Storage Company Charges Client For Something That Never Existed, So She Pretend Like It Did And Now They Have To Find It

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Proving to a big company that they’ve made a mistake often feels like a Sisyphean task. Which is why so many of us don’t even bother and take the L. But not Reddit user pappagall0.

When a storage company attributed an extra item to her upon return and demanded payment for it, she decided to embrace the absurd, play along, and make them look for the non-existent box.

It took a while before the whole ordeal was worth it, but at the end of the day, pappagall0 thought the effort was worth it. So much so that she even told the subreddit ‘Malicious Compliance‘ about what happened. Here’s what she wrote.

This storage company mistakenly attributed an extra non-existent box to one of their clients

Image credits: CHUTTERSNAP (not the actual photo)

So she decided to play along and make them search for it

Image credits: Claudio Schwarz (not the actual photo)

Image credits: pappagall0

As their story went viral, the original poster (OP) joined the commenters to discuss it more

Later, the author of the post clarified that the storage company finally paid her back for all the unnecessary fuss

Image credits: pappagall0

People had a lot to say about the unpleasant situation, and many also shared similar experiences of their own

The post Storage Company Charges Client For Something That Never Existed, So She Pretend Like It Did And Now They Have To Find It first appeared on Bored Panda.

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