43 Signs That The Workplace You’ve Entered Isn’t Worth Staying In, As Shared By Folks Online

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Whatever you do, do not decorate your office for Halloween using “ghosts” of people who used to work there. Like, specific employees with names and everything. You’re gonna have a bad time. Just figured this should be included in the list.

Oh, what list, I hear you saying, dear Panda? Why, the list you can find below, of course. A list of red flags Redditors were pointing out that are sure to make anyone regret ever applying to work at a certain company. But like, red flags as in ones that scream “don’t work here”.

And Bored Panda has collected some of the most spot-on observations and turned them into a list. So, scroll down, upvote, comment, and share your thoughts and red flags in the comment section below!

More Info: Reddit


At the interview they offer you water. Suddenly you start feeling groggy. Next thing you know you are waking up in a bathtub full of ice with your kidneys missing.

Fool me once Hobby Lobby. Fool me once.

Image credits: TimeTravelMishap


Everyone you meet has been working there less than 2 years and it isn’t a startup.

Image credits: LeeroyTC


The owners children are in high management / executive positions

Image credits: secretbaldspot


When your initial interview doesn’t start on time, and you’re waiting. They don’t respect your time. Which essentially means they don’t respect their workers.

Image credits: Street_Vacation_2730


If you ever hear a higher up say anything along the lines of “I don’t have to do that because I’m a X”

As a manager/owner/lead/etc… Your job is to support your team, if that means as a store owner you’re cleaning puke off the bathroom floor guess what, you’re cleaning puke off the bathroom floor.

If you ever see a boss refusing to help when it’s busy or delegating a task poorly (eg the blind guy has to go pick stock while ur boss hangs out in the back room taking calls) quit.

Image credits: GardenSpecialist5619


If all of the other employees look sullen and depressed. If you walk into the office area and feel like you’ve walked into a funeral service. Nobody’s smiling, nobody’s laughing. Nobody looks remotely happy or content.

Just turn around and walk back to your car. That is not a good place to be working at.

Image credits: Jasons_Brain


They’re looking for “rockstars”.

Image credits: Marquetan


“Were like a family”

“Be willing to work in a fast-paced environment”

This is just code for “we will guilt you into doing things beyond your job, and we are poorly managed”

Image credits: Slawth_x


Information overload. They expect you to understand everything and will somewhat train you Day 1. But after that day, they expect you to do everything to a tee.

Training takes a while.

Image credits: simajae


Oh man i feel like my work place is filled with red flags. Like tonight for example, we had a 16 yr old get fired for being drunk while on the job and unable to function. They fired the kid about a month ago, I show up today and that same kid who they fired got his job back and was at work tonight.

It’s sad when a place of business is so hard up on finding workers that they will rehire a 16yr old drunk

Image credits: plebsfrost


The hiring manager who brought you in quit.

Image credits: Sarged117


Extremely high pay for what is a very simple, low effort job.

Bonus points if they have a sign that says ‘Now hiring’ outside, year round.

This indicates that even with a high pay rate, they cant keep people on.

Image credits: lowexpectationsguy


One thing I look for when interviewing onsite is checking out peoples desks as I walk through the halls. If there are no personal effects or decor in workers cubicles, then that makes me think people just hate being there. I think if there are decorations, people are more comfortable and enjoy their job and workspaces and it’s likely a more friendly place to work.

Image credits: nice_touch


Morning screaming and chants. Ringing a bell when you hit your quota.

Image credits: mdotca


If you get asked in interviews about how you deal with workplace conflict and how you get along with difficult personalities. If they’re asking about how you deal with difficult customers, that’s one thing. If they basically ask how you handle a toxic work environment, it’s going to be a toxic work environment. I very naively learned this the hard way.

Image credits: nosuchthingasa_


If a larger company buys your company out but says “Nothing is changing but the name and address that your paycheck is coming from” But then everything changes.

Image credits: Gbrusse


Team activities that happen every week. Casual fridays, team meetings, group presentations. Just let me do my job we don’t need to dress up for halloween at the office

Image credits: BarryPalmedTheDip


Trainers sleeping with the trainees.

Poor retention of staff.

Wine bottles in the toilet bins.

People constantly phoning in sick.

Companies that outsource majority of staff from agencies, 0 hour contracts are the norm.

Constantly having to speak with HR because of incorrect pay or not paid at all, bonus missing and all that s**t.

Companies not being able to supply all the kit needed for the job, you having to spend own money on kit.

Has a team specifically for beefing up its own reviews online.

An absolute huge team that deals with complaints and all things f****d.

I could go on but that’s kind of the flavour.

Image credits: Whatsallthefussabou1


If they’re plastering “It’s so much FUN to work here!”, all over the place, RUN. I believe in good workplace morale, but if they have to advertise it, it’s not.

Image credits: notthesedays


I had a job interview a long time ago where I asked if there was any office dress code. The response I got was, “Just try not to wear your gang colors all the time.”

Image credits: BobVilasBeard


If they have a black out period for PTO from November to January 2nd.

Image credits: sisterfister69hitler


If there is a staff parking lot and all the cars are older / beater cars besides the management/owners cars.

Image credits: javajunky46


Being hired on the spot

Image credits: Icy-Maintenance7738


High turnover. A team with 10% turnover in three years had a few bad employees. A team with 110% turnover in three years is a bad employer.

Image credits: zugabdu


There are some very very new workers and a group that has been there from the start,youre going to be treated like s**t by the latter.

Image credits: CaptainQuoth


“Work hard, play hard” = “You won’t have a life outside the office, but we’ll pump you full of booze!”

Image credits: DefinitelyABot475632


This might be controversial, and its probably not universally applicable… but for the sake of something original: Nobody on staff really seem like they are “friends” with one another.

This comes from personal experience with a large portion of my life where I used to job hop a lot. I feel like I could always tell whether the job would be good or not within a few days of starting just by seeing how the staff interact with each other. If your co workers talk a fair amount about non-work related stuff, or have inside jokes or hang out OUTSIDE of work hours, those are all generally super good indicators of a really solid and happy workplace culture.

Every job I have ever had where the workers only discussed work and didn’t seem to have any interest in a more casual work relationship all ended up being miserable jobs by the end of my time there.

There truly is a “vibe” to a workplace… It doesn’t take long to pick up on. I have had really tough jobs (for example, being a dockhand) that were incredibly fun and fulfilling, as well as jobs that should have been incredibly fun (like a rock climbing instructor) become the complete opposite purely off the vibes of the team.

Image credits: NiceGuyWillis


Machinists , if the shop is dirty and disorganized, if the coolant is disgusting and stinky, if everyone working there looks pissed off or dead in the eyes, if the person walking you around talks about how smart and important they are. Do not work there

Image credits: Ecstatic_Conflict621


When your supervisor and/or coworkers act like they think you hung the moon and stars by the end of the first month.

In my experience, this behavior just means that 1) they are two-faced backstabbers who talk s**t and spread rumors about you, and/or 2) they have very black-and-white thinking, and you’re handling a time bomb. Meaning if they think you’re an “amazing” person, and you do one little thing they don’t like such as make a mistake or ask them to correct something, they do a hard 180 and decide you deserve their eternal hatred.

Image credits: Choice_Bid_7941


they’re all overly nice to you in the beginning and accommodate you, but once you get settled they do anything in their power to abuse you


A super low retention rate. Any place that’s had multiple managers over a short period of time is a red flag

Image credits: Kaay1234


Employers acting like they are doing a you a favor and they own you.

Image credits: SuvenPan


When the ad says they’re looking for a “Team Player”.

Every single company I have ever worked for, bar none, that has asked for a “Team Player” has now left me taking that to mean: “Someone who can be as dishonest as we are, just to make the Sale or keep the Lie alive”.

No thanks. I’m not corruptible and will always stay honest, thank you very much.


If its a restaurant, the people from the kitchen don’t eat there.

If its a store check how little they care if you do something incorrect. See how few attention they put in keeping things in order.

If its office work check how the workers look and move, their posture and body language. You can even smell the stink of stress and dispair

Image credits: Deux_Ex_Machina-


Mass hiring. Meaning, there’s too many people leaving.


When the contract includes the words “Reasonable Overtime”, without any definition of what “Reasonable Overtime” is……


Anxious junior staff, unhappy front line workers


When everybody saying to you ” Its s**t”


Conveniently small amount of Glassdoor reviews, all glowing.

Company I used to work for was awful, and they had loads of 1-star reviews (with a lot of substance behind them). Conveniently enough, they’ve all gone recently, to be replaced by a handful of 5-star ones.


They say “the Best Idea Wins” a lot. That’s a great thing if true, but if they’re advertising it, they’re probably kidding themselves.


Jobs with no remote work flexibility, where applicable, of course.


I’ve seen it before, picture this:

Food, snacks, and beverages all day.
Alcohol, bought by the company, that you can have after five.

On-site gym, child care, movie theater, rec areas.

Play guitar? Bring it in and play a bit! Keep it at your desk!

Need a minute to mess around on the internet? Go for it!

Oh, and you have unlimited time off!!!! (As long as you can stay on top of your work)…

They. OWN. You.

Your life is now all there, as far as they are concerned.

Image credits: 67SuperReverb


the safety inspector at your work is homer simpson

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/kWILnoD
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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