90 Appalling Vintage Recipes Better Not To Be Repeated Nowadays (New Pics)

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Nowadays, the online world is brimming with mouth-watering pictures of delicious food. However, chances are that if we had the internet, let’s say, a hundred years ago, the situation would be very different. Anyone with an old recipe book on hand can attest that some of them there are somewhat bizarre; banana salmon salad, for instance, or a “beehive” made from liver.

These are just a couple examples of horrifying old-school dishes shared by the Facebook group, appropriately titled “Disgusting Vintage Recipes”. With nearly 6k members, it is, in their own words, “a group where people look at disgusting vintage recipes”, and their posts surely live up to the description. Scroll down to find some of them below and see for yourself.

#1 No Recipe Here But I’m Sure We Can All Use Our Imagination. Lettuce Pray

Image credits: Gail McLean

#2 Shoes Or Fish?

Image credits: Allen Eagles

#3 Fruit-Salad Linguine (Better Homes And Gardens Pasta, 1983)

Image credits: Rivers Peterson

#4 Squab Dressed As Toads

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#5 Make Sure You Set A Place For All Of Us

Image credits: Gail McLean

#6 Ham And Vegetable Mold

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#7 Swiss Broccoli Custard (The Amana Guide To Great Cooking With A Microwave Oven, 1975)

Image credits: Rivers Peterson

#8 Bologna Cake

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#9 Last Evening We Had A Ham Dinner So I Decided What Better Way To Use Some Leftovers Than As An Aspic?

Sure enough a jellied egg and ham mold was in my New Joys Of Jello recipe book! How could I pass that up?! And it’s a “salad for the slim life” to boot! I made a few tweaks – peas instead of celery and plain gelatin instead of lemon. It’s what I had on hand. I also made the portion significantly smaller because I wasn’t sure how edible this concoction was going to be. Sadly it was quite awful, even for me. I could stomach the ring around the tuna, but this one was pretty horrendous . Nightmare fuel even. My husband flat out refused to even taste it for a while, looking at his plate with utter and sheer horror…but seeing my death glare he knew he had no choice and woefully resigned to trying a bite. His photos speak volumes. Bon a petit and enjoy

Image credits: Jennifer Kline

#10 A Classic – Florrie Paul’s Liver Beehive

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#11 The Kiwi Slices Are A Nice Touch

Image credits: Gail McLean

#12 I Can’t Even Imagine How This Would Taste!

Image credits: Lottie Tooth

#13 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#14 The Look On It’s Face Though!

Image credits: Georgia Bailey

#15 Behold, This Is As Awful Tasting As It Looks

Image credits: Brenda Acosta

#16 Just The Sanka, Please?

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#17 Chicken Huggin’ Sausage Surprise

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#18 I Surprised My Husband With Ring Around The Tuna. A 1960s Recipe From The Joys Of Jello Cookbook

Includes lime jello, salt, vinegar, grated onion, celery, Spanish olives, and tuna fish. I garnished it with some kale and more tuna and topped with a cherry tomato. I had to photograph and video his reaction. He did not care for it. I tasted it too. It’s not as horrible or terrifying as I thought it might be. It wasn’t super delicious but it was strangely not awful either don’t fret – he had a normal dinner and I made a peace offering after with some homehomemade made pina colada cupcakes. He did have to sniff them to make sure it wasn’t mayonnaise instead of frosting though. Trust issues I guess

Image credits: Jennifer Kline

#19 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Gina Cross

#20 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#21 Funny Face Hamburgers 1968

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#22 I’ll Continue To Repost Some Classics Here And There For The Newbies

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#23 Mmm, Vomit Loaf

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#24 Bratwurst Torte With Mustard Sauce

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#25 I Hardly Know Where To Start With This…..thing. What The Hell Am I Looking At Here?

Image credits: Ethan Allen

#26 That Is So Utterly Repulsive Looking

Image credits: Ethan Allen

#27 “Jeeves. I’m Feeling Snackish. Fetch Me Something Gentlemanly.” “Certainly Sir. I Shall Prepare You A Gentleman’s Cake.” “Ah Jeeves. You Have Outdone Yourself My Man! You Remembered All My Favourite Garnishes!”

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#28 1978 Portuguese Mashed Potato And Sausage. Ordinary Fare Done With Flare!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#29 It’s Looking At Us, Whatever It Is

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#30 Giant Burger For Memorial Day!

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#31 “Luxury Margarine”

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#32 Calico Slaw (Let’s Get Ready For Memorial Day!)

 2 Packages Of Unflavored Gelatin 2 Cups Of Hot Tomato Juice 1/4 Cup Cold Tomato Juice 1/4 Cup Water 1 Lemon, Juiced And Grated Rind 1 Tsp. Onion Salt 1 Cup Mayonnaise 3 Cups Shredded Cabbage 1 Cup Diced Celery 1/4 Cup Diced Green Pepper 1/4 Cup Diced Pimento

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#33 When The Goal Is Never To Have Guests Again

Image credits: Ken Edwards

#34 Salmon Pie (Best Foods Real Mayonnaise Ad, 1976)

Image credits: Rivers Peterson

#35 Todays Vintage Recipe – Party Potato Salad By Hellmann’s. You Make Your Own Potato Salad, Set It In A Mold To Shape..and Then Make A Mayo “ Luscious Glaze” To Coat It

Craig had no idea what I presented to him. He was super dramatic and acted like it was the worst thing ever. Once he realized what was really in it he confessed it wasn’t that bad. I knew the potato salad was going to be good but wasn’t sure about the rest. Once you get past the texture of the glaze it’s really not that bad ?

Image credits: Jennifer Kline

#36 Looks Like Hurled Cat Food

Image credits: Allen Eagles

#37 Judy Latham, Do Your Children Still Talk To You?

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#38 Peas Anybody? Well, As Long As They’re Not Touching Those… Um… And What’s On The Carrots?

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#39 Pate Aspic

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#40 Nice Gelatinized Salmon Here

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#41 Hake With Green Sauce – Or What Was Left In The Tavern Ashtray By The End Of The Night?

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#42 Apparently Russians Just Put Mixed Veggies In A Gelatinized Mayonnaise Ring When The Make Salad. (This New Cookbook Is Amazing)

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#43 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#44 Mama’s Most Requested Dinner – Sweet N Sour Crown Roast Of Spam

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#45 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Evan Scott

#46 Cold Poached Fish With Avocado Sauce 1970

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#47 Ahhhh Pompano Chapulepe. But What Is That In English?

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#48 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#49 I Refuse To Believe Those “Things” On Top Didn’t Come Out Of A Litterbox

Image credits: Ethan Allen

#50 Okay, Pretty Standard Jello Salads. Hey! What Do You Suppose Is In Those Cups?

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#51 Baked Eggs And Chex

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#52 Olive Egg Filling And Mustard Mayo

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#53 Broiler Bean-Er Weiner Loaf 1961. How Could You Not Love Cuisine Called That!!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#54 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#55 Roast Beef In Grapefruit

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#56 A Ring Around The Chicken Coz It’s Finger Licken. A Cluck-Cluck! A Cluck-Cluck! We All Fall Down ? Jellied Fried Spring Chicken 1953

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#57 I Told My Husband I Had Another Vintage Surprise For Him. He Turned To Our Son And Said “Am I Doomed?” And Right Away My Son Said “Yes!”

I present to you the tomato relish ring from a vintage miracle whip advertisement. My husband took forever to take a bite. He was quite reluctant. And he hated it. He just kept saying “no” and “that’s just not right” over and over again. He tried it alone and then tried it with a bite of miracle whip and lettuce. Still a no from him. He gladly ate the deviled eggs though. And not to worry this wasn’t his dinner and he is always well fed. Even got a slice of pie after dinner. As for me, I didn’t find it awful when eaten with the miracle whip and lettuce. It’s like a thick tomato and the bites of sweet pickle inside were good. It wasn’t horrible. I am assuming this was eaten in small doses with lettuce. But who knows. Enjoy. Also I had to wear this new to me dress to go along with it

Image credits: Jennifer Kline

#58 Too Much Egg, Not Enough Veal

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#59 I Love Corn, But This Seems A Bit Much

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#60 “Pleaaaaassssseeee Play Chess With Me Billy! I’ll Let You Win This Time.”. Jellied Ham Chessboard

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#61 One More Before Bed… Corn Bologna Boats!

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#62 Tuna Salad De Luxe. Go On! You Know You Wanna Yum It Up!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#63 Milk Bok Bok Garnished With Tres Oh-La-La Banana!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#64 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#65 Won’t You Please Help Yourself To A Sardine Bun?

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#66 A Nice Cold Beer Goes A Treat With Anything Given The Aspic Treatment

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#67 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Evan Scott

#68 What? Who? How? When? Where Am I!?!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#69 Found It! An Old Picture With A “Loaf”

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#70 An Awe Inspiring Chicken Loaf Topped With The Delight Of Eggs Under Aspic

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#71 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#72 A French Dish La Couronne D’argenteuile (The Crown Of Argenteuile)

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#73 “Please Frost My Sandwich And Jelly My Cabbage”

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#74 Handsome And Good You Say?

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#75 Just Drink In Its Array Of Delights. A Veritable Feast For The Senses!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#76 Um

Image credits: Jenny Mantini

#77 Pick A Pickle From The Pickle Tree!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#78 Linda, Linda Listen!

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#79 From The “British Weight Watchers Cookery Book” Which, Although There Aren’t Many Pictures, This One Has The Blandest Stuff In It

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#80 Pickles, Olives, And Walnuts

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#81 Meatloaf With Egg

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#82 Mayo Made From Sweetened Condensed Milk?

Image credits: Pam Zanco

#83 Gross Vintage Food Recipes

Image credits: Evan Scott

#84 Veal Loaf With Tomato Fondue Sauce. (Looks Like Dog Food To Me). Recipe Below

Image credits: Samuel Brown

#85 Mmm, Kidneys

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#86 Force Meat Terrine. Yummy Yum Yum!

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#87 Reuben Chex Surprise!

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#88 Corn Scramblebuns

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

#89 Please Enjoy

Image credits: Mira Zacchaeus

#90 I Wouldn’t Say Mouth Watering

Image credits: Barbara Camacho

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