Non-Americans Share The Things They Find The Most Confusing About The US (38 Answers)

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It would be really hard to escape the influence of American culture if you tried, especially in Western countries. It feels like the media is saturated with American life, starting from cartoons and going on to high school-set TV series, Hollywood movies, sitcoms, drama shows, YouTube channels, and everything in between.

Even though we consume so much content based in the US, there are still some things that raise questions. One Reddit user wondered what non-Americans still don’t understand about America, and people flooded the thread with their questions. To be fair, some of the things mentioned are just as confusing to Americans as well.

Over 36k comments later, Bored Panda selected the most popular answers to what foreigners just don’t get about the US. If you’re from the US, maybe you can answer some of these, and if you aren’t, maybe there are some things you’d like our American Pandas to clarify, so feel free to leave your questions in the comments below!


Why tax is not included in the price tag?

Image credits: Siniii22


The culture of just… Talking to people, strangers you dont know and just up and start a conversation with them or join a conversation.

Im British, and we go through great lenghs to not talk to people, let alone opening up and pouring our hearts out to a random person.

Image credits: MrGlayden



Image credits: SuvenPan


10 vacation days a year. There’s life outside of work.

Image credits: CMB2404


Why is that one Kansas, but the other one is not Arkansas? America explain. What do u mean its aRkAnSaW???

Image credits: QuizzaciousZeitgeist


Shoes indoors.

It is *intensely* weird. It must result either in dirtier floors, or a need for more frequent cleaning and there does not seem to be a good reason.

Image credits: eam2468


What is up with Homeowner Associations? Why would you pay to let a nosy neighbour (neighbor sorry) dictate what you can and can not do on your own property? I understand living in an apartment block and paying maintenance fees etc, but in a suburban home?

Image credits: Skoodledoo


Why do public restrooms include a small opening between the doors that allows passersby to see you when you’re taking a p**s?

Image credits: Kaoxpzx


So, why do you buy politicians’ merchandise? Shirts, caps, banners, stickers, etc. They’re public servants, not rockstars. Also, usually the more boring they are, the better.

Image credits: akashyy


Why everything is just SO damn supersized.

My first time in America I went to get ice coffee from Dunkin Donuts, I ordered a large and my friend is like… Are you sure you want large? Yeah no biggie, in the UK a large is not overwhelming I feel so I was expecting the same kinda thing. Oh my god it was like a god damn bucket of coffee. I think maybe a small would have been equivalent to a UK large, lesson swiftly learnt.

Image credits: ChemistHorror


Lobbying – that’s bribing.


Healthcare and higher education prices. Isn’t having healthy and educated population is what society would benefit from the most?


Pledging allegiance. To me that’s just silly. i love my country but I would never expect or be expected to stand and salute the flag in school (or is that just the movies).

Image credits: Throwaway-420220


The tipping culture is so foreign to me, I would be so scared to make a mistake or not tipping enough if I ever go to America, because it’s not something which is common here in Denmark.

Image credits: Cupsuu


How people seem to be liberal or conservative and will support their side no matter what bad decisions they’re making. In Ireland we frequently change allegiance in terms of political parties and support the ones that are doing the most for the people at that time- we are person centred, not party centred. I could never understand this about America.


I’m american and I still don’t understand why 5280 feet is a mile.

Image credits: holycannol


Valet parking. Why would I want some stranger messing with my car? I can park my own car, thank you very much.


How ready people are to sue.

Image credits: My_2_Centz


The weird obsession with race and heritage.


There’s a lot. But I visited the US for the first time in December, and one thing that stood out to me: billboards. All along the highway. Billboards everywhere. Most of them for scummy looking lawyers. Why this?


Why most of the shower heads are glued to the wall. How on earth do you wash your t**ts.

Image credits: Didyoufartjustthere


How you have to share a room with some complete rando when you go to college.

Image credits: ChoppingOnionsForYou


My mom is from Moscow during the Soviet Era, and she is confused why there is no teacher-student hierarchy. She thinks it’s weird when teachers participate in school plays or speak to students informally.

She also DOES NOT GET pajama day. To her, it’s just the weirdest thing in the world. In Russia, there is an important distinction between “clothes for home” and “clothes for outside”. They have a concept of “home clothes”, like your cozy or ugly clothes, that you are supposed to change into after school or work. At bedtime, you change out of your “home clothes” into pajamas. As a result, pajamas, for both adults and children, are considered extra-extra private in Russia. My mom perceives pajama day as something extreme like wearing only undergarments to school. That’s how private pajamas are considered to be in Russia!

Image credits: racheltolmach2022


The Americans are genuinely friendly and kind, whenever I travelled there I had great experiences. We often see the bizzare side of your vast nation on tv etc. but your average American is a pleasure to meet.

I do find it odd that service industry workers aren’t payed appropriately – tipping really stresses me out as I know it’s not just a bonus for great service. Also, you lot deserve better healthcare.


College and even high school sports. One of the last times I was in the US I passed a high school. Their football field looked like a university stadium — complete with lights, stands, logos, and advertising. My Canadian high school had football too but nobody cared about it other than the team and the players’ families.


Why your toilets have so much water in them? Just came back from a holiday there, very deep. Just seemed wasteful of water in some places I’ve heard with drought conditions before.

Also, the gap in public toilet doors as well. I’ve heard people mention before on reddit, but didn’t realise until experiencing it. Never seen that gap anywhere else in the world I’ve been.


Waiting like eight weeks after your elections until the new guy comes into power is pretty damn weird.


The amount of sugar in everything. It’s so very very much.

Image credits: wadezero27


The fact that workers have to file their own taxes, even though the government knows how much everyone owes. But they won’t tell you. They make you do complicated calculations based on a set of ever-evolving rules to figure it out. And then they fine you if you’re wrong.


Why do Americans put their TVs so high up the wall? I understand that sometimes it’s because there’s a fireplace below where it should be, but how do they even watch the TV without straining their necks?




The amount off National Parks! My dream came true in 2017 to make an RV trip southwest off USA. Yosemite blew my mind away.

Image credits: Independent-Ad9787


Housing codes, and why all your front gardens are just grass, and identical.

Image credits: PairLost


American high schools. Growing up watching American media made my perception of high school so distorted. Apparently at some point in one’s late teens to mid-twenties, you’re still attending school, but you’re also dating on a pretty serious basis and have a car and a job (not to mention a fairly dedicated sports career), and if you’re really driven you might also be in a band and tutor while managing the yearbook, school newspaper, and local Shakespeare production. And you still find another two hours to spend lunch with your friends at the mall!


Scottish person here but the work/always available for work culture. Minimal vacation time, minimal maternity/paternity leave and the fact you can pretty much just be let go. It makes me sad to think about it!

But I do love that you guys cram so much in to your time off – you guys love a road trip!

Image credits: Frosty_Dragonfly_682


There’s like 50000 kids in your high schools???


I’m American but I’ve worked with a lot of people who aren’t. The one thing they always wonder is why Americans are so obsessed with the NFL. They think it’s a boring sport. They explained “you wait for 30 seconds, they hike the ball, you get about 5-10 seconds of action, then you wait another 30 seconds, another 5-10 seconds of action, then commercial break”


Why so many parents just kick their kids out at 18 and if they get in financial trouble in early 20s say “you’re on your own.”

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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