La-a, there are actually people named this. [At least 373.](https://ift.tt/MYeNsuE)

Image credits: anon



Not joking. Was working security in MN and a trucker came in to sign in. As he’s writing his name, I glanced at his name. ‘Derf’. I felt bad for his childhood.

Image credits: Von2014



Image credits: FNFALC2


Being a boy named sue

Image credits: metallumberjack


Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo

Image credits: Cuish


I swear if I see one more kid named Khaleesi ?‍♀️?‍♀️

Image credits: trippydragonfly


I’ve twice tried to post this on the tragedeigh Facebook group and haven’t been approved because they think I’m bulls***tting, but I have had confirmation on this from several people who lived in my city at the time of this. 

My mom taught at a school in the 80s where there was 2 siblings, one named Hallelujahthemessiahiscoming, and Repentorburnforever. 

I thought my mom was BSing for years until my coworker told me my mom was a teacher at her school when she was a student in the 80s.i asked my coworker about this, and she said yes, she was a little older than those kids but remembered them because they were in swimming classes at the local pool she was a lifeguard at. She told me her younger brother knew them and said at least one of them got into [illegal substances] later.

Image credits: musicmaj


Thurman murman

Image credits: Suspicious_Heat_2900


Brayden or Jayden or Brayleigh or whatever dumb version of that.

Image credits: Chaucers_Mistress



And yeah they get named that, I know of 2.

Image credits: All_within_my_hands



Image credits: Medici_intelligence


naming a girl konan lol

Image credits: LogicalProperty5449


Her name is CHASTITY. She is white trash!

Image credits: Smatamoros


Aiden or any variation. Not because of the name itself but any teacher can tell you students with that name are 99% behavioral issues.

Image credits: FlipRoot

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/GvoQt0M
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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