Complimenting a person is one of the fastest ways into their heart. However, delivery matters because as you’re about to see, the line between making someone smile and getting punched in the face can be just a couple of words.
Recently, Redditor u/shamilat made a post on the platform, asking other users: “What’s a compliment and an insult at the same time?” And people immediately started sending in their suggestions.
Whether the phrases we’re coming from personal experiences or imagination, these one-liners have to be some of the most ambiguous things you can say!
You’re pretty for an (insert ethnicity) girl.
Image credits: addictedtolatte
Very good for a woman.
Image credits: rabidroofrabbit
Back in the 1980s, New Zealand’s prime minister said that anyone who chose to emigrate from New Zealand to Australia could be proud that they were raising the average IQ of both countries.
Image credits: RedStarRocket91
Awww it’s such a waste you’re a lesbian.
Image credits: taeganmaguire84
“You’re really smart for someone with your job” (I’m a professional dogwalker)
Dude, just because I choose to do this work doesn’t mean I couldn’t do something else. I just love this and followed my passion.
Image credits: Ammilerasa
“You’re the son I never had.”
Thanks, dad.
Image credits: copyrider
“Wow, you smell a lot nicer than usual!”
Image credits: Prank_Owl
This is amazing! Who helped you cook this?”
Image credits: FineUnderachievement
It’s a good thing you’re so pretty.
Image credits: ZOMGBabyFoofs
I used to be told frequently that I looked like a teenager when I was in my 20s and early 30s. I know they didn’t mean it rude, but I most certainly didn’t want to look 17 while pushing my kid around in a stroller at 30. I remember catching someone looking at me when I was pregnant and I could see the judgement in their eyes so I not so subtly put my left hand on my stomach so the person could see my engagement ring and wedding band.
Image credits: dachshundaholic
“Oh you’re smarter than you look”
Image credits: foreveralonesolo
I love when I wear makeup and people say “Did you get a good nights sleep? You don’t look tired today!”
Doesn’t matter how much or how little sleep I get, I always have very dark circles under my eyes. It’s genetic.
So no, I’m not tired… That’s literally just my face.
Image credits: badwolfmommy
“I can see that you’re trying.”
(When someone shows you something they worked hard on, and it’s the only positive thing you can think of to say.)
Image credits: GingerMau
My auntie once said to me: You know, you used to be a bit funny looking as you were growing up but you have turned in to a really handsome chap.
I really didn’t know what to make of that, if I should be happy or offended.
Image credits: Island_Monkey86
When grandma tells you that you look well and you know she means that you look fat.
Image credits: bertiebastard
Such a pretty face, if you would just lose some weight dear…
Image credits: Sweethomegirl
Friend of mine in high school got a “compliment” from a teacher, “you’re so pretty for a black girl”
Image credits: Sirc909
“You’re very beautiful for your age.” or “I can tell you were beautiful when you were younger.”
Image credits: PJmichelle
While walking next to me “Wow I didn’t realize how short you are!” I always reply with it’s because my personality is 10 feet tall!
Image credits: LadyCoolJ
You’re one of the good ones. (Refering to race)
Image credits: ShowersNeiked
“You look so young” isn’t the compliment people think it is. I feel like nobody takes me seriously at first meeting and it’s just pointing out to me that my body never developed much during puberty and digs into my insecurities of looking like a child. Makes me feel like a child and I’ve gotten these comments my whole life. But if I complain I get “relax you’ll appreciate it when you’re older”
Image credits: wowguineapigs
Did you lose weight?
Image credits: squatchick85
After sex: “That was better than I expected”
I actually got that one in college.
Image credits: wannagosomewhere
“I love how you’ll just wear anything” -John Mulany
Image credits: kgottshall
When people tell me in person, that I’m very photogenic.
I’m kind of a catfish, I know my angles. I know I look different in person. So saying, ‘you’re so photogenic’ when you’re not like commenting on a photo, and saying it to my face, means ‘oh wow you look so different in your pictures’ LOL
It doesn’t upset me or anything l, but I feel like it’s back-handed haha.
Image credits: plsdontkillmelol69
Anything that ends with “for you.”
That’s great hat, for you. But its the perfect size, for you.
Image credits: _SomeFrigginDude_
“Exceeds expectations”
Image credits: pinkandorpunk
“You’re so skinny!! What’s your secret?” An eating disorder, babe.
Image credits: scientificallygay838
Wow you don’t seem autistic at all!
Image credits: Daddyssillypuppy
I always get “Wow, we used to think you were a real b***h but you’re actually really nice!” from friends at some point. It makes me so sad that I’m a naturally shy person around a new group of people. It makes me so self-conscious when I meet new people because I know that line and it’s variants will eventually be said again.
Image credits: Spasay
As someone with curly hair, when I straighten it
“Wow your hair looks so much better straight”
Image credits: LapinDeLaNeige, and Geehair
Your child is so good-looking (or smart). Who did they get that from?
Image credits: macaronsforeveryone
“You are hot but not as hot as everyone says you are” which was said to me at a party.
Image credits: slavicgypsygirl
I had someone tell me when I was a kid “wow you have such good handwriting for someone whose left handed” what?
Image credits: Urupindi
I got a “you’re looking pretty good for a guy in their 40’s”. Well, thats nice i guess, but I was 35 at the time.
Image credits: SaaSMonkey
Asian American here.
“Whoa, you don’t have an accent at all!”
Image credits: griff1014
“You speak English so well.” Yeah, because it’s my native language.
Image credits: sydneyrutledge
You’re pretty bright for someone that has (insert any disability here)
Image credits: SanchoVillaWNS
You haven’t changed in 20 years.
Image credits: EpsilonCru
“You look soooo cute in cheap clothes. i could never pull that off omg”
Image credits: Flimsy-Recognition91
“Are you twins??? ” Said the cashier to me and my brother… who’s 12 years older than me…
Edit: of course my brother took it as a compliment… that little-
Image credits: RandyBoe
After I gave birth to my first son I had just lost the baby weight. My grandfather said, ‘Well, I guess you’re not gonna be fat now like your mama and your sister.’ My mom and sister were sitting right there. Win for me…insult for them.
Image credits: handmaid25
I underestimated you.
Image credits: IGotMyPopcorn
A nurse to my ex gf— “I really wish I could be as skinny as her!”
I was in the hospital from SMA Syndrome, a thing that happens when you lose so much weight that your intestines close shut.
Good news! If you too are depressed with life and have little desire to eat anything ever, you too can be 70 pounds and get these fabulous curves!
Image credits: Fhennerius
“No one else is like you.”
Depending on tone, it can be taken as either
Image credits: Sunsent_Samsparilla
You’re so special…
Image credits: Duuzer
There’s the classic, “I don’t care what they say about you, you’re alright.”
Image credits: theleftbuttcheek
I wish I had the confidence to wear that.
Image credits: theemscreation
You’re so brave for wearing that dress.
Image credits: Saxonite13
“You and I, we’re the same”
Image credits: SofiaOfEverRealm
“He’s a nice guy.” Aka he’s bad at his job.
Image credits: escargeaux
You look good with makeup on.
Image credits: Quit_social_media
“I hope your day is as pleasant as you are.”
Image credits: Synli
You look like your mother/father.
Image credits: drpepper1994
“I didn’t think you were pretty without a mask”
Image credits: mikewazowskicult
You must be working really hard, you look more tired than usual.
Image credits: dougiebgood
“Your eyebrows look so good now that they’re even.” – Kim Chi
Image credits: GabrielVibrant
My dad, after not seeing me for several months, saw me and said “I forgot that you’re good looking”. I can’t pinpoint exactly why it made me feel bad and good at the same time but it did.
Image credits: alexknight222
“You’re progressing right on track”
I’ve had people take this well and as a sign that they are doing things correctly. However I have also had people get upset because they thought they were ahead of the curve and special.
Image credits: NotDougLad
“You clean up well.”
Image credits: Moho_braccatus
That blouse looks fantastic on you despite your size
Image credits: jusstressearch
You look so pretty today. As opposed to every other day where I look like cat sick
Image credits: darrenwise883
Apparently asking for an ID when people are buying alcohol.
Image credits: Str00813z
”I can see what you were going for here”
Image credits: tamsui_tosspot
Or when being black… “you’re so well spoken”
Image credits: Used_Willingness5558
You look so much nicer now!
Image credits: DogBreathologist
from Bored Panda
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