“AITA For Leaving The Restaurant Before My Boyfriend’s Family Arrived After I Was Told That I Was Going To Pay For Their Meals?”

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Humans are inherently social creatures, and we long for all kinds of connections.

The bond that we so often struggle to create with ourselves is able to enrich our days with fulfilment while also providing meaning and purpose to our existence – however, going through life solo isn’t the choice for most, and although we are quite literally hardwired to connect – let’s face it, we’re also pretty terrible at it.

As they like to say, everything just seems to work in a healthy relationship. This doesn’t mean there won’t be any hiccups along the way – but, ideally, you’d advocate for respect and open communication, which would make dealing with stuff easier.

Yet, there’s also a not-so-fun side to being involved in a relationship. You might not recognize the toxicity that your partner brings and suffer from feeling drained, unappreciated or, in this case, used.

More info: Reddit

Sometimes the only healthy course of action is to let go and move on

Image credits: Sarah Stierch (not the actual photo)

AITA for leaving the restaurant before my boyfriend’s family arrived after I was told that I was going to pay for their meals?” – this netizen turned to one of Reddit’s well-known communities to find out whether she’s the bad guy for leaving her boyfriend in a restaurant after he stated that she’d be responsible for covering his and his family’s meals. The post has managed to garner nearly 23K upvotes, as well as 6.5K comments discussing this rather sketchy event.

Woman storms out of restaurant after her boyfriend says that she’ll be covering his and his family’s meals

Image credits: AITAthrow5353

The woman began her story by unveiling that she’s been dating “Ricky” for five months now. The man’s divorced – however, he despises the term and usually goes with “divorcee.” Apparently the first variation makes it sound like he was dumped, when, in reality, it was him who called it quits.

“Ricky” is a divorced man that loves to go on long rants about his former girlfriends

Image credits: AITAthrow5353

In all seriousness, the guy’s a walking red flag. The OP mentioned that he always goes on long rants about his previous relationships and frequently says he hopes that the woman doesn’t have the same traits as some of his ex-girlfriends.

The author of the post recently found her second job, and the man’s been demanding that she pay ever since – yet, when she tries to protest, he gives her the “I’m going through a rough patch” excuse and says that he sees how much help she can actually offer.

The OP was forced to financially sponsor “Ricky” every time they’d go out because he would say that he was going through a rough patch

Image credits: AITAthrow5353

Recently, the man invited his old folks to join them for dinner. The couple got to the restaurant first, and the guy blatantly asked whether the OP had brought enough money. When she questioned his odd query, he uttered that he told his parents that she’d be paying for everybody’s meals.

Naturally, the woman demanded an explanation, in response to which he pulled a yet another “rough patch” card. The author argued that this couldn’t be possible and that she wouldn’t be paying for anything.

Recently, the man invited his family to join them at dinner, and when the couple arrived at the restaurant first, he stated that the woman would be paying for all their meals

Image credits: AITAthrow5353

It didn’t seem to click for him, so he said that she didn’t have much of a choice since she was already sitting in the restaurant, laughing as if he mastered an incredibly amusing joke. The OP didn’t lose her cool; she quietly got up, took her belongings and walked out of the place.

Later on, the man reached out, all enraged saying that she did a horrible thing walking out on him and his parents. The woman replied saying that their financial issues weren’t her problem and that by no means was she obligated to cover their food.

Naturally, the woman was puzzled, and after his snarky comment, she got up and left the place

Image credits: AITAthrow5353

After all, the woman said that if their money situation was that bad, they shouldn’t have agreed to go out. The man got offended and said that the OP was making money a priority just like his former partner did. He also went on about how disrespectful the woman’s attitude was and how she made him look small.

Since the altercation happened, the couple has been going back and forth about it. The guy’s still furious about the event and refuses to speak to the OP unless she apologizes.

Later, the OP argued that his and his family’s financial state is not her issue – however, the man refuses to speak to her until she apologizes

Image credits: Michael Coghlan (not the actual photo)

Human connections are a vital part of our existence – yet not all of them make our lives better, and it’s in your best interest to act at the very instant you sense that your relationship has reached an unhealthy state.

What do you think about this story?

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The post “AITA For Leaving The Restaurant Before My Boyfriend’s Family Arrived After I Was Told That I Was Going To Pay For Their Meals?” first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/ymSkUun
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