We have already noted more than once that entitledness and rudeness are, quite likely, the two new deadly sins of the modern world, and it remains only to figure out which of the seven old ones should be replaced by them. And indeed, literally at every step, we encounter entitled people who do not want to think about anything at all, except for their own whims.
More importantly, in their desires, people often do not know the measure – and then the inexorable karma overtakes them. And then we read a new story – like, for example, this tale about a wedding canceled at the last moment, and we just wonder how this could even happen.
The author of the post lives in the house she inherited from her grandparents and her cousin asked her to hold his upcoming wedding there
Image credits: rubenchase (not the actual image)
The woman agreed, but her future SIL then demanded she build a wheelchair ramp for one of the bridesmaids at her own expense
Image credits: u/CurrentMaize07
Image credits: halfpoint (not the actual image)
Image credits: u/CurrentMaize07
When it turned out that the ramp couldn’t be built in time, the fiancée switched to direct insults towards the author
Image credits: NomadSoul1 (not the actual image)
Image credits: u/CurrentMaize07
When the author’s cousin discovered this, he firstly begged for an apology and then canceled the wedding altogether
So, the Original Poster (OP) is a young woman who lives in a house she inherited from her grandparents. The author’s cousin, a guy a couple of years older than her, announced his upcoming wedding a few days ago, and the ceremony was planned just a few days later, on the coming Saturday. Of course, all the relatives were surprised by such haste, but this, after all, is the newlyweds’ business.
Also, the OP agreed to the idea to hold the wedding in the house where she lived, because there was a platform in the courtyard where they wanted the wedding party to sit at reception. According to the author, her cousin had every right to do so, because the house used to belong to his grandparents as well. But then the problems started…
It turned out that one of the bridesmaids is a wheelchair user, so the bride wanted the platform to be equipped with a special ramp. The OP didn’t mind either, especially since the whole house was completely wheelchair-friendly since her grandma also used a wheelchair in the last years of her life. However, the contractor who equipped the house said that he would not be able to make a ramp in such a short time.
And here the conflict began – the bride-to-be was outraged by such “disrespect” towards the MOH, despite the fact that the OP, firstly, offered to rent a ramp, and secondly, neither the cousin nor his fiancée were going to pay for construction or rent. Word for word, and the bride-to-be turned to insults, texting that she and the cousin “have always walked on egg shells around her to make ‘accommodations for her handicap and feelings’”.
By ‘handicap’, the bride was referring to the author’s autism, and the woman was so upset that she simply stated that she would refuse to attend the wedding if that was the case. Moreover, she was supported by both her own parents and her cousin’s mother, who even called her son, berated him for being so rude and said that she would not attend the wedding either if he did not apologize.
Then everything unfolded literally like in a movie or a TV series – the OP’s cousin arrived, saw his fiancée’s insulting text, was clearly taken aback and literally begged for forgiveness. Moreover, it turned out that the urgency of the wedding was due to the fact that the bride-to-be didn’t want to sign a prenup, and in general was emotionally manipulating him and blackmailing him a lot. In other words, the guy called off the wedding and has gone no-contact with his now-ex-fiancée.
Image credits: YuriArcususPeopleimages (not the actual image)
“Judging by this story, we see a real chain of manipulations, literally strung one on top of the other,” says Irina Matveeva, a psychologist and certified NLP specialist, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment on this tale. “This is what happens when people are used to having their desires invariably fulfilled, and they are ready to do anything to get their way.”
“I guess the original poster’s cousin had his right to hold the wedding at his grandparents’ house, but the cost of building or renting a ramp, of course, the newlyweds had to bear. By the way, in situations like this, when all plans start to fall apart, manipulative people often start to panic, switch to obvious insults, and thereby destroy everything they have achieved. Apparently, his fiancée’s behavior has become a real eye-opener for the OP’s cousin himself,” Irina Matveeva supposes.
The commenters were also almost unanimous in their support for the original poster, arguing that her house is not a wedding venue but her home. And, of course, trying to charge the author of the post with the cost of refurbishing the house was blatant impudence on the part of the bride-to-be. Moreover, one of the people in the comments showed this story to their brother, who also uses a wheelchair, and the guy said that the fiancée is full of it. All in all, it looks like not only the OP, but also her cousin made the right decision…
People in the comments massively sided with the author, stating that she did everything absolutely right
The post After Suggesting To Use A Temporary Ramp So Her House Can Be Accessible For A Wedding, Woman Exposes The Insulting Bride-To-Be And The Wedding Is Called Off first appeared on Bored Panda.
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