Here Are Your Chances Of Dying While Doing Different Things

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We are all gonna die one day, and most of us try our best to put it at the back of our minds and try not to think about it too much. Some people can’t help themselves however, and worry about the danger of all kinds of activities.

Someone has helpfully compiled an infographic for these people, listing the estimated chances of death in various scenarios, from motorbike racing to obesity. Some of them offer a genuinely surprising perspective, for example skydiving and bungee-jumping are much safer than you would think, particlarly when compared to something seemingly more innocent, like canoeing.

The data was presented by Best Health Degrees, which collated the statistics from the US National Centre for Health Statistics’ database. Of course the results are always changing, with new technolgies contributing mostly to a safer world, but the overall results certainly put the risks that we choose to take into context. Scroll down below to check them out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!

Someone has helpfully compiled an infographic listing the estimated chances of death in various scenarios, from motorbike racing to obesity


from Bored Panda


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